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Croix Parler

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I'd like to use this pace for miscellaneous matters that don't fit elsewhere



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Oh, I like that quote, Croix ...


Except, I would say, society is a construct intended for groups, not for indiviuals. Society is built to encourage & reinforce conformity.


[mmmmm mm... "Clams? Yum!", LRC says, "Can I come too?"]


Pneumatic drill, that's my darlin'! You will notice how certain words & phrases reach the dozing mind ... like 'clams', 'fish', 'food', 'cheese', 'popcorn', 'custard',  'lasagne', 'mmMarshmallows' .... 






Community Champion
Community Champion


There,  has that got your attention?


OK in relation to society, I guess there are are 2 ways of looking at it. From the moment the first caveman decided he fancied mammoth for lunch individuals have has to band together in a hunting party to achieve that aim, and so it goes on until today. All individuals have agreed to only drive on one side of the road for instance. OK, occasionally one does not:(.


They are however still individuals, and have the responsibility of their personal actions even if part of society. In fact many will depart from the rules of society for moral reasons


So seeing society as one huge beast with its own rules and perception is a mental concept perceived by the individual, and one has to remember it is made of other individuals, nothing else.


There is no doubt a society has power (ask the mammoth) but remembering it is a bunch of individuals can help to take away some of that power - with stigma for instance.


If you want to come catch clams you are welcome, but remember you do not have my magnificent tusks to open them






Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Thank you, Professor Croix.


& now, (maybe) for something completely different....


In a bedroom in another studio, she said, pointing to the trousers on the floor, "Look, those ferrets are running up my trouser legs?"

He said, "Oh, was that what it was? I thought the cats had been in the catnip again."

She said, "Hmm, perhaps, but the difference between ferrets & cats is that cats don't run up trouser legs."


He said, "& I don't think ferrets meow."

She said, 'That settles it. then. The cats & the ferrets are in my  trousers together." 

He said, "Uh, what left of the trousers, you mean."

She said, "So what will I wear home, then?"



No, not Monty Python, you will be relieved to learn, because if I'd had a hand in their writing, they would never have been the successful comedy team they were.




Just lost my post. I thought it auto saves but no luck.

thsnks Croix and memmkitty for your posts that make me smile and think.

Eagle Ray
Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hello Croix and MK,


 I had to google this to learn about myself, but apparently I have serrated teeth plates that can crush clam shells. However, I have nothing as unique as your magnificent tusks Croix. The walrus has the world’s most impressive dentitions!


Yes, it is good to remember that society is necessary at some level, otherwise there would be anarchy, an almighty chaos. In fact I sometimes marvel at how society keeps functioning given the amount of organisation required to do so.  And it’s important to value our responsibilities within the whole. But it’s also good to remember we are all individuals too (cue the Life of Brian 😂). It really helps to cherish the uniqueness and wonderful variety of people within the whole.


MK, those sound like some delightful, mischievous shenanigans going on with ferrets and cats. I could imagine you writing short stories about cat mischief, the adventures of LRC or similar. It’s lovely to read your writing. Tomorrow I’m heading to the city and will be looking after grey fluffy cat, GFC. I’m very much looking forward to her company. She might want to play with LRC and Sumo. She does a lot of lying around (as cats do), but does occasional zoomies between the front door and kitchen.


Wishing you both a wonderful day.

Hello Quirky,


 I hope you have a lovely day too. I wasn’t ignoring you. Your post appeared while I was still writing mine. It’s frustrating when posts sometimes disappear isn’t it! Wishing you a happy day.

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear MK, wiht a wave to Quirky and ER who has bony plates~

You are too modest, I think the Monty Python crew would have gained with you input, who would have thought of combining cats AND ferrets AND trousers?


I wondered what that was scuttling around in my igloo -it was the ferrets you planted! The keep on knocking over the inebriated kiwis.


Croix (who is not really a professor, thought he professes to like clams)

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Valued Contributor

Hello Croix, the two-tusked quoter, Quirky of the lost post & ER of the bony plates.

Really, I can't imagine myself being in the same league as Monty Python, but thank you for the compliment.

If there's one thing you can expect from ferrets is for them to ferret around.

Now that's something yu can quote.

I could be wrong, but I thought ferrets in trousers was a 'thing' in Brittish comedy maybe in the 1980s or earlier - distasteful, true, & not nice for the ferrets,either.

Adding cats seemed only natural & then imagining how quickly the trousers would become unwearable ... well,it makes sense to me ...more sense than how we humans have managed to survive as a species thisn long. 


Quirky, I'm glad you get a smile & some pleasure from our posts.

I know I've lost a post I thought I'd posted, when I realised, I had clicked 'Cancel' instead of 'Reply' & had gone to another page before that realisation. When that happens, I don't get my text saved to 'Load' when I return. Frustrating & a nuisance.


Thanks ER, I'll think about it. Something like that ought to have pictures & some real fur swatches & a mechanism to mimic meows & purrs in appropriate  places.... 


LRC is already practising zoomie hurdles, in case there are any obstacles to leap over between the front door & kitchen - even a walrus can't block way! 


Hugzies everyone


Eagle Ray
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Valued Contributor

Oh let’s play leap over the walrus, that would be so much fun! Or how many zoomies we can do around him in 5 minutes! There must be a formula based on the circumference of a walrus sleeping and the speed of our zoomies. Even more fun, we can chase the ferrets around the igloo!


MK, I love the multimedia idea for your book of cat stories, with the fur and meow and purr components. I’m often handling children’s books in the volunteer job I do, and I often think how wonderful they are and how great it would be to create stories or other fun books for kids. And then I think, there should be more fun books for adults too, full of wonder and excitement.


 I’m off to snoozy land shortly. May you all rest and snooze peacefully.




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Valued Contributor

Yeah, why not, eh? & fun clothing too? Why not?


Gotta go soon myself. Pleasant dreams. I hope I dream of zoomies... that would be so fun..