i have depression. not very surprising. im pretty much used to it i
guess. im used to being in an on and off (mostly on) depressive episode.
im so SO tired but oh well, what can i do, right? a lot of my friends
know about this and they always tell me...
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i have depression. not very surprising. im pretty much used to it i
guess. im used to being in an on and off (mostly on) depressive episode.
im so SO tired but oh well, what can i do, right? a lot of my friends
know about this and they always tell me theyre here for me. so i vent to
them if i need to. the sad thing is, i think theyre getting sick of me,
because theyre giving dry replies, such as "oh damnn" or "idk what to
say sorry" or "yikes". and these replies just make me feel 10x worse, so
i have decided to isolate myself and be alone with my thoughts.
sometimes it becomes too much and i blurt out things i wasnt planning on
saying. last week i suddenly said "when will i ever recover from
depression??" out loud to my friend. and she said "you wont because
youre not even trying." that hurt. so much. i am trying so hard to get
better. everyday i wake up and go to school. i hold back my tears as
much as i can. i try SO SO HARD not to think dark thoughts but its hard.
i feel like my brain and i are separate people, and i cant control my
thoughts. my thoughts control me. i really REALLY wish people would
understand that. my friend thinks im not trying because i still say
depressing things a lot of the time, but i cant help it. i genuinely
cannot control my brain. my brain is a bully, and is in charge of all
the bad thoughts. i, on the other hand, am trying to block the bad
thoughts, but im miserably failing because im not strong enough, my
brain is too loud. TOO LOUD. im trying as hard as i can. im just so
tired of trying to be louder than the bad thoughts. the bad thoughts are
screaming and i have to scream louder than them. im so tired of having
to block the bad thoughts. i am so tired. im in highschool which doesnt
help cuz the schoolwork is hella overwhelming and that adds to my
tiredness. at this point i have given up on school and all my hobbies
and idk where i can get my motivation back. (im getting off track lol)
anyhoo i just really REALLY wish people would understand one thing: my
brain and i are separate people. my brain generates all the bad
thoughts, and even though i am supposed to control the bad thoughts, i
am incapable of doing that. so they end up controlling me. i dont like
it, and theres honestly nothing i can do. I REALLY AM TRYING PLEASE
:(((( please help me