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Recently diagnosed with Melancholic depression: seeking advice

Community Member


I'm just wondering if anyone has beaten Melancholic depression without medication ? Or how they manage it without medication ? Though if you do take medication, what are the effects ? I don't really want to take medication,  I am hoping a specific  psychologist could possibly help me instead of numbing myself out completely. I have been battling it since I was 11 and I am now 28, a variety of traumatic experience have occurred throughout my life which have effected my behaviour, mood and trust.  I  never wanted to admit it was actually depression, but the rubber has hit the road, so to speak. 

Both my parents suffer from a mental illness, my mother has paranoia schizophrenia and my dad is bipolar, I thought sharing that may help because I was told Melancholic is genetic,and maybe someone on beyond blue shares a similar story. I also suffer from PTSD, I know everyone is different, but what I  have read on beyond blue I don't suffer it severely, this is all new to me talking about my situation, because growing up we were never allowed to talk about my mums sickness due to the stigma.

My counselor mentioned this website about two months ago, I was abit stand offish at first but then got thinking who better to ask advice then from those who are going through or have experienced a similar illness, 

any suggestions would be appreciated.  

Thanks for your time,


7 Replies 7

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni
dear Crystal, not sure I can help you, but if you google 'Black Dog Institute' and scan through the depression section, it has some helpful advice. L Geoff. x

Community Member

Dear Crystal,

Maybe being a bit stand offish to visit this website is part of your Melancholic depression ?   Anyway,  I've only had depression as in manic depression / bipolar.   But the "to take meds" / "NOT to take meds" debate would be similar for all mental illness.    

The trouble with most meds is that you or the GP really doesn't know if they will work until you try them.   Or try something else.  Or another drug.   When my son had depression in Yr 12 he went through about 5 different anti depressants and none worked.   However, the constant changing, withdrawal, etc, became a real problem and eventually we were paying $175 for a 1/2 hr psychiatrist visit where he would sit there and say 2 words or nothing.  He was just sick of the "trying meds".

You'll definately find people on the BB site with both Melancholic depression and PTSD.  Opening up about your experience will assist you and others.    May I ask for a definition of Melancholic Depression from you or the mods ?  Might help.

Adios, David.

PS   Perverse logic - that you MUST try a drug to then find out it DOESN'T work !  Or as the GP or Psychiatrist will tell you "Just to rule it out".  A bit of good exercise, healthy eating, interaction and keeping tabs on your mood might sound too simple and naive but at least you're in control.


Hi David,

Thanks for your response, 

I will agree with you me being stand offish coming on here probably has something to do with it. As for the med's it really concerns me, because some people from what I have heard when they have tried them became suicidal, others had told me their cousins ended up committing suicide, so hopefully you can see my concerns for the whole keep trying one til you find the right one method ? Do you or son experience this ? if you don't mind me asking ?

May I ask, did or has your son ended up taking the same medication as you ?, I only ask because one doctor told me I should take the same one as my mum, and that was really concerning because mum has paranoia schizophrenia and that I know I don't have. However, I do have low levels of serotonin and so does my mum, and my mum started out with manic depression, it is believed not proven that the trail and error of medication pushed her sickness further and led her to have paranoia schizophrenia,

I'm finding it hard to talk to my friends and family just in general conversation  so I do need to do something, I thought maybe talking with people who are in a similar boat will help the whole feeling alone emotion. My downfall went on for about 1 week just now and I started feeling better today, so I started a mood journal this morning to monitor how often its happening, so thank you for your tips, least I'm thinking logically, Exercise I engage in quiet regularly, general food intake could be higher but what i'm eating is healthy. 

Ok a definition, in the morning like angry, don't wanna talk to anyone, and I find it exhausting if I force myself to tolerate having to talk to people in the morning, probably in the first hr then I snap out of it, I get sad, excited when I feel like something amazing is going to happen (really excited), if it doesn't turn out, down down down I go.... um explain why I guess um... I feel really sad, like there's a big whole missing from my chest - my soul. I feel sad because I feel alone, I feel sad because we live in a horrible world were people do really messed up things - to children, women, men, and to animals, which to me is even more unbearable seen as an animal has never hurt me, just a whole load of hurt from humans both mentally, emotionally and physically, which then I think about that, and think why, why, why, and i understand I still have a long way to go to get over it or manage that. Um this then leads me to feel like I don't want to be here, why do I have to be surrounded by such horrible stuff. I feel like this world is really crap and the good is really rare in people, most people are really crap. I feel like screaming, but there's no where to scream and by the time I have the opportunity to drive some where to scream the feeling has passed, well i think its passed...

From my assessment with the black dog institute and psychologist they say its similar to bipolar 2 so maybe you see similarities ? 

Look forward to hearing from you, thanks agin

Community Member

Hi Geoff, 

Thankyou for your tip, 

I did go on there, was them who did my assessment.  I just wanted to seek personal info

Thanks again 🙂

Community Member

Dear Crystal,

Yep, very similar to Bipolar 2.   Very.   That's interesting stuff.  Scream on.

My son had different meds to my bipolar.   I'm probably the most critical person on the BB site at the moment (see Forum Feedback !) but there is a tendency for psychiatrists to be given new meds by the big drug companies to try on patients FOR FREE !   OK, a supermarket would call them SAMPLES.    Probably why a serious look at your drugs may take some time.   I don't remember my son getting suicidal at the lack of success - just a bit catatonic but then most teenagers are good at looking dumbfounded.  Especially if you've just asked them to walk the dog or do the laundry.  Lol.  He's at uni now studying, wait for it, psychology.  Wow !

What's great about you is that you are savvy.   Any counselor, psychiatrist or psychologist will get your blow torch inspection and a million questions which has got to be better than taking meds because the Doctor said so.   One change of meds I was asked to consider had a small side effect of causing terrible sores and, in extreme cases, killing the patient. I think I passed on that one !   I remember his cry of "But it's only 3% that died in trials, what are you worrying about ?".  Google everything - we are lucky to have drug info on the internet these days.

Trying lots of meds to find "the one"  is probably the worst thing you can do.    You'd be spending a max of 1 month on each and maybe 2 - 3 weeks just re-aligning your body and de-toxing.   I still think med changes should be done under supervision, i.e.pysch admission.   Then at least you get morning tea and 2 Arnotts biscuits while you suffer the doctors "Let's see if this works" game.  But then in my last manic admission I was given 2 tablets (450mg x 2 = 900mg) at night time UNTIL one nurse decided to count out 9 tablets instead (thinking it was 100mg x 9 but actually it was  9 x 450mg)  Mmm,  4,050mg !!   Enough to kill me twice !  Luckily I noticed.     You don't even get that much drama in Days of our Lives.

Don't mean to scare you - but, be vigilant.  Ask questions.   You sound like a great person to me so you should breeze through.   I guess the only other thing is that your body will eventually absorb any med better.   So, in a few years time, you'll have to increase your dose just to cover how good your absoption is as the meds will have become less effective.   That is too long a sentence for after lunch so I might go and lie down now and dream of Arnotts biscuits.

Adios, David.

Hi David,

That is a cracker of a posting I reckon.

It feel you are right on the ball !!!

Well done.

Bravo, Bravo, Bravo.




Dear Sad and Blue

I am very sorry to say Sad and Blue but you are not alone. Instead you are just like the rest of us cursed with this ailment. Whatever the cause is generic, life circumstances or mosquito bite, we are stuck with it.

My only useless suggestions are

1.Keep changing your GP until you find one you can relate to. The right medication can help.

2. If you do not want to go to the party or family gathering, then don't. This will upset a few but stiff! You know what I mean.

 3. Change you job to allow flexibility in the hours worked and avoid human conflict. This will allow you to go to ground when you need to. And you will! With our condition money IS NOT everything! Maybe survival is.

4. Share you issues with family members, wear your problem like a badge but do not drone on about it. It is only fair family members at least are informed of your issues. If they love you they will support you.

5. Get a dog. They will love you no matter how shit you feel. 

6. Get away on your own as much as possible. This may be opposite to much expert advice, but my experience, to become a hermit for a while is great therapy.

7. Tell everyone. Well done for reaching out through forums such as this. We can all moan about our problems openly and honestly together.

8 Similar to 7. I joined Black Dog Rides. This provides good connections with like minded people. But I do upset a few when I refuse to attend social functions. Stiff. So find an activity that you enjoy. In my case ride the motorbike to Ayers Rock. Long way!

9. Set yourself some very simple goals. Possibly activity based such as travel or sport. Maybe reach a game level that has eluded you. Whatever, make sure it is achievable and something you enjoy.

10. Finally, go walking. This seems to work for many of us. Around the neighborhood, around the park, around the zoo (when was the last time you went to the zoo?) along the beach, whatever.

Sorry if none if this makes sense and I truly wish you al the luck in dealing with your issues. Most importantly you are not alone. Reach out and we can grizzle and complain together, great fun!
