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panic attack at seeing people i know

Community Member

hi there,

i am trying to leave my home more regularly as part of CBT to try to overcome my arophobia as well as other anxiety related problems, yesterday i when down the street with my mother to pay some bills, while sitting in the car i saw someone i knew from highschool 15 years ago and had a full panic attack, (fast breathing, full body shaking, seating, wanting to vomit, wanting to get out of the car and run to the safty of home), i don't know if this person even recognised me because it was so long ago, i am always so frightened to see anyone i know, this is partly the reason i do not leave my home, it is made even harder by the fact i live in a small town.

 i seem to find it harder and harder to want to go out, even just to sit in the car.

561 Replies 561

Hi Karen,

i am so numb at the moment and lost for words.

if you are reading this I just want to let u know I am thinking of you and hope things get better for u. I wish u all the best.

take care big sister 


Hi Sisters,

I am really struggling tonight. I am in a real downer. The depression has set in and i want to be back safe in my home. My family is nice and the place is nice but i just feel so anxious. I am sorry girls, i know you both are struggling too.

i suppose it is just this time of year, extra stress and stuff.

i hope the shaking and the tight chest goes away soon. I am so scared all of the time.

Sorry girls i will write when i feel a bit better as i don't want to bring you guys down with me.

please hang in their girls.


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi J

how are u?

i have been having panic attacks all day, I don't know how anyone can handle it one a week is more then enough for me. I went frozen for A few seconds when someone looked at me when shopping today that is the first time that ever happened to me. The email did not help the panic attacks I just went numb after that, the nausea is getting worse I can't even eat now... I am just hoping I get sleep tonight as it is hard to sleep when I am in a panic and my GP does not want me to take the PRN unless it is an emergency.

So I am waiting for the count down yes in hours, I think Santa will come to u first as we are The 3rd last state that Santa visits in Australia so u won't miss out when I tackle Santa it is ok u are safe. 

Anyway stay safe and have a good Christmas don't eat too much



Hi Girls,

Sparkles i am ok, i have been struggling all day with shaking and a racing heart, it is so hard to look ike i am happy in front of family, it is so tiring to pretend to be someone i am not, but i am holding in their, please do the same.

i hope that the anxiety has eased off a bit, i know how frustrating it can be, the freezing thing happens to me all of the time, and yes i get the nausia too, it is interesting with me, i binge eat before an anxiety triggering event, then when i am in that event i can't eat at all, it is really strange.

anyway as i said, i hope you have got some reliefe and if not i hope tomorrow is a better day, well the BIG DAY, only 4 more hours, oh thank you, i am glad i get my presents before santa gets tackled, i just hope he is able to get to the other houses around the world, so please after you get all your presents let him out the window....lol

well take care i am thinking of you, please let me know if you are struggling with the anxiety, i am happy to listen, it might be good to vent here, remember i am going through what you are going through.


Community Member

Hi Karen,

My heart is broken, i was devistated with the news i will not be able to speak to you anymore, i will miss you, my friend.

i have been thinking of you all day, i hope you are able to get some help at some point, i will really miss our chats, i will really miss you, please take care my friend.

in two small weeks i thought i was removed and now you are gone, i don't know what i will do now, you two girls are my only friends, and you Karen were the only one who understood what i am going through, you will be in my heart and thoughts forever, i will miss you.


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi J,

i was not happy with the news about karen either, I just hope she knows we have been thinking about her, I am so proud of you going to the mall and driving wow you are so brave, I don't think I can tackle Santa after all  this year I have been too sick too even get out of bed today, I have a bit of a fever and tummy bug, I just hope I be better for the christmas feast tomorrow. 

So when will u be heading home? I bet u are looking forward to going home. Just want to let u know how proud I am of u of facing this challenge and going on a holiday you have done so well.

anyway brother

I hope you have a merry christmas

all the best


Hi Sparkles,

I was in a pretty bad way last night with the driving and the mall, it i wasunable to shift the anxiety and i just had to wait until i was exhausted to sleep, but i did have the best sleep last night, so maybe the busy day yesterday did me good.

oh no, i hope you are feeling better today, i hope it was inly one of those 24 hour bugs, what a time to ge sick, you may be a bit run down with the work experiance and the house move, anyway rest up and i will tackle him for you, oh look here he is... anyway merry christmas and a happy new year, i hope next year forfills all of your wishes and dreams.

i don't know when i am heading home, because mums car is too old, my uncle cam to pick us up, so it is really up to him when he takes us home, i am so looking forward to getting home, it is nice here, but just too overwhelming, it has been 8 ears since i have left my house, and i am handling it better than i thought, but i am in a constant state of panic here, i just can't stop the shaking and the heart racing, it takes it's toll after a while. thank you for thinking of me, i am very humbled, but this will probably be the last time i will ever be on hollidays, mum has promised me i will not have to leave the house again after this, i think that i what is keepin me going.

take care Sparkles, get well soon.


Community Member

Hi Karen,

 i know you are out their somewere and i am thinking of you on this day, i know how hard things are between you and your parents, so from me to you, merry christmas, and i know the new year will be good to us both, i am missing you so much, the support and understanding, it is just so hard not haveing you to talk to.

but if you are out their somewere, i am sure you are reading this post, i will always keep you informed of how i am going and what is happening in my life.

please keep fighting, if i can fight you can too, i hope that at some point in your life, someone will be able to reach out their hand for support and tell you that everything will be ok, i just wish that person would be able to be me.

please stay strong i know if you are out their somewere you will stay srong for me.

Thinking of you


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Thanks for catching Santa for me Jacques,

i am feeling much better today it must of been a 24hour bug. 

So how was your christmas? My day was ok I enjoyed having family over but I never realised how much of an introvert I become living alone for the last 2 years, it is so good to unwind alone right now. 

I think you are doing really well J, and achieved so much in the last 2 weeks, which is amazing I am still waiting for your highlight for the last week....

my highlight for the day is my 3 year old niece came up to me and said I called Santa to bring you another present.....

anyway have a good sleep and take care 



Hi Sparkles,

oh that is great Sparkles, it might have been all of the stress over the past few weeks catching up, you might have been a bit run down. anyway it is good that you are better.

well i had a massive panic attack last night, my ribs are still sore from the hyperventalating.

i have had the same problem, i just like my own space, i can't seem to handle all of the noise from people, i am so used to it being quiet, it is very frightening to have so much noise.

but at least you have some time to unwind after the big day.

i am really struggling, and i am a bit overwhelmed with everything, when i get home i don't think i ill leave it for a month, just to calm myself back down.

ok my highlight last week, well i think it would have to be leaving my house, i really didn't think i would be able to do it, but here i am, so just making it out of the house was a highlight for me:)

isn't that sweet, she sounds like a great kid.

i seem to sleep well, but i seem to wake up really early, i usually wake up in a panic, so that is really unpleasent, it will be nice not to have a panic attack for a while when i get home.

anyway it is boxing day, so i hope the day is kind to you, take care my little sister, and have a good rest, you have new years comming up.
