Hey everyone, I just wanted some input on my thoughts on the topics of
mental health. First i'd like to say- its probably a little ironic that
I'm asking for objective answers when this is a support network, but
anyway. Is it really depression that a...
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Hey everyone, I just wanted some input on my thoughts on the topics of
mental health. First i'd like to say- its probably a little ironic that
I'm asking for objective answers when this is a support network, but
anyway. Is it really depression that a lot of us are feeling? Being
intellectually impaired, having no talent, no friends or even good
relationships with family. I mean, i'm not in denial that depression
exist, and from my understanding, they are chemical/hormonal imbalances
in the brain making you predisposed to be more likely sad. Regardless, I
don't believe an absence of being predisposed to being sad will make you
not sad if you're life has no reason for happiness. Is it really being
negative, or being realistic? I've heard almost everyone say, or at
least imply ''you can't be bad at everything; you've got to be good at
something. there is a place in the world for everyone!''. I can't even
argue with this, logic is completely thrown out of the window. People
want to believe in world of equity, believing that everyone has a place
in the world, but is that really true? Do starving children in
developing countries have a place in this world?And, as these injustices
exists in other places of the world, why does it seem that they can't
exist in developed societies? It's almost like- because of the fact
you're living in a developed country, you're expected to be intelligent,
good at things and meet standards and social expectations. Sorry
everyone, I don't intend to sound mean or bad or anything like that. I'm
just really tired of people being illogical and evasive. I'm the type of
person who'd rather acknowledge my problems first, then see what I can
do from there as appose to deny them as problems. Furthermore, I hope
someone responds to this. Thanks everyone for at least reading to this