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Lost and no direction

Community Member

Hey, I’m feeling lost and like there is no direction for me to go in. I usually follow my gut and persue anything that interests me however, I can’t latch onto anything and everything seems so exhausting. I’m a bright side kind of person and don’t know how to talk to others without this lens. I’m wondering if anyone has advice about how I can sustain direction/joy/flow in my life and not be so alone with this bleh unproductive version of myself

4 Replies 4

Mark Z.
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi Beets,


I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling lost and lacking direction in your life. I came across similar situation before, gradually I realised that I lose interest in small hobbies in the absence of big goals, or when I feel I'm not on the right track to achieving them.


If this is also the case for you, then setting meaningful goals might be the first thing to do. It can provide you with a sense of direction and purpose. Start by identifying short-term and long-term goals that align with your values and interests. Break them down into smaller, manageable steps and work towards them consistently. You won't feel so lost when you feel you are on the right track.


To find our your meaningful goals, you can seek inspiration from others, especially from people who can inspire and motivate you. Engage in conversations with individuals who share your interests or have achieved success in areas that you find fascinating. Their perspectives and experiences may provide valuable insights and guidance.


Alternatively, my way is to browse through TED Talks or podcasts on topics that interest me.


Hope it helps a bit.

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi Beets


Mark offers great advice regarding the small stepping stones and being open to inspiration and guidance from others. Personally, when I have a really strong sense of being completely lost and just can't find my way, I look for good guides. Suppose you could say it's like asking for directions in unknown territory.


Wondering whether you know why you've become so exhausted. Any ideas or clues? As an intuitive person, if you've lost your ability to feel, see or hear, a lack of energy can often be the culprit. So, if gut instinct or that feeling that dictates 'Yep, that's the way' isn't there, it can feel like a matter of 'Where's my sat nav gone?'. If you're a bit of a visionary and through your imagination everything suddenly appears as a blank screen in your mind, it can be so frustrating when all you see is nothing. If you're someone who can normally tap into inner dialogue that sounds a little like 'You have got to do that' or 'Don't do it whatever you do', can feel like you've lost your hearing in a way. All can be really solid and reliable forms of guidance. Most people I know who rely on such forms will say they lose their mojo when they're exhausted or their energy levels are significantly low. Nothing works in 'flat battery' mode.


Too many things to list regarding low energy, so will just touch on a handful

  • Some physical/chemical reasons:  B12 or iron deficiency, thyroid related issues, hormone imbalances etc. Sleep related deficiencies such as insomnia, sleep apnea etc. Deficiencies that can relate to hydro power (lack of water consumption), solar power (lack of sun), kinetic energy (lack of exercise) and the list goes on
  • Some mental reasons: Too many draining people, giving too much of your energy to helping others, an uninspiring/depressing environment, too much of the wrong kind of inner dialogue for one reason or another, the need to break through a mental block/barrier that's come up (outdated mental programs/belief systems), an exhausting level of hyper thinking/mental processing etc
  • Some soulful reasons: If it's our energy that brings us the greatest joy and a sense of flow, I've found focusing or meditating on the lack of everything can become depressing. Hard to achieve at times but I find when I get like this I'm led to meditate in a specific kind of way. I sit and quiet my mind (become thoughtless), ask the question I need an answer to and then open my mind to whatever it is that needs to come to mind. Kinda has a day dreamy feel to it. What may come to mind for me is stuff like 'You're not moving enough' or 'It can't hurt to go and get blood tests done' or 'You need to start taking better care of yourself, as opposed to everyone else'. I know it sounds strange but it works for me.

If you're someone who's a real feeler, you'll be able to easily feel a lack of energy. So, it's not as though you've lost you're ability, it's still telling you something. Figuring out what kind of energy's lacking in any or all of those 3 categories can take a heck of a lot of detective work at times, that's for sure. Btw, not always easy to feel the lead up to a significant lack of energy but you can definitely feel the tipping point.


In flat battery mode, 'being in charge' takes on a whole new meaning. 'How to charge up?' becomes the question.

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi Beets,


I am sorry you are experiencing this feeling, it is really hard. I often feel this way...sometimes I just want to take the easy option, but I have to push myself to work harder. i am the same, i always am positive, so when i am down, it takes a toll on me. you are not alone.


have you spoken to a doctor about these sudden mood changes?


jaz xx

Community Member


im in a similar rut

just signed up to beyond blue looking thru posts etc

im just wasting days away feeling shit having a morning drink cause I know it will let me snooze a bit then waiting again to sleep thru the night. Unproductive which makes me feel worse