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Jeriava How do I talk to my doctor?
  • replies: 9

I’ve been struggling with my life for the past 7-8 years but I finally made an appointment with a doctor. I feel really scared though because I don’t ever go to the doctor for anything, and I havent seen this doctor for so many years that I’m really ... View more

I’ve been struggling with my life for the past 7-8 years but I finally made an appointment with a doctor. I feel really scared though because I don’t ever go to the doctor for anything, and I havent seen this doctor for so many years that I’m really scared that they’ll judge me or won’t believe anything I say. I’m really anti social so I feel like I won’t be able to say what I wanna say or I’ll say the wrong thing causing them to just dismiss me and move me along without helping. I’m just tired of feeling alone, depressed and just worthless but I’m really scared to talk to them.

Chris_B Are you looking to support someone else with depression? PLEASE READ before posting
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This forum is for people seeking support for their own mental health issues. If you're posting on behalf of someone else with a mental health issue that you're concerned about, please have a look at this section of our forums: Supporting family and f... View more

This forum is for people seeking support for their own mental health issues. If you're posting on behalf of someone else with a mental health issue that you're concerned about, please have a look at this section of our forums: Supporting family and friends with a mental health condition It's full of threads from people who have family members and friends going through anxiety, depression or other related conditions. Have a read through the threads there, and feel free to take part in the discussions. Below are also some helpful beyondblue resources you might want to look through first as well: Supporting someone Have the conversation

  • replies: 132

Hi Everyone, Here are some ideas you might like to try for managing symptoms of depression. Of course everyone's different, so let us know what works for you, and please feel free to add to the list... Mindfulness – through breathing or engaging the ... View more

Hi Everyone, Here are some ideas you might like to try for managing symptoms of depression. Of course everyone's different, so let us know what works for you, and please feel free to add to the list... Mindfulness – through breathing or engaging the 5 senses Distress Tolerance – Accepting Emotions and Self Soothing Distraction – Put the thoughts/feelings aside and come back to them when you are ready to deal with them Positive Affirmations – Have some affirmations written down repeat them to yourself daily Sleep/Exercise/Diet – All 3 aspects of our lifestyle can impact the way we think/feel Increasing Pleasurable Activities – Engage in at least one pleasurable activity per day

All discussions

white knight Obesity and mental anguish
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Your GP tells you that your Body Mass Index calculation puts you in the obese range. Or perhaps like me once I read a referral and in it is that word "obese". How demoralising! BMI is- "The body mass index or Quetelet index is a value derived from th... View more

Your GP tells you that your Body Mass Index calculation puts you in the obese range. Or perhaps like me once I read a referral and in it is that word "obese". How demoralising! BMI is- "The body mass index or Quetelet index is a value derived from the mass and height of a person. The BMI is defined as the body mass divided by the square of the body height, and is universally expressed in units of kg/m², resulting from mass in kilograms and height in metres". So basically if you are short and large for your height your BMI will be high = obese. While it is a calculation that is accepted in the medical profession how does this help those of us that acquire a mental illness or are simply sad about being overweight? Well if you are like me, I leave the clinic more upset than when I walked in which takes me to the nearby bakery to swarm around some donuts to repair the shame. What is the ways we can overcome this problem? Here is my method- Doing the best you can with that old aged remedy, more exercise and less food consumption. Lets get that in perspective - eat healthier, limit junk food and walk daily. Accept you'll never be a slim person. This effects females more than males. Focus on you capabities not your restrictions Dont make your excess weight a bigger issue than life itself. Your personality, kindness, compassion etc is of greater importance BMI is a calculation for the benefit of those that dedicate their lives to helping others. It indicates to them that you need such assistance. Its purpose is not to shame. If your GP is slim, like most other slim people he/she might drop words that are offensive. Accept that if you were slim you might not relate to overweight people either nor our sensitivities. As a man women that are overweight can look attractive with how they dress but how they laugh with their bubbly personality - well I just want to cuddle them. Accept you have the capacity to be as attractive as anyone else. Discount the judgemental. We do this to people that dont understand mental illness or are cruel. We reject those that hold prejudicial views on race, sexuality and religion then stand proud and ignore them. Love animals. They love you back unconditionally Admire yourself for your achievements Order only one donut Keep physically active Love friends and family. Everyone adores affection. Ask people questions about themselves- they'll love you for that. Leave the BMI in your medical file at the clinic not in your mind. TonyWK

Dollyface Isolated and struggling to find my place
  • replies: 2

I’ve lived in Australia 2 years, I’m 46,I work alone as a cook in early years child care.i did the same thing in UK, I had colleagues every day was fun, I enjoyed my job, now I hate it, hate cooking. I’ve very limited conversations with anyone, it’s ... View more

I’ve lived in Australia 2 years, I’m 46,I work alone as a cook in early years child care.i did the same thing in UK, I had colleagues every day was fun, I enjoyed my job, now I hate it, hate cooking. I’ve very limited conversations with anyone, it’s soul destroying. in my break I walk around the streets & at the end of the day I go home To my 11 yr old daughter who mainly sits in her room, then my partner comes home, he is a ward clerk so has no interest in having big conversations.I have no friends, no family here. My partners family don’t like me so I’ve not seen them since Xmas where I had to endure a full day in their company knowing they don’t care for me & apparently my partners friends think I am a bit much, which is possibly down to me having zero interaction with people for 95% of my life. I am socially awkward but when I get my confidence up then I’m too much for people, there is no happy medium, people just don’t take to me or want to be my friend, this has been happening all my life, I’ve had a few good friends in my life but nothing since been here, I talk to people briefly while out then I come away despondent because I know it won’t amount to anything, I friend request them on Facebook and that’s it, nothing more, I’m embarrassed to tell people I have no friends, so I sit at home and watch TV,scroll through Facebook to see what people in UK are doing then get upset. i used to love music, going to gigs and I am in a band and you would think that would create a social outlet but it hasn’t, I feel like quitting the band because while my partner gets people talking to him,no one talks to me, Im quite intimidating, nearly six foot with resting bitch face which doesn’t help and I do try and be mindful of that but obviously I’m not approachable. I did jewellery for a bit,genealogy but they are isolating hobbies, I joined netball but the girls were much younger,everyone has their own lives etc, so i packed it in. I don’t have much money so can’t afford a gym or to do a course.I can’t face going to meetups on my own which I’ve looked at. I can’t even afford counselling and went to a place where people were training to be counsellors for a cheap rate but I hated it, it made me feel worse, I was not brought up to be spiritual so counselling/self help books don’t help. I don’t answer the door or answer my phone if it’s a withheld number and I have zero retail therapy unless I do it alone. I’m becoming more and more internal. How do I move on?

MooseyMoo24 I’m tired of everything.
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I’ve recently started therapy again but I feel like I need to talk about how I’m feeling now. I am tired, of feeling like a disappointment, of feeling like everything I do is pointless and not good enough, like I’m a waste of space, a waste of people... View more

I’ve recently started therapy again but I feel like I need to talk about how I’m feeling now. I am tired, of feeling like a disappointment, of feeling like everything I do is pointless and not good enough, like I’m a waste of space, a waste of people’s time money and effort. I feel like I can’t physically or mentally do the much needed and important things I need to do, like uni assignments. Then when I don’t do them I feel even worst because I didn’t do the thing. I feel completely useless. I want to just sleep.

Mummaof7 Mum of 7 a baby on the way
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Hi I’m a mum of 7 an have 2 grandchildren an have just found out that I’m pregnant again..I’m not happy nor excited I don’t know how to feel about it.. my youngest is almost 2 so I just went back to work a few months ago an have been enjoying the adu... View more

Hi I’m a mum of 7 an have 2 grandchildren an have just found out that I’m pregnant again..I’m not happy nor excited I don’t know how to feel about it.. my youngest is almost 2 so I just went back to work a few months ago an have been enjoying the adult time again.. I really want my last to definitely b my last.. I’m very confused that I can’t bring myself to tell my friends an extended family.. I don’t want to b judged for the number of kids I have.. I feel it’s making me very depressed

deprees8 justifying to yourself when your down
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hi all this probably has been written before but how does anybody justify to themselves that although shit does happen in your life you will get through it. i know that writing down the problem seems to help but how can i tell it to shut up. i have o... View more

hi all this probably has been written before but how does anybody justify to themselves that although shit does happen in your life you will get through it. i know that writing down the problem seems to help but how can i tell it to shut up. i have only just recently gotten back on anti depressants and i have gotten out of my shell so to speak but how can i justify to my self that although i know that others are different and its ok that rejection happens and although the other person is probably like i was before. how do you cope in situations like this. i am starting to feel as if i dont fit into any 'category'. any tips would be grateful and i hope to continue on here and hopefully see me here more. Thanks and sorry if this has already been answered before to lazy to find it

Moes Am I depressed
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Idk if how I’m feeling Rn is me being sad for idk what or if I’m getting depression. I don’t go to school much and I’m always sleeping. I also don’t go out with my friends anymore so yeh

Idk if how I’m feeling Rn is me being sad for idk what or if I’m getting depression. I don’t go to school much and I’m always sleeping. I also don’t go out with my friends anymore so yeh

environment Environmental Depression
  • replies: 4

I have finally been diagnosed with Environmental Depression, which I understand and totally agree with. I am not in a financial position to escape this, does anyone know of any organisations/people that can help ? Thanks for reading....

I have finally been diagnosed with Environmental Depression, which I understand and totally agree with. I am not in a financial position to escape this, does anyone know of any organisations/people that can help ? Thanks for reading....

StephanieT A struggle beyond words
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I've struggled for years now with my mental health. My depression all too consuming, that sometimes I feel it is too much for me. To know I am not alone in my journey is something that kind of makes it easier. Support has become my hope, so I am writ... View more

I've struggled for years now with my mental health. My depression all too consuming, that sometimes I feel it is too much for me. To know I am not alone in my journey is something that kind of makes it easier. Support has become my hope, so I am writing on here to show anyone out there without the support that people care for you, including me. I use to be scared to talk about my depression or let people know that I am not okay, but hiding from the truth does no good. Mental illness is just as important as any other illness, so I am no longer ashamed of what I have, I have learnt to accept it. This is not something I chose, the depression chose me. I've come to terms with the fact that I have a chemical imbalance in my brain and taking tablets each day is just something I need to do in order to function. The other day I had a terrible day and decided to write down what depression felt like for me. I am going to share it on here to show others that you're not alone and I know exactly how it feels day in and day out..... "I’m struggling more than words can describe. The pain is overwhelming, my mind is suffocating. I try my best to fight but sometimes I consider whether there is anything worth fighting for anymore. The pain in my head can be unbearable, almost consuming. A dark cloud that swarms over me out of nowhere, but always lingering around. Somehow, I manage to push through every time; a strength stronger than anyone could ever imagine. Almost beyond words. " We are the strong, we fight everyday, I am proud of myself and I can only hope that this message reaches at least one person in need.

geejay93 Decisions, decisions - need a second eye.
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Think i hit a rut. Expectations were that life would (feel) pretty good at this age (25). Happy to get out of school and into the real world (no friends, bullied) and decided to pursue a career in hospo (made friends, mostly through alcohol and drugs... View more

Think i hit a rut. Expectations were that life would (feel) pretty good at this age (25). Happy to get out of school and into the real world (no friends, bullied) and decided to pursue a career in hospo (made friends, mostly through alcohol and drugs) I Left that environment after six years to choose a career in accounting. But 2.5 years in uni I have an accounting job but no time for hobbies (too much study) or enough time to work on my health then i would like. Overall i still no friends that i can rely on. Havent had gf in 3 years either! Assumed i would make many friends at uni but never happened lol. Many of my friends now engaged or have kids, while im in uni for 1.5 years left.. feels like im starting all over again.. end goal will be worth i know but right now im bored and lonely where i am? I also have no time for new hobbies and the only hobby i want to do is travel and meet new people Obviously not happy in current environment. And i need a change of some sort. And i feel sad most of the time. I dont see the point of staying in the same town working sleeping and studying if i dont have a social life or friends to truly share my time with. But uni! Its controlling my life. And i cant just quit it that would be silly. Moving to another city may require me to repeat 2-3 subjects. Study abroad i got rejected as marks werent high enough. Question: should I.. 1. Take a leave of absence from uni (6 months min) and travel abroad (something im passionate about) come back broke but alive because i did more than just exist and used time to work on personal development 2. Do what everyone else is telling me to do and ‘suck it up’ for a year and a half even though they cant understand how i feel I know the answer may seem obvious but this is a big decision and i just want the opinions of someone who had to alter their commitments for the greater good of self improvement and actual happiness before i just quit my accounting job, take time off uni and basically spend all my savings ($10k) to live somewhere new. Living in sydney australia can really take its toll as many want the aussie dream and / or the career ladder and its gets to you sometimes cause your outside the bubble.

MooRich94 Can Anyone tell me What the Point is?
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What’s the point in wasting majority of life depressed, I mean I would love to be my old happy self again, who I was maybe about 9- 10 years ago. And I’ve tried, and I’ve kept trying but with no success. Why keep fighting - what is the point. I can’t... View more

What’s the point in wasting majority of life depressed, I mean I would love to be my old happy self again, who I was maybe about 9- 10 years ago. And I’ve tried, and I’ve kept trying but with no success. Why keep fighting - what is the point. I can’t even afford to go to a psychologist anymore, I can barely afford to renew my anti depressant script. Not that they did much anyway. All I do is cry and hate myself and it’s just so tiring. This year was supposed to be my year, but it’s gone absolutely awful thus far. Also I’m fairly positive I have binge eating disorder - which doesn’t help how much I absolutely detest myself. Each day I hate myself a little bit more and have less to look forward to in my life. I’m a full time uni student (again) with two jobs, no time for myself, pretty destitute each week I struggle to pay for necessities, that doesn’t stop me from wasting it on extra food to feed my fat hungry mouth.... my partner left me because my depression was “too draining” for him. So not only am I depressed, I am also unloveable. Again... what’s the point. I don’t know what I want to achieve from this post. I can’t afford help. I don’t have enough time for myself to get help anyway. Again - what’s the damn point. I’ve cried enough tears and I’ve thought enough thoughts. I am sick of it.