
Depression affects people in Australia every day. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with depression.


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BeyondBlue Hello! Read this if you're not sure how to get started
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Welcome This section of the Beyond Blue Forums is for talking about our experiences with Depression. There are lots of chats about how it makes us feel, what it’s like to live with depression and what has worked to help in these times. Thank you for ... View more

Welcome This section of the Beyond Blue Forums is for talking about our experiences with Depression. There are lots of chats about how it makes us feel, what it’s like to live with depression and what has worked to help in these times. Thank you for coming this far, we know it can be really hard to take these steps if depression is in your life - we see you and think this is a great step. To get the most out of this space we have a few tips: Get involved. The Forums work best for you when you get active and post where you can. Now, we know that can be really hard, especially when you are experiencing depression. So, if you can post something supportive to someone else here, that would be an incredible start. Speak from the heart. This community wants to know how YOU feel and what has worked for YOU. We trust that you have something unique to say and we can’t wait to hear it. Check in. Lots of the chats on this Forum having been going for years and they are some of the richest conversations we have. Keep checking in to get new ideas and offer your support. We know it can be tough to start, but when you are ready we want to hear your thoughts. If you need some time to get to know the community, that's okay! Have a look around and see where you want to get involved. Thank you for being here Beyond Blue

Jeriava How do I talk to my doctor?
  • replies: 9

I’ve been struggling with my life for the past 7-8 years but I finally made an appointment with a doctor. I feel really scared though because I don’t ever go to the doctor for anything, and I havent seen this doctor for so many years that I’m really ... View more

I’ve been struggling with my life for the past 7-8 years but I finally made an appointment with a doctor. I feel really scared though because I don’t ever go to the doctor for anything, and I havent seen this doctor for so many years that I’m really scared that they’ll judge me or won’t believe anything I say. I’m really anti social so I feel like I won’t be able to say what I wanna say or I’ll say the wrong thing causing them to just dismiss me and move me along without helping. I’m just tired of feeling alone, depressed and just worthless but I’m really scared to talk to them.

  • replies: 132

Hi Everyone, Here are some ideas you might like to try for managing symptoms of depression. Of course everyone's different, so let us know what works for you, and please feel free to add to the list... Mindfulness – through breathing or engaging the ... View more

Hi Everyone, Here are some ideas you might like to try for managing symptoms of depression. Of course everyone's different, so let us know what works for you, and please feel free to add to the list... Mindfulness – through breathing or engaging the 5 senses Distress Tolerance – Accepting Emotions and Self Soothing Distraction – Put the thoughts/feelings aside and come back to them when you are ready to deal with them Positive Affirmations – Have some affirmations written down repeat them to yourself daily Sleep/Exercise/Diet – All 3 aspects of our lifestyle can impact the way we think/feel Increasing Pleasurable Activities – Engage in at least one pleasurable activity per day

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squeak Impatient
  • replies: 4

I have been fighting depression now for more years than I care to remember, and it has always taken the same course, that is I find it difficult to do anything and that means anything. Like every one else here I struggle on a day to day basis with ju... View more

I have been fighting depression now for more years than I care to remember, and it has always taken the same course, that is I find it difficult to do anything and that means anything. Like every one else here I struggle on a day to day basis with just getting out of bed, getting into the shower, going to work and dealing with the household chores. I usually dont want to move or go any where and I don't feel any joy in any part of my life. I have had breast cancer four years ago and I am still fighting that battle as well, my husband is an alchoholic and my daughter who is only 28 is very ill and has just had two hip replacements due to a metobolic bone disease and now there is complications with that, so I dont feel as if there is any light at the end of the tunnel, but just recently I have found myself very agitated and extremley impatient to the point that I want to smash things and throw things, I yell and scream and get very angry with everyone around me, I have road rage and I find it difficult to go out in public as I want to abuse any one who gets in my way in the shops etc. Has any one else experienced periods of impatience with their depression. Looking foward to hearing your thoughts on this. - Thanks J

longingforchange plummeted in to depression
  • replies: 4

In the past two months I have what I can only describe as plummeted in to depression. It was triggered by some work my husband and I had decided to have done around our home yet afterwards I was left feeling like it was one of the worst decisions of ... View more

In the past two months I have what I can only describe as plummeted in to depression. It was triggered by some work my husband and I had decided to have done around our home yet afterwards I was left feeling like it was one of the worst decisions of my life and feel constant dread at being in my own home for no logical reason. It started out as anxiety and panic attacks after the work had been done when I realised I couldn’t undo it but desperately wanted to. I’ve experienced panic attacks on and off for 9 years but not recently. The anxiety has retreated somewhat but has been replaced by a deepening depression and feelings of worthlessness and in making wrong decisions in my life. Looking back I know I’ve had depression for some years, including what I believe was post natal depression after I had my daughter who’s now 8 1/2 but was much too scared at the time to admit to anyone that I needed any help or wasn’t coping. Each time I seem to have been able to pull myself out from the depths of darkness but this time feels different. It feels like all of the dark times rolled in to one and I’m not even sure why it has occurred this time, why now? I was feeling so scared that I reached out to my husband and family and started seeing a psychologist which I certainly wouldn't have considered doing in the past. Telling my family of my depression makes me feel like im burdening them which they say it isn’t but I can see their not being able to help me is affecting them too. I don’t feel like im making any progress as my feelings haven’t changed but I do find talking to the psychologist helps, yet is only a temporary feeling until I get home again and my negative thoughts return. All of this turns in to guilt. So many people are in much worse situations, are terminally ill, in bad relationships, have sick loved ones etc. I have no reason to be depressed. I have lovely children, a supportive husband, a stable job, my own home which ive just had work done to, there should be no reason to be depressed. Yet im so desperately unhappy. For a long time ive been busy with full time work, uni, kids after school and weekend activities and a business. I've been functioning on auto pilot for so long but now i dont feel like i can get out of bed and function. My GP wanted to put me on antidepressants but i'm scared of the effect they may have on me and if they will even be able to help. I keep reading that you're not alone but depression really is such a lonely feeling.

Jo3 Depressed about stuffing up again
  • replies: 13

Why is it that everytime I do something I stuff up big time?? I hate it so much that now I am hating myself so much. I had a session last night with my regular therapist. He gave me work to do on the moodgym website. I started last night. But then I ... View more

Why is it that everytime I do something I stuff up big time?? I hate it so much that now I am hating myself so much. I had a session last night with my regular therapist. He gave me work to do on the moodgym website. I started last night. But then I thought I would like a session next week to discuss certain issues I have but never have time to talk about it. So I emailed him last night. He replied this morning with - no I don't have any appts for the whole week, I will see you the following week and we can put these issues down on a list to talk about then. And he also told me not to email him a reply because he knew that I would be angry with him and he didn't want a reply. Oh yes I was damn angry with him - why couldn't he fit me in somewhere; why does he have to have boundaries; So what did I do? - I emailed him back in my state of rage with him. I asked him if I could then speak with him today. His reply was no we will talk on Monday. That made me even more angry so I replied back saying that I was so damn angry with him and that I hated him. (He knows that I don't really hate him). He never replied back. So I guess I have to wait until Monday, It annoys me because I know that my behaviour was very childish, and prob manipulative as well. All I wanted was to talk to him or even better have another session. I stuff up all the time; maybe he should give up on me for good. Jo

SpectreOfMe I have fallen again
  • replies: 5

Hi, this is actually my 1st post on a forum like this before so i'll try my best to get my message across. I have had depression for many years now (was diagnosed at 18 am now 29) i was only on anti-depressants for the 1st year then figured i could m... View more

Hi, this is actually my 1st post on a forum like this before so i'll try my best to get my message across. I have had depression for many years now (was diagnosed at 18 am now 29) i was only on anti-depressants for the 1st year then figured i could manage on my own. i have had my ups and downs as anyone does but the past few weeks i have been having these ups and downs multiple times a day instead of every now and then. in the past i was really depressed, approximately 7 years after i was diagnosed, i didn't leave my room, i barely even showered, i lost all my friends cause i was not putting in any effort to do anything. about six months ago i finally got away from the place i was living and now live alone in a unit, i have not been happier in a long time, i started seeing a GP again after 10 years and got referred to a psychologist, which i see the 1st time this friday coming. i don't work cause i can't get hired (never had a job so no experience), i have no money to do anything but pay rent,bills and get food. i'm also still a virgin which gets me down at times (try not to think about it). Now the past few weeks i have had no energy, i seem to be sleeping in where i never did before, i cry at least daily and i don't even know why sometimes, yes, i'm lonely but i was for 10 years and didn't really care then. i just feel like i am going back to that dark place i was in for so long, i'm scared that i will not ever be happy and get frustrated all the time bout constantly struggling everyday. i tell my sister and the few friends i managed to reconnect with that i'm fine but 1 of them knows i'm not and that i hate lying to my sister about it, i just don't feel comfortable discussing that stuff with her. i hope the psychologist can help me to vent a little cause i have been told that i tend to bottle things up, and i am willing to go on meds again if they help me (my old meds made me like a robot) i'm not sure what i am saying really, so confused about everything. feels like i'm playing mind games with myself everyday and my mind is really good at the game and keeps beating me. just a rough few weeks and felt i had to do something and so here i am, with all you fine people. and i hope that better days will come eventually Sean

depressed where to from here
  • replies: 8

I have a job I hate coming to, I need to work like everyone eles. I know its the depression that makes me see all the negatives, but when I try to give positive feedback I am forced down. for the last 4 years I have changed jobs (same profession) mor... View more

I have a job I hate coming to, I need to work like everyone eles. I know its the depression that makes me see all the negatives, but when I try to give positive feedback I am forced down. for the last 4 years I have changed jobs (same profession) more times I can remember. am I going to stay in a job or even like going to work???????? My husband died nearly a year ago not helping things. I was diagnoised with depression & anxiety in 2006, leading to being medically let go from an eight year job I loved.can anyone tell me there is a positive end to all this????????????

mesh65 Tried everything
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Im a 28 y/o happily married guy and was officially diagnosed with severe major depressive disorder when I was 19. Since then, Ive tried everything. Self help books, psychologist, psychiatrists, anti depression medications and everything. Its about 6 ... View more

Im a 28 y/o happily married guy and was officially diagnosed with severe major depressive disorder when I was 19. Since then, Ive tried everything. Self help books, psychologist, psychiatrists, anti depression medications and everything. Its about 6 weeks since Ive finished another treatment period. Its shocking that Im a physician. I actually finished medschool about two years ago. Im also diagnosed with adult ADHD and OCD. I haven’t killed myself because I strongly believe in after life. I actually tried to find a way out of my faith to kill myself but I couldn’t. Another shocking thing is that I actually have a good life. Just bought my second house, have an average car. My wife is a 3rd year OB/GYN resident, I am the supervisor of medical students’ research in a university and was able to upgrade the rank of student research position of my university from 24th to 3rd in 6 months and this year we’ll become 2nd. If I wasn’t depressed, we would have become the 1st in the country. During the last several months, I don’t go to work regularly and haven’t done anything. The changes Ive made haven’t happened with hard work, only by implementing new teaching methods and some creative changes. Im finishing my mandatory service in 6 months and even though I have good offers of staying in this university with great promotional offers (which I would be great at). But I have rejected the offers until now… I cant find out what to do… believe me, I have done much while depressed and I can do much more (the bar is very very low over here and no one has done anything so whatever I do will dramatically change many lives) if I could manage this disorder but Ive become disappointed and currently believe that it cant be managed at all.Anyone have an answer, opinion or something for me?beyondblue's clinically-trained moderators often work offline (invisible to you) on issues relating to suicide or self-harm. At the same time, general supportive comments from the community are encouraged. If you have concerns around suicide or self-harm, please phone our support service on 1300 22 4636.

winterrose I can't seem to stop crying & I don't know why?
  • replies: 1

I keep crying for no reason, it's been getting worse this past week, I'm crying for about 10 minute intervals every couple of hours. I can't stop, I just get this overwhelming feeling and just burst into tears, even looking at my own reflection I bur... View more

I keep crying for no reason, it's been getting worse this past week, I'm crying for about 10 minute intervals every couple of hours. I can't stop, I just get this overwhelming feeling and just burst into tears, even looking at my own reflection I burst into tears. Yesterday I had those heartache feelings while I was crying. Today I have a headache and I've had stomach pains. I don't want to say anything to anyone in real life in case they just laugh at me, or think I'm attention seeking or stupid. I don't really know what to do...

bonbon Just started meds . Very anxious, depressed, crying all the time.
  • replies: 5

Never posted before. But really need to talk to someone . Have been diagnosed with depression and ocd. Have been seeing a physhologist for a couple of weeks . The Doc and physch have both reccommended Medication. I have agonised over taken it as I am... View more

Never posted before. But really need to talk to someone . Have been diagnosed with depression and ocd. Have been seeing a physhologist for a couple of weeks . The Doc and physch have both reccommended Medication. I have agonised over taken it as I am still giving my 2yo a bedtime breastfeed ( trying to wean him but to stressful right now ) I took meds first time last night and was terrible , got no sleep and woke up a wreck. Uncontrollable crying , very anxious and couldn't function . Was lucky my partner had the day of work . As I was incapable of looking after my son. Im so scared and dont know how to cope , atleast yesterday I could function . Scared how the meds have made me react . I have a 2yo to think about and its not fair on him to see me like this , he keeps hugging me and giving me kisses which is just breaking my heart. Pleaee tell me there is light at the end of the tunnel

Dennis38 Thoughts on Depression
  • replies: 3

I think I have come to a startling revelation about myself, or I should say that I have come to a final conclusion. I honestly think that once you are hit with a depression such as the one that I, and many others, have gone though we're some what bro... View more

I think I have come to a startling revelation about myself, or I should say that I have come to a final conclusion. I honestly think that once you are hit with a depression such as the one that I, and many others, have gone though we're some what broken the rest of our lives. We manage and we live with depression but we never truly get "better" its kind of like a recovering drug addict or recovering alcoholic. I have several friends that are recovering drug or alcohoics and they... have all said the same thing, we are clean, we are better, yet one little slip, one taste and we will be off the wagon and maybe for good. Its always a battle with yourself and temptation, depression is kind of the same thing. To be brutally honest I think that depression is actually a little harder, I can not begin to imagine the will power that it takes a recovering drug or alcholoic to stay on the wagon, but both the recovering drug addicts and recovering alcohoilics have a great support system. There are meetings like AA and other such things, and when these people be come clean people praise them for being clean and sober for how ever long they have managed it. But yet when it comes to depression people (and those that suffer from this disease) lay to hard of a judgement on people. Those that suffer from depression are the worst ones when it comes to judging ourselves (I am including myself in this). There is still this major stigma about being depressed as if some how its "wrong" or people will look on the outside and say "Well what reason do they have?" Honestly its easier to stay depressed then to try to fix what is wrong with in yourself, or at the very least its a hell of a lot easier to just say "I am depressed and worthless, so why bother trying?" Depression still has its claws in me, I have my good days, then I have some really bad days, and I still have some major issues that I am not sure if I have the strength to stand up and change or at least work around, such asI am scared to try something new to improve myself because I am waiting for something to come along and rip it out of my grasp like what has happened a lot in the past, either through my own fault or through someone else's fault. Despite the fear and anxiety I am still moving forward, trying to start my own business, and trying to help others where and when I can, half a step only but its still moving forward!

white knight Depression and Physical restrictions
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As an extension of my other thread "Depression and excercise" I thought I'd mention this topic of physical restrictions or injury. It's been on my mind since 3 years ago when I broke my lower leg and was wheel chair bound for 8 weeks. The first 4 wee... View more

As an extension of my other thread "Depression and excercise" I thought I'd mention this topic of physical restrictions or injury. It's been on my mind since 3 years ago when I broke my lower leg and was wheel chair bound for 8 weeks. The first 4 weeks was so painful I didnt have the mental idol time to be depressed and I had to worry about my business running. Then it set in as well as impatience to get on two feet again. The trouble is my physical health is a balancing act. DVT both legs, gout that just wont go away, old back injury (well who hasnt got one?), etc. I have to admit however that I always seem to have the drive to put these things aside in my daily life....well most times anyway. I suppose I really believe that I am more fortunate than some, lucky to walk, lucky to do most things. But I also admit that at times it gets me down and seems to trigger depression. But that isnt conclusive. My depression comes and goes in short bursts now that I'm stable on the correct medication making it difficult to isolate if it is a trigger or not. This is where I need your opinions. How effected is your depression from physical issues? Did you have the depression before or after your physical restrictions came about? Thanks Tony