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Bipolar- how do you know when a swing is coming?
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I'm looking for shared experiences from other ppl living with bipolar (one or two)-
Most of the time I look for signs my mood is sinking, and I think I'm getting pretty good at managing it before I get really depressed. Then sometimes I feel I'm in a weird space and I wonder if this is the precursor to a coming high.
Im on mood stabilising medication so haven't reached a full-blown mania episode but I sometimes these mild "highs" do make me feel impulsive and risky. I want to go out dancing and drinking with friends. I get more energy to do things around the house. My sleep changes a little but not in the way I've experienced in hypomania.
C anyone share what it feels like for them before mania or is it just a "normal" strange mood? I feel like I don't want to worry my family or doctors unnecessarily. I also don't want to need to increase my meds unless I really have to.
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Hi Jill, welcome
I dont get warning signs, however, I do know that say I have two things worrying me then I'm ultra careful to make sure I dont allow a third problem to topple me over.
These added problems could be minor. Like a warning notice of a late bill.
To alleviate this my wife reorganised our bills to go direct debit. That eliminated a trigger. If you can identify triggers it helps a lot. Ive also learned to give my wife watnings. Driving in traffic can load me up, then say my phone rang and I wondeted who it was...then we arrive at a shopping centre and cant find a park. My wife begins to talk about her ill mum. I say tactfully "darl, I'm overloaded, sorry can we talk about this at a cafe". All good.
We can go into meds much here but I'm on the mood stabilisers. I've adjusted the dise via my GP twice in 8 years. On both occasions i had them initially raised in dosage and realised soon aftwr it was the opposite of what I should have had. So get approval to tweek the dosage to get it just right.
Good sleep is essential. If you suspect you have any sleep apnea seek out a sleep study. Very important.
The highs you describe i used to have but were suppressed after commencing some anti depressants very low dose.
Chat with your dr about that.
Tony WK
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Other times it's impossible to know unless you have triggered something that you know will cause depression and haven't been able to avoid, that's almost a certainty.
For me to move residence is sure to bring me back into having a relapse, it's happened three times and only until I'm settled in it does go away, but I have to change address, contact utilities, phone company, so that's an enormous amount of work plus I have to get used to new neighbours, such a heavy workload if you're single and suffering from depression. Geoff.
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Thanks guys
its good to hear others' experiences.
I think I'm more unfamiliar with how mania can come on and what other people have experienced as symptoms of an oncoming high.
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Hey there,
I have rapid cycling bipolar. I can usually tell when a high is coming on. I tend to start to get a little giddy and can feel it winding up, I start to get a little more energetic and louder and I start getting a bit reckless with money. My highs make me feel great, and my self confidence starts to increase. Social situations is where I notice it the most and I can just feel it starting, unfortunately for me this also mean my patience with people is cut very short and I start getting a little narky with the people around me. This all usually happens in the lead up. My manic high turns me into some energetic know it all jerk. I haven't had a full blown manic episode in a long time now which is great.
The lows can sometimes be a little harder, but I understand what you mean by a weird space, not quite low but not high. A sort blank space and a general slowing down or flat feeling. I'm also on meds to stop mania.
My lows tend to contain a fair amount of anger so I usually take some time to myself to try to get my head back into a good space.
I hope this helps.
Good luck on your journey
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Hi Destiny
Ive got bipolar2. Just wanted to say how great a description you just gave. Well done.
Tony WK
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Hi Jill,
BP1 here. Counselling, treatment, right meds and time have made a difference for me. I'm on a variety of meds, progressively ceased my Prns of late and it's working. Not so bombed out the following day. I'm pretty stable @ the moment.... I'd love to be medication free but that would be silly and irresponsible of me.Excercise and diet changes have made a difference.im emotionally numb . Short term memory not flash, any stress or trying to remember something to memory even from a conversation 5 min ago is impossible. Long term memory is not good either. Regardless, I'm a better person to be around, extremelly grateful to be here. It's a journey, don't know what highs and lows are ahead but know until my parting breath it will be a challenge,
cheers LM
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Hi Airies
well said. You are realistic, you aacknowledge your progress and accept you have lifelong challenges.
Thats a better place to be than where you were.
Tony WK
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have to choof soon but BBl just adding this to my threads 🙂
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Haven't read replies yet but want to
I use for yrs to have 2/3 nights before birdies fart waking wide up taking either side of an hr getting back to sleep.
Other times, varying intensity couple days depression before, extreme on downs
Its changing for me, now the suckers sneak up more so not much warning but ok cause when ya feel good, really good lol might take next day to realise even when the energy's peaking. Gold. We might all have that ultimate potential in us.
Low mood before, restless often wanna be doing something, mind gets a bit yeah might be weird like you're saying Jill, goes to a different space doesn't it, bit neutral maybe but wanting to go somewhere.
It feeds of lack of sleep, exhausting/deeply tiring. I've had 3 short manias in this cycle, bliss bombs but the rest God, frightening how low ya go.
Good on you talking and asking, way to learn and work through, good people here, lot wanting to help and support. Understanding, safe enviroment, excellent site
Cyaz later