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Relapsed & worse anxiety

Community Member

When does it end?

About 8 weeks ago I was in my gym after work. A minute into my treadmill walk I got a strange “fluttery” sensation in my chest.

I panicked. Once stopping the treadmill my fingertips began to go numb, breathing seemed difficult and I became very dizzy.

I ended up at emergency getting tests done (blood tests, chest X-rays, ECGS) all coming back fine/negative.

My symptoms haven’t stopped. I’m upto 8 doctors visit in 7 weeks. All of them running tests and finding nothing. My chest is still tight and painful. Breathing seems so much more difficult than it used to. My vision is always blurry & I am struggling to focus or concentrate. As soon as I get chest pains I begin to think the worse and get dizzy and feel as if I’m suddenly the only person around and get scared and worried.

I now have a sinus/ear infection caused by all the stress and it’s mixinf with my symptoms making me believe even more there’s something wrong with me.

Still they find nothing.

Is this anxiety? Deep down I guess I know it is. But would like to know if anyone else has felt things like this for so long?

My doctor sent me away with antidepressants today & said he is sure they will help. I haven’t started them yet as I’ve been off medication for 4 years and going back on them is giving me anxiety.

Help & other peoples similar experiences? Does it get better? Did medication help? What else?

Feelonf so lost and helpless.

2 Replies 2

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Kimmih01

Thank you for being a part of the Beyond Blue forum family. I understand your symptoms as I used to have chronic anxiety for a long time.....even though in recovery now

That 'fluttery' sensation in your chest is the same as what I used to have too. You are obviously proactive with your health by seeking medical assistance as quickly as you have....and good on you too!

I have been on a small dose of antidepressants for a long time which really decreased my own anxiety a great deal. I was originally anti-meds to start with until my anxiety started to become worse through me refusing the AD's. I was a dill and refused meds for nearly 10 years until I nearly lost my home and career....oops

Back in the 1980's I had no idea that the earlier anxiety is treated the better our recovery. Just some of the symptoms that I had were....

  • heart flutters
  • light headed...dizzy feeling
  • loose bowel movements
  • sleep issues
  • tight breathing

These are only a few of the common symptoms of this awful condition...People that experience anxiety may have mild or severe symptoms. Can I ask if you have been through any significant stress in the last few years..or are working in a stressful workplace? (if thats okay)

The Good News!....Anxiety symptoms do reduce over time with super regular counseling....Monthly is good...Fortnightly is great....Weekly (if possible) is excellent to dispel these symptoms

I really hope you can stick around the forums and post back when its convenient for you. The forums are a safe and non judgemental place for you to say whats on your mind

my kind thoughts for you


I don’t feel as if I have been through any significant stress which I guess frustrates me even more. I am struggling to function on a daily basis.

Today I woke up with a pounding chest and burst into tears scared and upset about it.

I am a business owner and have to work long hours and don’t have staff to rely on, so I guess knowing I can’t afford to take any more time off for myself is stressing me a fair bit.

Just over the dizziness, strange vision and other things.