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Pet Peeves

Community Member

Loud opinionated dismissive people

( OK we all have our faults but I don't think this is one of mine )  🙂

28 Replies 28

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
That I can't eat deep-fried food every day without expanding beyond tolerable levels.

Stalks on the raisins in my rum and raisin chocolate.

When the person minding the automated checkout comes up behind whilst I am paying to take the basket away even though it is not busy and they could just wait for me to finish.

Community Member
People who loudly slurp in their alcohol.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Pastel Colours

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

In no particular order:

Noisy eaters (no Japan holidays for me, sadly I would not handle the soup slurping requirement)

People who talk with their mouth full (shudder...)

People who make milo and stir it with a metal spoon constantly for the next 15 min while drinking it while the spoon goes 'ting, ting, ting' on the side of the glass (give me fingernails on a blackboard anyday)

Arrogance (as opposed to narcissism, some narcissists I pity, arrogant ones I don't)

People who pretend to want help but want to wallow with company instead (aka, time wasters)

Television and pop culture (aka, brain washers)

Kidney infections (aka, potential life-extinguishers)

Eggs, and stuff that has eggs hidden in it (ditto, for me.)

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
People who make a juice for breakfast ,highly commendable and then commit the ultimate sin of leaving all the pulp in said juicer until they come home at night ,this can only be rectified with a custodial sentence.

Community Member

This is really strange...

but i dont like it when people order gelato and they ask for a cup not a cone.

You can can eat the cone. You can't eat the cup. 😑

Community Member

people who drive in fog with no lights on,

and those who use high beam when oncoming traffic (especially daytime, where they don't seem to realise they have them on high ;( )