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Jeriava How do I talk to my doctor?
  • replies: 9

I’ve been struggling with my life for the past 7-8 years but I finally made an appointment with a doctor. I feel really scared though because I don’t ever go to the doctor for anything, and I havent seen this doctor for so many years that I’m really ... View more

I’ve been struggling with my life for the past 7-8 years but I finally made an appointment with a doctor. I feel really scared though because I don’t ever go to the doctor for anything, and I havent seen this doctor for so many years that I’m really scared that they’ll judge me or won’t believe anything I say. I’m really anti social so I feel like I won’t be able to say what I wanna say or I’ll say the wrong thing causing them to just dismiss me and move me along without helping. I’m just tired of feeling alone, depressed and just worthless but I’m really scared to talk to them.

Chris_B Are you looking to support someone else with depression? PLEASE READ before posting
  • replies: 1

This forum is for people seeking support for their own mental health issues. If you're posting on behalf of someone else with a mental health issue that you're concerned about, please have a look at this section of our forums: Supporting family and f... View more

This forum is for people seeking support for their own mental health issues. If you're posting on behalf of someone else with a mental health issue that you're concerned about, please have a look at this section of our forums: Supporting family and friends with a mental health condition It's full of threads from people who have family members and friends going through anxiety, depression or other related conditions. Have a read through the threads there, and feel free to take part in the discussions. Below are also some helpful beyondblue resources you might want to look through first as well: Supporting someone Have the conversation

  • replies: 132

Hi Everyone, Here are some ideas you might like to try for managing symptoms of depression. Of course everyone's different, so let us know what works for you, and please feel free to add to the list... Mindfulness – through breathing or engaging the ... View more

Hi Everyone, Here are some ideas you might like to try for managing symptoms of depression. Of course everyone's different, so let us know what works for you, and please feel free to add to the list... Mindfulness – through breathing or engaging the 5 senses Distress Tolerance – Accepting Emotions and Self Soothing Distraction – Put the thoughts/feelings aside and come back to them when you are ready to deal with them Positive Affirmations – Have some affirmations written down repeat them to yourself daily Sleep/Exercise/Diet – All 3 aspects of our lifestyle can impact the way we think/feel Increasing Pleasurable Activities – Engage in at least one pleasurable activity per day

All discussions

Deadkai What am I doing wrong
  • replies: 3

Hey everyone, I'm a 26 year old guy who feels lonely, afraid and worthless. I've never had a girlfriend and feel scared when I approach women. I don't feel like I have friends who care about me, I've never felt part of any groups, don't get me wrong,... View more

Hey everyone, I'm a 26 year old guy who feels lonely, afraid and worthless. I've never had a girlfriend and feel scared when I approach women. I don't feel like I have friends who care about me, I've never felt part of any groups, don't get me wrong, I try to put in my best effort but it's seen as being desperate by few while others take advantage, and I let them out of fear of being lonely. I tend to have mood swings which push me to my extreme positive, rare as it is, is the only chance I get to speak with women. And then the feeling goes away and I just stop talking. I know all of this may sound like a childish plea for attention and I'm OK with that as long as I can get some help. I want to make friends I can trust and rely on, I want to meet my other half and not just stare with greif and jealousy while I glance at others living their happy lives. Can someone advice me on how to approach people without reeking of desperation and how to talk to women randomly, not like in a suave James bond manner but in a way that I would atleast go up and talk to them.

Vitsyra What happened to my happily ever after?
  • replies: 24

Hi All, I'm Dawn and I'm new I have struggled with anxiety and depression since my early teens, but I think overall I've managed pretty well on my own.. I'm turning 30 in two months.. and the most amazing thing just happened, I finally moved into my ... View more

Hi All, I'm Dawn and I'm new I have struggled with anxiety and depression since my early teens, but I think overall I've managed pretty well on my own.. I'm turning 30 in two months.. and the most amazing thing just happened, I finally moved into my brand new house after 3 years of building misery. I have two beautiful cats, two beautiful bunnies and a pretty good job. So why aren't I happy? I feel annoyed at myself, while my life certainly isn't perfect I think its pretty good and most people would be more than happy to have it. Silly me thought once I moved into the house and settled in everything would just be perfect, my own happily ever after.. Unfortunately moving into my new house caused my anxiety to go AWOL.. then my depression decided to join the party. 6 weeks later and I am starting to feel better, but I thought I would try some counseling anyway.. but I don't think it really went well and I'm not convinced I'm going to go back. I guess what I'm trying to ask (while also introducing myself) is have you ever gotten everything you wanted (or something you wanted) and then found yourself not as happy as you were hoping? What did you do?

do71 Feeling likeI am not good enough
  • replies: 2

I always feel like I am not good enough at weight gain..I feel numb I dont want to do anything and this gets worse when I drink, I then get abusive becaused I have bottled it up..I have to fix me otherwise I am going to loose e... View more

I always feel like I am not good enough at weight gain..I feel numb I dont want to do anything and this gets worse when I drink, I then get abusive becaused I have bottled it up..I have to fix me otherwise I am going to loose everything...this is the start of recognising I am depressed

Notanurse Career burnout
  • replies: 6

Im a registered nurse and im beginning to hate it and regret ever going into it. I just feel so burnout, the work load is too much, theres never enough staff, management is the worst and putting more and more pressure on us each week. I hate it! Abso... View more

Im a registered nurse and im beginning to hate it and regret ever going into it. I just feel so burnout, the work load is too much, theres never enough staff, management is the worst and putting more and more pressure on us each week. I hate it! Absolutely hate it! I dont want to go back but i dont know what else id do for a job! I always thought being a nurse was where i want to be but since working where i am now theyve just killed all desire i once had. How do i find out what else id want to do for work? Right now i feel like theres nothing id be good at or will like and its sending me into another severe depression. I havent been able to east for 2 days now because im so stressed and anxious, i just feel too sick to eat. And i dont see my phychologist until the end of the month..

Lily78 Acceptance and how long it takes
  • replies: 2

Hi, I'm new here. Hoping to find a safe place to talk about how I am feeling and what contributes to this. I'm not quite sure where to start. About fifteen years ago I lost my mum to cancer. At the time I coped as well as I could but as the years hav... View more

Hi, I'm new here. Hoping to find a safe place to talk about how I am feeling and what contributes to this. I'm not quite sure where to start. About fifteen years ago I lost my mum to cancer. At the time I coped as well as I could but as the years have passed I have struggled between anxiety and depression and my thoughts at times have taken me to some pretty scary places. In this time I have had a couple of relationships which have fallen into the not so healthy category or as a friend says, toxic. My family life has been pretty much non existent, which has really caused me pain. I don't feel like I belong anywhere, feel alone, unloved, to the point where now I should be putting myself out there but it's like I have given up. Two years ago, my dad was diagnosed with cancer. I've had some financial stress and started to not cope so well and put on a lot of weight from bad choices in food and alcohol. I've also struggled with finding the right help amd been on and off anti depressants for years and became quite used to benzos for coping. A recent wake up call a few months back with a cut back in anti depressants lead to insomnia issues and a relapse into a big hole of depression. I have improved somewhat with regular doctor visits and a new approach of not prescribing benzos any longer. It's like I have just scratched the surface and I feel that I have wasted years of my life being in this depression. I feel like a failure, so alone, don't know how to trust or open up to people and spend a lot of time on my own. I've also come to terms with the fact that I have not been enjoying a social drink for years,but drowning my pain instead. It's like part of myself has just given up. I struggle to get up and go. And then feel guilty. I'm not sure if much of this makes sense. I am just struggling to move forward and it's like I don't know how to be happy anymore as it's been so long.

RamblingRose "This RamblingRose is Emotionally Fragile, Almost Broken yet Need to Keep Positve"
  • replies: 2

Hello Everyone on the Beyond Blue Forum & Staff. My Introduction to All. This is my First Post to Beyond Blue though I'm familiar with this Excellent Forum. I have returned to the BB forum for support because I found it helpful so I have decided star... View more

Hello Everyone on the Beyond Blue Forum & Staff. My Introduction to All. This is my First Post to Beyond Blue though I'm familiar with this Excellent Forum. I have returned to the BB forum for support because I found it helpful so I have decided start/join again. Everyone who posted in the past did a great job. So Thank you for having me back Beyond Blue. I haven't much to say due to severe anxiety/depression/post traumatic stress disorder. Am on medication, see health professionals regularly to keep things in check. Beyond Blue Thank you.

sadgirlhours i dont control my thoughts, my thoughts control me
  • replies: 3

i have depression. not very surprising. im pretty much used to it i guess. im used to being in an on and off (mostly on) depressive episode. im so SO tired but oh well, what can i do, right? a lot of my friends know about this and they always tell me... View more

i have depression. not very surprising. im pretty much used to it i guess. im used to being in an on and off (mostly on) depressive episode. im so SO tired but oh well, what can i do, right? a lot of my friends know about this and they always tell me theyre here for me. so i vent to them if i need to. the sad thing is, i think theyre getting sick of me, because theyre giving dry replies, such as "oh damnn" or "idk what to say sorry" or "yikes". and these replies just make me feel 10x worse, so i have decided to isolate myself and be alone with my thoughts. sometimes it becomes too much and i blurt out things i wasnt planning on saying. last week i suddenly said "when will i ever recover from depression??" out loud to my friend. and she said "you wont because youre not even trying." that hurt. so much. i am trying so hard to get better. everyday i wake up and go to school. i hold back my tears as much as i can. i try SO SO HARD not to think dark thoughts but its hard. i feel like my brain and i are separate people, and i cant control my thoughts. my thoughts control me. i really REALLY wish people would understand that. my friend thinks im not trying because i still say depressing things a lot of the time, but i cant help it. i genuinely cannot control my brain. my brain is a bully, and is in charge of all the bad thoughts. i, on the other hand, am trying to block the bad thoughts, but im miserably failing because im not strong enough, my brain is too loud. TOO LOUD. im trying as hard as i can. im just so tired of trying to be louder than the bad thoughts. the bad thoughts are screaming and i have to scream louder than them. im so tired of having to block the bad thoughts. i am so tired. im in highschool which doesnt help cuz the schoolwork is hella overwhelming and that adds to my tiredness. at this point i have given up on school and all my hobbies and idk where i can get my motivation back. (im getting off track lol) anyhoo i just really REALLY wish people would understand one thing: my brain and i are separate people. my brain generates all the bad thoughts, and even though i am supposed to control the bad thoughts, i am incapable of doing that. so they end up controlling me. i dont like it, and theres honestly nothing i can do. I REALLY AM TRYING PLEASE BELIEVE ME PLEASE DONT CALL ME LAZY BECAUSE IM TRYING IM JUST SO TIRED :(((( please help me

StaticRose51 what to do
  • replies: 10

My gran has really bad dementia and sits UP ALL night ,,,,,,any tips to help?

My gran has really bad dementia and sits UP ALL night ,,,,,,any tips to help?

Boodu Confusion
  • replies: 4

Hey, First time posting. Ok, so this is somewhat difficult to explain, I’ve never been to a doctor for mental help but it is on the horizon. I’ve recently opened up to my wife and parents about my mental problems that I’ve been having. I’m currently ... View more

Hey, First time posting. Ok, so this is somewhat difficult to explain, I’ve never been to a doctor for mental help but it is on the horizon. I’ve recently opened up to my wife and parents about my mental problems that I’ve been having. I’m currently having problems with my mind constantly creating scenarios and thinking of the worst possible situation that scenario could be and getting me worked up to the point that I get really angry with what has happened even though the situation isn’t real and possibly won’t become real. Constant negative thoughts. It’s really starting to affect me. It gets me depressed quite regularly and I really need to learn to think of positive situations. Does anyone have any tips on how to switch on a positive mindset? Meditation? Yoga? I do realise that this post quite possibly makes no sense but ask me any questions and I’ll answer as best I can to assist FYI - I’m not into seeing a doctor for medication. Nothing against people who take it, it’s just not something I’m willing to do. Cheers

Checkthebatteries Learning to be happy in a bad situation
  • replies: 1

I'm feeling really trapped and depressed at work. I have two degrees in fields that are related and am scheduled to finish my part-time postgrad studies next year in a more abstract but somewhat elated field. However, I can never get a job in the are... View more

I'm feeling really trapped and depressed at work. I have two degrees in fields that are related and am scheduled to finish my part-time postgrad studies next year in a more abstract but somewhat elated field. However, I can never get a job in the areas I want, no matter how many qualifications I get. So I take something else, hate it and change jobs. I have a CV containing six of these entry level jobs unrelated to each other or my qualifications. Plus degree assortment that is beoming more unrelated. I never like my jobs because they are in areas I don't find interesting. Now I’m in a part-time job I've had for 4 years and I hate it. I saw a career advisor last year for a small fortune. She reviewed my CV, told me what jobs I should apply for to build my career, how to explain my different jobs ect. So I started looking for work a year ago and I have not got one interview. I spend so much time on so many applications. I saw a second advisor for free at university. They had different ideas on CV writing. Asdid did the next career advisor. And so does every career forum. I applied for jobs that I am overqualified for related to my career interests but still got rejected. I ensured my CV ect. and LinkedIn are updated. Networking was useless plus I have social anxiety. I volunteer lots but that's a dead end. I am really depressed. I cry all the time. I told my therapist but it didn't help. I can't afford my income, I suck at my job, and it's stressful and unfulfilling. I don’t like the people, the work and it's boring, Career development is nil (I am so sick of entry level work that I won't move up in). I avoid my friends because I am sad and my job and the failure to find a new one after so long is embarrassing. What’s worse is any nice people are leaving for other jobs so I feel like a failure and lonely without even one interview. My friends have get better work recently with careers. 5-10 years ago I got interviews for at least 30% of jobs. Now I can’t get one for career starter jobs. I have no experience in the fields I like - just degrees from 5 years ago- and a disjointed career/study history of 14 years that can't be explained away. I'm just unemployable stuck in this depressing job forever. I get no sleep and work makes me ill. But I need the money. My studies suffer too as it feels like a waste to study when I won't be able to get a job. Any advice on how to learnt to be happy in a job you hate but will be doing for the rest of your life?