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Do I need help?

Community Member

Hello, so after a very difficult last few weeks I thought I should seek advice...

I am a 2nd year engineering student at university, with a loving family, a loving church, and I am a Christian! I really shouldn't have any reason to feel 'down' or sad at all... it almost makes me feel guilty that I feel 'down' so often! Allright well I went from a small school to a big university and I have felt alone for the majority of my time at uni. I spend most of my time travelling to and from uni alone, sitting in the back of lecture theatres alone, spending breaks alone, and then coming home and being in my room alone. Recently I have been losing the will to even go to uni (missed a week or two), which leads to stressing about the course and inevitably being anxious, 'down', lonely, and feeling helpless. I have no direction in my life and no energy to think or change anything... I have resorted to watching tv shows (the Office, friends, how I met your mother) and reading Harry Potter to escape and 'live someone's elses life' - not have to think about my own life.

I have kept this to myself for the past 2 years (although I've been feeling down most through high school as well) and was wondering if I need to be concerned? Do I need to talk to someone about this?

2 Replies 2

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

dear Benjamin-Theodore, to answer your question briefly is yes, because it's becoming a grave concern for yourself now.

Social anxiety is a part of depression, and from what you have said, it is now alienating and cutting you off, and it's now time to seek help.

Two years to keep this to yourself is far too long, because it is going to become a major problem, and it will only get worse, and that's calling a spade a spade, sorry.

There are a few options which you can decide on, either speak to your local priest, or maybe the school counsellor, but as far as I am concerned these are just putting a bandaid over the main issues here, and by saying this means that you should go and see your doctor, and they will get the balling rolling for you.

I can't empathise enough that non of this has anything to do with yourself, because when depression comes our way we can't stop it, but we need help to overcome it. Geoff.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Hi Ben you do sound like you are depressed thats what it does to you it can cause social isolation ect please go and speak to your GP and you may need a referral to a psych as well thats all i will say because Geoff has covered it here perfectly so take his advice also. take care.