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Ball in throat feeling

Community Member

Hi everyone,

I've recently been having issues with anxiety and as of late I've been feeling what seems to be this very light pressure in my throat. I've been to the doctor and was told it was just my anxiety however, they took a blood test just to put my mind to rest as I was concerned it was some form of throat cancer. My doctor then told me once the results were in that my blood cell counts were fine and my thyroid was acting as normal and as such was just anxiety. A week or so later I made the mistake of reading online that a throat cancer issue would not be detected by a blood test, this brought my anxiety right back. So I was just wondering if anyone can tell me if a blood test would have given any indication to my doctor at all and if not, should I go back into my doctor.

I'm sorry if this question gets asked a lot I'm just very uneasy at the moment. 

1 Reply 1

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hello, welcome to beyond blue.

anxiety over health is a very common type of anxiety. I often think DR Google is very very bad for those of us with anxiety. I remember I used to get headaches from my anxiety and I convinced myself I had brain cancer. I even got the doctor to do scans and xrays and everything on me! Of course I was fine...

A blood test is a good place to start. I wonder if you could ask you doctor about acid reflux. It is a very common and very minor condition, especially in people with anxiety. It is simply a little acid from the stomach coming up into the throat. I have it and often if I'm stressed or I eat a greasy fatty meal I get that horrible feeling of the ball stuck in the throat and the pressure feeling. it even makes me feel a bit ill sometimes. but it's very easy to treat and not at all dangerous.

the most effective thing I did, and what your doctor should do, is treat the anxiety. It's not simply a matter of your doc saying "you have anxiety" and just not doing snything about it. He needs to actually treat it!

anxiety is treatable! If you're already on a treatment and it isn't working well, ask to try a different thing. There are lots of medications and lots of therapies to help, and your doctor should be helping you figure out which of these treatments is right for you. See your doctor regularly and update him on your feelings when receiving treatment- that way the treatment can be modified or changed to ensure you get the most effective treatment.

Always remember that anxiety an cause very strange symptoms- as I said, mine caused headaches, dizziness, bad nausea and acid reflux. When I got treatment for the anxiety all those symptom s went away.

get a second opinion from another doctor of you're really concerned, and think about treatment for anxiety