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Croix Parler

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I'd like to use this pace for miscellaneous matters that don't fit elsewhere



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Eagle Ray
Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hello dear Croix,


I loved your haiku poem above. I don't think mine are anything exceptional. I do love haiku poems though. I like how they say a lot with just a few words.


I didn't muck around at school, as in be naughty, but I was definitely attention deficit (the quieter form). Sometimes I could do things really well and other times I couldn't understand things at all. I actually came top of my Year 8 maths class. I have know idea how. It was a lot to do with algebra which I could never understand when it was introduced in primary school. Then spontaneously I could do it in Year 8 which seemed to be a kind of pattern recognition that I'd unconsciously absorbed how to do. By Year 10 I was having real trouble with maths and in Year 11 I had to drop down to a lower class. I am all over the place with everything and seem to learn via a kind of osmosis, when the learning part of me does work. At other times I am kind of lost. I am still like that now!


Right now I am listening to the most beautiful singing from a group of overseas workers, many of them Pacific Islanders, who stay just across from here. They sing well into the night quite regularly and it is like having multiple free concerts. It sounds like a decent-sized choir. It is accompanied by frogs in the background croaking down by the river and now a magpie is warbling in the moonlight. It is all quite beautiful.

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Valued Contributor

hi ER, Croix & everyone

ER, did you like my haikus, too? If that was you who clicked the 'support this post' , then thank you, too. Often when seeing the Notifications, I note where but not from whom. Sometimes I'll remember to read who did before going to the post.


I was terrible at math. I still want to do it how I used to do simple math on paper, so, now I try to replicate that in my head, but the little numbers won't stay 'visible' long enough.


Numbers & I have never been good friends.


Given that we write our haikus in English - I wonder if a Japanese translator would struggle to make them fit the pattern?


Hope you like these:


*    Peace 

     - For ER


Silvery Moonlight 

Choir singers, magpies & frogs

Harmonies of peace





*    Choir 

     - For ER


Magpies warble joins

Workers singing in the night

Croaking frog tempo



mmMekitty - October 1, 2023

Eagle Ray
Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Dear MK,


Yes, I love your haikus too. I especially liked the one that starts “Walrus rests replete”. I can imagine the walrus resting satisfied after a meal of clams. It’s so lovely of you to write those ones of my experience of hearing the choir, frogs and magpies. They are beautiful. Thank you 😊 


I thought it was me who supported your posts so just checked by clicking on them again and it took the support away which means it was me, so I re-clicked the support again. My short term memory is terrible and I can’t remember things from recent days, but I remember things clearly from decades ago!


I especially loved the ending of your last haiku - “Croaking frog tempo”. I love froggies. It’s a treat to hear them at night. They are often quite vocal in the day too. It can be very windy here and at other times very, very still. It’s on those still nights that I hear frogs, magpies, owls etc.


I hope you are having a lovely, restful Sunday MK, and you too Croix, and anyone else reading.



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Valued Contributor

Hi ER & everyone

Thank you, ER, your support is valued.


I often check if I have 'supported' posts, because I have forgotten to do that before going to another thread. I wonder if when I 'unsupport' & then 'support' if another Notification is sent out? I sometimes hope so, so the person who wrote the thread, or post, will know another person has responded, even when I haven't. Or I do support a post because I appreciate what was said, & would like the person posting to know I think they responded very well. Different reasons the various threads I read/respond to.


My memory is so short I barely know where, when or what to whom I've been talking to here on BB. I sometimes take a look at my PC's history to see the threads I visited to remind me -  then I can delete those I know I visit regularly, & keep the less visited, or new threads I have wanted to 'keep an eye on' for a while.

I don't like the thought that people out there thinking I've forgotten about them, but unfortunately, that might already have happened. I don't intend that to happen; it just does.

I do my best to keep up with ongoing conversations, but that too, has become very difficult. I don't think it's practical to spend half my day rereading posts to remind me of what was said the day previously on every thread I want to visit.

I know people like when others remember specific details about what they've said. I'm not wanting to misremember details & cause misunderstanding (so easy to do here), & confusion, or hurt others' feelings.


*    Writing


Writing for today

Erased half the words away -

Leaving more to say.


mmMekitty -Oct 1, 2023


Hi Croix, I hope you are not of the impression these haidkus all came easily to me.




Eagle Ray
Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Dear MK,


I find it hard too to keep up at times with everything here on the BB Forum. I think you can only do your best. I often find myself wanting to help people but I know I have limited energy reserves (including mental energy) and the capacity to keep trying to reach out continuously can be too much. I try just to do what I feel able to. Some days I can only handle light things such as on the BB Social threads.


I like your haiku for today. Sometimes writing things out is meaningful, even if we then, as you describe, erase half the words. I feel it is all part of processing things.


I returned from a walk late this afternoon, so I will attempt a haiku based on that experience:


Gannets wing across

The blue grey water white caps

Rain clouds swirl above


Eagle Ray - Oct 1, 2023




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Valued Contributor

Oh, I want to edit the second line to say:

"Edit half the words away".

Although it sounds a tad clumsy, I think that conveys more of what I meant. It's usually the character count that I run into & beyond so I have to edit sometimes sizable portions of what I wanted to say. That's how it's been today. I keep the portions & use them or refer to them later.

Maybe I am simply too verbose? Perhaps I still have a problem thinking I am understood, if I only say a little? But a succinct few words is much better than a long-winded paragraph.... that's what I've been told.

That's the beauty of a poem or haiku or the quick quotes from Croix's vas library of quotes. True, eh?




Eagle Ray
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Valued Contributor

Ah, yes, I totally understand what you mean with regard to word count. I often find I’m trying really hard to convey something, part of my perseverance tendency, that leads me to write a lot. But, yes, often a succinct few words is a good thing. So I agree that shorter expressions such as as a haiku or a quote often convey a great deal of meaning in a succinct, easy-to-digest, economical package.


I hope you have a lovely day ahead MK. I’m off to my volunteer job this morning which I’ve only recently returned to. I’ve been woken multiple times by squally weather. Hoping to stay alert while doing tasks today!


Rain splatters window

Wind whistles through sleepy town

Begins to settle




Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

I like that haiku, ER. The mood, the tcontrast between the weather & the sleepy town & the last line, 'Begins to settle', which directs my mind to a calm place, for me, when the storm has passed.

IWhen my emotions felt very volitile & out of control, I'd feel as if a storm was approaching, so I'd better seek protection, (why not shelter?), & in my mind, I'd have an image of me curling up tight, waiting for the storm to pass, leaving behind a ruined, desolated land, but I was able to stand again & keep moving.

So, today, I like the tail end of a storm.

Sometimes I feel a storm looms, but I don't have the actual storms like I did before. That's what I feel when my PDr is about to go on holiday.


HelloCroix mmmmm mmmmm mmmmm mmmmm mmmmm mmmmm mmmmm mmmmm mmmmm mmmmm ... ?Does LRC purr loud enough to wake you?




Community Champion
Community Champion

It's bad enough to have a cat that brings storms with it (and curls up comfy while they  pass:) but to have one that purrs like a pneumatic drill! More than a walrus can take. I'm going clam hunting.


Seriously MK I'm very glad that you can unbend to some extent here, one needs that  even if one regards self as a loner.


Have a quote:

Society exists only as a mental concept; in the real world there are only individuals


Eagle Ray
Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Dear Croix and MK,


I profoundly agree that society is a concept. It gets essentialised (I think that's the word) into a 'thing' and then that 'thing' starts to define what people think is normal, acceptable etc, and then people go to great lengths to try to meet those expectations. So to recognise your own true nature and follow and be in tune with that is wonderful in my view. The song by Sting, Englishman in New York, has just come into my head with the lyric:

Be yourself, no matter what they say.


I'm glad you can curl up comfy during storms MK/LRC. I hope you find some delicious clams Croix.


I think I might also go food hunting for some clams, oysters and sea snails, which I believe are stingray cuisine.


Flappy hugs with stingray flappers,