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Croix Parler

Community Champion
Community Champion

I'd like to use this pace for miscellaneous matters that don't fit elsewhere



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Community Member

Hi Croix

the other social get togethers will be fun. Several bowlers I know take part also....and they are keen for me to join. It's easy stress free stuff and I need something to occupy myself in between "big tournaments" particularly now as I wasn't chosen for the last one.

"You are the very model of a modern Major General".......Poor Wandering One!!

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Moon~

I'm really pleased there are those social gathers, not in the same league as a full on evening's bowling, but at least a little of the atmosphere with friendly people.

We seemed to have switched to G&S quotes so...

When you are lying awake with a dismal headache, and repose is tabooed by anxiety, I conceive you may use any language you choose to indulge in without impropriety.

Croix (who never did make Major General - modern version or otherwise:)

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Croix

Love that quote "When you are lying awake with a dismal headache, and repose is tabooed by anxiety, I conceive you may use any language you choose to indulge in without impropriety"

Just about to have a cuppa whilst listening to Electric Light Orchestra some Brian Cadd and Glen Campbell

Just a 30 second commercial for the people in the Croix Parlor from 1970.....47 very long years ago 😉


Community Member

Hi there Croix....one of the reasons G & S seem to go on forever...is because they literally do. Royalty-free.....it costs nothing for any amateur group, community theatre, school etc to present a G & S show....free!!

Some are quite expensive to present, copyright etc........ I was writing about a G & S production once and needed to know the correct theatrical term for what it was eg. musical, opera, light opera etc

I asked a G & S expert who said the term is "Comic Opera"..it used to annoy him when people got it wrong!

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Moon~

That's fascinating but does explain something I thought unusual

I took the grandson to watch the kids' movie Despicable Me 3 and guess what, the minions were singing I Am The Very Model Of A Modern Major General!

Culture with a capital K I guess


Community Member

Hello Croix

don't think I told you my son (a Beatlemaniac fan since a child)...has tickets to Paul McCartney in December. I am sure he will savour the moment and live it fully, seeing his idol for the first time....as I did years ago with my own "celebrity crush", with my son right beside me.

No I won't be at the Paul McCartney concert with him...his own kids will be though...Let It Be........

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Moon~

So who was your Celebrity Crush? I'm not sure I had one, perhaps if I did it would be Ms Dietrich (now that shows my age). Perhaps I'd have liked to emulate Patrick McNee as John Wickham Gascoyne Beresford Steed come to think of it.


Community Member

Hi Croix,

Just passing thought I'd drop in for a minute- celebrity crush umm music wise , has to be the King - Elvis of course. Oh he made me swoon. Those movies, on a Saturday avo - heaven ! And the live concerts , oh if only he had come to Australia . Movie wise, Tony Curtis comes to mind , loved Cary Grant too .



Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear SL~

I rather liked Cary Grant too, he did an amazing variety of stuff from Madame Butterfly, though Cole Porter to Arsenic and Old Lace. He's the same era as another of my favorites, Gregory Peck, who did one of the psychological dramas I like best -12 O'Clock High.

I liked The King, but his music, (Always On My Mind is pretty good) not so much the movies - it's probably heresy to say so but I always though he looked a little too pleased with himself.


Community Member

Oh my goodness Croix you made me laugh!

Elvis looked a little too pleased with himself !

I guess that was because he had a squillion dollars, millions of fans, gorgeous wife and house etc etc .

Unfortunately as we know none of that meant squat in the end, but I prefer to leave him in that time warp when he was a smouldering sex symbol in black leather pants, unattainable to mere mortals - forever young !

