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Croix Parler

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Community Champion

I'd like to use this pace for miscellaneous matters that don't fit elsewhere



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Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Nat (I/m so used to calling you Quercus)~

Look, you are right in a way, I did need outside help and in the past have asked for it here -and I've been amazed at the number of caring generous people that have helped, sometimes even when it has tended to trigger their own conditions.

This time my reliving of the past and all the rest of it was brought about by something specifically here in the Forum which really hit me - it happens a bit from time to time, this occasion was far worse. I talked it over with the people that provide my medical care and we decided a complete break for a few days was the way to go. Basically distance the trigger and go for distraction.

Things quietened down and I'm back and building up towards where I was.

Your care means a great deal and helps - a lot.

So thank Nat, you are a pretty good fox

Croix (and no, Walruses are not immune to an angry mum face:)

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Croix,

Ah dear me and my big mouth 😊. I hit post and then worried it may have been something like that. And then felt bad for the angry Mum face. Hubby calls me the water claw... I'm not good at being angry. I'm not sorry for caring but I probably should have thought a bit more first.

I'm glad you are on top of when it is time to seek help and that you had support. That is a good lesson to learn I think. To know when you need to walk away and protect yourself.

I left you a pick me up in your happy memories thread.

❤Nat (I quite like Quercus too so either works for me).

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Quercus/Nat~

I'm glad you posted - all good, I'm grateful

Croix (who has no idea what a water claw is)

Hi Croix, Water claw, Moon and all readers,

It's great to see the lively discussions here and that you, Croix, have been taking a much needed break. Great stuff; the empty (or overflowing) cup does no one any good 😉

This has nothing to do with anything but I finished reading Patti Smith's 2010 memoir, Just Kids , yesterday (I highly recommend it btw). I did kind of bawl at the end but overall, it's a beautiful memoir.

She mentioned various musicians and artists that orbited around her including Janis Joplin and Andy Warhol's entourage. I looked up Janis Joplin because of the book and WOW???!!! Her voice, the passion and the emotion is indescribable. She was a true star! Sadly she was a star that faded away too soon...

On a more contemporary note, as I like to mention 1000x, I have been obsessed with Kesha's song, Praying. The emotion behind it is so powerful especially when she hits the "whistle" note.

Kind thoughts,

Pepper xoxo

Community Member

Dear Croix.....sorry things took a downward turn for you due to a trigger somewhere on Forum....I didn't know , but at times have felt the need myself to walk away for a little while...take a short break...from reading about, and writing about my "problems".....need at times to concentrate on the good, healthy, lovely things in the world instead......glad you mentioned Murder by Death...I had forgotten that one...Yes wasn't it hilarious?

A coincidence you mention it now....this week was the anniversary of my father's death....he loved movies and particularly loved watching them with my (then young) boys...he adored my boys and vice versa. I recall one of the very first they watched together back when VHS came out... was Murder by Death. I can see them all now, sitting around his kitchen table, laughing and eating and drinking. A quote we loved was by the French detective upon seeing his empty plate..."there is nothing in my dish but my dish".

We've been out at a restaurant and my now adult son, or I will catch each other's eye and quote it. Others think we are quite mad with no idea what we are talking about....ho hum...memories!!

"Buns?? You bought buns and didn't tell me? Where are they? Where are the buns???"

Hi Pepper,

I've heard you mention 'praying' and I tried and tried to listen to it all the way through. But I can't stand it. Bring back the old Kesha high as a kite 😁. I'm curious though not being musical like you what am I missing about it?

PS Croix water claw referred to needing a 'firm' hand and being a pushover the moment the kids were sad.

Hi Moon,

I love your memory. It reminded me of sitting with my mum and sister and watching Cold Comfort Farm and giggling "there's something naaaarrrrsty in the woodshed". I'm sure your son treasures those memories too. 😊

Hi everyone,

Quercus- thanks for giving Praying a go even though it wasn't really for you ; )

I don't think your dislike has anything to do with being "musical" or not; I think music is its own language with many dialects. So sometimes it speaks to us and other times, well, it doesn't and this will vary from person to person...like someone else could love a song but I might not like it (and vice versa). I think it just comes down to personal preferences.

I like Praying because it speaks to me; tugs at my heart. It's an emotional connection...but of course not everyone will connect with the same song 😉

Moon- thanks for sharing that cherished memory. Gone in person but immortal in your memory. You must miss him so much...

kind thoughts,

Pepper xo

Dear Pepper, Quercus, Moon et al~

My goodness there is a crowd here at the moment - pretty good

Pepper I listened to Praying which sort of reminded me of a less reflective song, Woman, Dusty Springfield.

Now Janis Joplin is an old favorite, she was surprisingly versatile, from a lovely version of Summertime (Cheap Thrills) with a fantastic rich supporting instrumental though to the fun Mercedes Benz (Pearl) which she sings a cappella and is comedy with a sting rather than her normal power.

Nat, Cold Comfort Farm is excellent. the quote no limits are set, either by society or one's own conscience, to the amount one may impose on one's relatives could have been one of Wilde's

Moon I'm glad your son shares the same memories and sense of humor, plates, buns and all. A common entertainment heritage and sense of humor is something I enjoy with my son, brings one closer

You should not speak with an accent when you know I'm so hungry.


Community Member

" You ruin mushroom story! You'rrrrrrre idiot!!"