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3 things

Community Member

This is a fun thread. For this one it's a bit of fun, share three funny/interesting things about you!

1. i HATE cockroaches I will scream they just ugh yuck

2. Until I was about 14 or 15 I thought streetlights were turned on by the people whose house they were in front off and I only found out that wasn't true when I asked mum who would turn the one across the road from us on

3. I own many pairs of weird and wonderful socks and tend to buy a pair each place I travel to

5 Replies 5

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Jackson,

What a great thread! So three things about me -

1. I love hankies. Have always loved them. No bits of tissues in my washing machine. Many years ago now I counted 111 in my drawer! Sadly they’re all wearing thin, so I’m collecting once again.

2. I love stationery. Again I have done since I was a small child. I’m super easy to buy gifts for - hankies or pretty writing paper.

3. I love dogs & cats, but I REALLY love dogs. (So now I’m feeling guilty that the cat might think I don’t love her as much as the dog. I mean I don’t, but I don’t want her to be upset). We had a lovely mini foxie who lived with us for 16 years. Now we have a 95% kelpie named Ted who is 18 months old. Well if he doesn’t know how to twist me round his little finger!!!

Thanks again Jackson for the fun thread. It’s 11.12pm & my brain is just about to give out!

Cheers, Lyn.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Bahahaha🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. I can picture you 6"6 screaming at a cockroach, as for the street light...cracker.

1.when I was a teenager I pierced my ears a 2nd time with a needle. It took a few days as I would just do a bit each day cos it hurt. When my mum saw she nearly killed me.

2. When I was about 23 I went on a date but told my mum I Was going to a friends for dinner. I was meeting him in the city but left home earlier than necessary. He rang home to tell me he was running late (no mobile phones then) my mum took the call- uh oh. When I got home my mum was waiting behind the door with a wooden spoon and I copped it as I walked in.

3. Last few days of year 12 my friend had an 18th bday party. I got absolutely smashed and her mum rang my mum and told her I was sleeping over as I wanted to help clean up. I wagged school next day. Only day I ever wagged in my life.

Community Member

Yeah I really really don't like them!

Hahaha there all so funny!

When I was little I thought I could payback on mum for sending me to my room by cutting my hair - Mum wasn't angry like I hoped she would be she just laughed and got the clippers out, what's funny is she also made a mistake and we ended up at the hair dressers, mind you this was 3 days before I was due to have my photos taken for the paper for something I did at school

BZHAAHHAHAAH... I’m with you on the cockroaches... I scream and throw things at them. 😂😂😂😂

Three things.... hmmm 🤔

1) I have probably 40 or so pairs of shoes. Boots, thongs, joggers, all sorts. It’s an issue 😂 might be a cockroach issue... all the more shoes to smack them with!!!

2) Travelled a lot as a kid with parents all over this large country, in a 4wd. Did lots of my homework on red dirt in middle on no where. Had a pet who came home with me and survived a further 2 years. George... the desert gekko. He was cool 😎

3) Lived the rock and roll try hard life for my early adult years. Played in bands, many gigs, recording sessions.... “etc”.....Decided I needed a paying career lol. Now that I have this I think I’m going to return to this world next year. For fun.

I’ve lots more. Some are not too pc lol.

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hehehe thank you all so much for the giggles.

Jackson and Velvet maybe ignore this bit... It is cockroach related. Shudders. I am terrifed of them.

At uni some sadistic person decided we had to dissect cockroach mouthparts and mount them on a slide. I walked into the class and saw the jar. The giant jar on the bench filled with dead cockroaches. And wouldn't go in the room.

My friend dragged me in. She went and got our equipment. Put the cockroach and gear on the table. And I started sobbing. Burst into hysterical loud tears. The really unattractive type. Everyone STARED!

I grabbed my bag and left. Instructor asked me if I was ok. I told him to just give me a zero and ran. 😂

Still think whoever wrote the curriculum is sadistic though.