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Croix Parler

Community Champion
Community Champion

I'd like to use this pace for miscellaneous matters that don't fit elsewhere



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Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Evilnut aka Wayne~

I'm impressed with your cycling, there are many here who use rigorous exercise as a means of combating PTSD, depression and anxiety. There is one poster here that runs marathons and many who run shorter distances. Do you still see your training buddys?

As you say, no time to think.

I can see how reading about champions can be a big help, as can self help books. I've seen some by Brene Brown on YouTube, they are very sensible.

Nice to chat


Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Sara~

I've been called plenty worse than that -no hassles at all. Plus you are half right (I am old:)

I think the lady was spot on, and you were wise for noticing. I guess what we value is what makes us. I'm very glad you are having an up time, I hope it lasts to now when you read this.

I'm also very pleased Corny is on the scene again. You two are very good for each other, and it's happening now when you need the support.

I do like your cat with those arresting eyes. I remember a number of your avatars have eyes one notices (Except for Sara Connor who wore cool shades of course).

I'm OK, though some recent things have been a bit taxing. I too miss Dottie and sent her positive thoughts.


Community Member
Hi Croix's I have moved from were I use to race my bike unfortunately don't see training Buddy's miss those times. My ex wife and I moved about 1 1/2 hours away from were we lived to have a sea change. I have had a melt down this week all to much for me. Emailed police asking for help yesterday, last night police and ambulance turned up chatted for some time advised me I should go back to hospital? I am not shore that will help. ?????

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Evilnut aka Wayne~

I'm not sure what to say. On the one hand being hospitalized and away from the world for a while -plus a change of meds at the same time - made a lot of difference to me and was the start of continued improvement.

So much depends on the hospital - some public ones are horrible, your medical staff and the psych staff and nurses in the ward. The hospital stay I just spoke about was in pretty good conditions.

I'm please the police and ambulance people took the time to talk to you, any sort of kindness can mean a lot. Did you say you had just started with a new lady doctor? How did you get on?

You know there are help lines out there you can talk on if you get overwhelmed by things. It's no big deal and a human voice can make a fair difference. Our own 24/7 line on 1300 22 4636 and the Suicide Callback Service on 1300 659 467 are good starting points.

I hope you have a better night tonight.


Community Member

Oh Croix. I am having a mini panic attack which I described on a couple of other threads. It's pathetic. What's wrong with me? You know what I am capable of....out there, in the public eye...so why am I so scared and nervous about everyday normal things others do without blinking an eyelid.

How did I get like this? I look at these photos of myself during a recent triumph and think "who was this woman?" Where has she gone? I need her now. She wouldn't be nervous about doing business dealings with other ordinary people today would she? People think she's capable, strong and on top of things...she isn't.

I get this overwhelming urge, during a panic...(this is only a very mini one) to run, run to somewhere, or someone "SAFE". that's the flight or fight syndrome I realise that....this is why I talk and talk on here.....as i have done this morning.....run, run, to someone I feel safe with, to be with....so sorry for dumping this all on you my friend......sorry sorry sorry.....I am no use to anyone else on here...I have no help or advice or support to give....I am too weak myself. i can't even help myself,...what makes me think I could possibly be of help to others? I am wasting everyone's time.........please forgive me........

I am embarrassed about my previous post earlier today (above)...me having a mini panic attack...not a pretty sight......I am OK.....

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Moon~

I'm glad you are OK.

First I'm sorry I was not around, I wish I had been. Hopefully in other threads (I've not looked as yet) there were friends to talk with. I'm pretty certain that will have happen because you do have lots of friends.

Secondly please stop saying sorry, there is absolutely no need to do so. Panic attacks are a bit like being hit with a truck - very powerful, overwhelming and frightening. So reaching out in that state is natural - a basic human need. Don't give you post another thought.

The lady in the photo is you, but seen from outside, as if by another person, inner feelings masked. You are all the strengths she is, so pick a role for your business transactions.

You know how to deal with these attacks - I use breathing (4-2-4), move physically away to another area, think of something distracting and know you have survived OK before.


Community Member

Dear Croix.....I'm writing this mainly to keep this thread of yours alive....someone's gotta do it! I like it....don't let it fade away into nothingness. We don't have the same taste in movies do we...or very rarely anyway. am I right in saying you don't like unhappy endings or too much trauma and bad news in the story?

But you can quote from Oscar Wilde (and Noel Coward too I think. ) they were geniuses. Another genius of the modern age is Neil Simon.

I LOVE Neil Simon's movies....worth watching for the one-liners alone! Have you seen Only When I Laugh?...starring his former wife, Marsha Mason? It was based on a real life famous stage actress - Maureen Stapleton. Marsha also starred in 2 others of her husband's....Chapter Two (based on their own marriage) and The Goodbye Girl. Just some interesting little off-screen facts that make the movies even more interesting........is life going well with you Croix? I hope so. You have been good to me.....cheers.....M

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Moon~

I heartily approve of keeping this thread going, even if we are the only customers at the moment.

I must confess I've not seen that much of Neil Simon and no live work at all. The three that spring to mind are The Odd Couple, Barefoot In The Park and my favorite, Murder By Death, which is really a classic, having so many of the actors I enjoy and shots at just about every detective ever written.

It's true I get unhappy watching gritty realism nowadays, quite a change from before. Applies both to fiction and non-fiction. About the grittiest show I've watched recently is Edward Woodward in Callan. I'm watching his 1990 next. The Equaliser does not rate as gritty at all.

I just remembered, I used to watch the Phil Silvers Show (Sgt Bilko), I think Simon wrote that too.

"I like a sporting-event in which I know the outcome before-hand, it's more organized"

Yes my life is getting back on track after a really bad last week (was away from the Forum as a result)


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Croix,

I just read this...

Yes my life is getting back on track after a really bad last week (was away from the Forum as a result)

and thought grrrrr (that's my angry Mum face which not even Walruses are immune to). Why didn't you ask for help?

Just because you are a champion doesn't mean you suffer quietly. You help us we help you isn't that the deal my friend?

Now seeing as I have no idea who you and Moon (Hi Moon of the tight leggings and boots and general sexiness 😊) are talking about I'd better butt out of this discussion.

Seriously though support goes both ways. One word in the circle thread or mine or the cafe or here... Help.

Take care of yourself please Croix.

❤ Nat