
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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Chris_B Forums etiquette: give support to receive support
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Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newb... View more

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newbies are welcomed when they first post, and we understand that it’s a big step to post for the first time on a forum like this, especially if you aren’t feeling great. It’s important to remember, though, that these forums are a community of real people, just like you, not a one-on-one support environment like going to see your psychologist. To get the best out of being here, one of the best tips we can offer is give support to receive support. Being a good community member means: participating in different threads (not just your own), replying to people who have taken the time to reply to you (even if it’s just to say thank you), and... posting words of emotional support and encouragement when you see others who are hurting and reaching out. You don’t have to feel obliged to solve the problems of others: that’s not what we’re here for. But you can offer empathy and what you’ve learned from your own life experiences, even if it’s just a line or two, eg. “I don't know what to say, but I want to give you my support and tell you I care about what is happening to you and hope life will get better soon.” Try to develop an interest in the journeys of others here on the forums. You may be surprised at how good being an active, caring member here can make you feel. For those of you who have had good experiences giving support here on the forums, please post in this thread here and let us know how it has helped you on your journey.

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TheSunsetTree I think I have social anxiety
  • replies: 7

I don't really know where to start off but I feel like I have always been super shy and just put it down to being quiet but now it is getting a bit out of control. I find it really really hard to mix with and met new people. I feel like when I talk t... View more

I don't really know where to start off but I feel like I have always been super shy and just put it down to being quiet but now it is getting a bit out of control. I find it really really hard to mix with and met new people. I feel like when I talk to someone new or especially a girl I just freeze up and unable to talk. I sometimes can say hello, but never able to get past that. This has really limited my ability to ask girls out. I sweat really bad when in social situations, my leg shakes uncontrollably, I feel nauseous and my heart beats so fast I feel like people can hear it. I find myself always worried about things and am quite anxious. I am extremely fidgety too. I haven't talked to anyone really about it, apart form jokingly saying how scared of things I am. I feel really embarrassed to talk to my family about it. Mental illness seems to run in the family so I feel extremely guilty and do not want my parents to have another problem or issue with their family to deal with. It is really starting to effect me as I am trying to find a part-time job while at university. I use to work as a waiter but found it so scary and difficult to talk to so many random people and it was so busy where I worked. I am just not very good in high pressure and busy environment. I am just not sure how to go about trying to address this issue and find a part-time job so I thought it would not be very scary to post on here.

Ajirmat46 Not sure what's up
  • replies: 9

I have had difficulties with anxiety (generalised as well as social anxiety) for many years now. I can sometimes experience depression and anxiety to a level in which I no longer feel I can cope it is normally temporary as I find that I can cope agai... View more

I have had difficulties with anxiety (generalised as well as social anxiety) for many years now. I can sometimes experience depression and anxiety to a level in which I no longer feel I can cope it is normally temporary as I find that I can cope again a few days later and might not have an experience like this for months. Over the last 2 months I have had these periods of high level anxiety 3 times. I think I have reached a point in which it is becoming unbearable. I am currently finishing the end of a semester of university and find that the social expectations generally trigger these periods of high level anxiety. I have four weeks to go but I just don't see how I will get through it. If I do manage to scrape through I will still have some deep underlying issues that I need to work through. This year has been one of the most stressful years of my life.. I have gotten to a point in which I am actually frightened to seek help. I am really trying to build up the courage to see a counsellor at uni.

Stormgrl101 Anxious and struggling
  • replies: 3

Hi alli have struggled with anxiety and depression for as long as I can remember but now it's so severe I don't know what to do with myself. Does anyone have any tips or can tell me how they cope having anxiety and depression in everyday life? I stru... View more

Hi alli have struggled with anxiety and depression for as long as I can remember but now it's so severe I don't know what to do with myself. Does anyone have any tips or can tell me how they cope having anxiety and depression in everyday life? I struggle with finding motivation to do tasks, daily chores, finding things to do day after day as I am home a lot. I am currently unemployed (due to anxiety) trying to find a job but struggling and don't know how I'm ever going to be able to work but I need to. I am on medication daily and see psychologist once a month. It feels like I'm constantly stuck in my own mind and so many thoughts all the time which stops me from talking and communicating with others a lot ahhh can anyone relate ?

HelenM continuing my struggle
  • replies: 3

I don't know how to explain how things have been. I did have one week in late September where I was so energised with something in my life that I felt well. I went away for a night with my husband and that afternoon and night were magical. I've had s... View more

I don't know how to explain how things have been. I did have one week in late September where I was so energised with something in my life that I felt well. I went away for a night with my husband and that afternoon and night were magical. I've had some copeable days but mostly the days have been either scary or tears. Because this depression is so very unpredictable I find it hard to trust my moods; ie today my mood isn't that bad but I'm half expecting it to dip or to go scary on me. My fear? that I'll go down to a level that's so awful, where I've been before. I have no reason to expect that. I saw my GP recently. She told me that my meds could not be altered. If I went down and she referred to me to a psychiatrist they would assess that and decide. If she was to ask advice on meds it would be unlikely they would be altered. Usually it's only anti psychotics that are changed. In other words you have to be down there before you get help. The good thing is she has referred me for a mindulness course although it's likely to be next 6 moths any way before that happens. I'm afraid I'm not able to help other people just now though I do care for everyone on here. I'm not looking for answers. There aren't any. I plod on. What else can I do? Helen x

dtak59 Does it Help to Focus on Anxiety?
  • replies: 1

Hi everyone, I am new to these forums and I have SA. I have noticed that every time I try to make fixing my SA a priority, it tends to make it worse. Almost all reliable sources to treating SA have all acknowledged the first step of treatment as ackn... View more

Hi everyone, I am new to these forums and I have SA. I have noticed that every time I try to make fixing my SA a priority, it tends to make it worse. Almost all reliable sources to treating SA have all acknowledged the first step of treatment as acknowledging the problem and working with it instead of trying to avoid it. However in my experience the opposite has been true. When I am given concrete specific tasks to focus on to direct my attention away from anything related to myself, I often manage to "forget" my anxiety and this leads to a temporary remission, where I can talk to almost anybody and deal with any situation with little or no anxiety. The moment there is any peace or calm in my life though, any breathing room to do any kind of thinking, the SA returns right away. Living with constant distractions can be exhilarating and freeing, but also exhausting. Basically, I have to be always living in the present and focusing on reality, otherwise the SA comes back. I feel I may be treading a dangerous and counter-productive path by not dealing with my problems directly, but at the same time, focusing on my anxiety, even if in a productive way, tends to make it worse. So, as you can see, I am pulled by two opposing paths. Does anyone have any suggestion? Thank you

adam89 Anxiety when getting sick?
  • replies: 2

Hey all, I have lived with anxiety & depression since I was 18 or so. I find it alot easier to drag myself away from negative thoughts than when I was younger (25 now). I seem to relapse whenever I notice im getting a little bit sick (cold or sore st... View more

Hey all, I have lived with anxiety & depression since I was 18 or so. I find it alot easier to drag myself away from negative thoughts than when I was younger (25 now). I seem to relapse whenever I notice im getting a little bit sick (cold or sore stomach - basic things). I'm on antibiotics for a skin infection which probably isnt helping. The one thing that often helps drag me from the constant rollercoaster that is anxiety is exercise (going for a long walk with my pooch). bt feeling a cold coming on in this weather means i cant really exercise. I really dont want to hang ot with people who don't know what I'm going through (my family is what I'm limited to) and it is made worse as I have a big get together with friends bt really don't want to drink or socialise haha. Anyone relate to this? Thanks

Anxious_Kay How do you know what parts of your personality are you and what parts are anxiety?
  • replies: 2

I only just really understood that I have anxiety and am panicking about what things I do are because of anxiety and what are just me. Any advice? My partner recently ended our relationship and of course I'm going through and thinking about what I co... View more

I only just really understood that I have anxiety and am panicking about what things I do are because of anxiety and what are just me. Any advice? My partner recently ended our relationship and of course I'm going through and thinking about what I could have done differently. I know it's not all my fault and he should have been more understanding, but I'm wondering what I did due to anxiety... For example, was worrying about why he didn't always want to be with me normal because he was withdrawing or was it anxiety? Does it matter?

NicoleP Need support but scared psychologist will see me as a failure
  • replies: 7

Hi everyone, Just after some advice. I was seeing a psychologist in 2012 and at the start of 2013 due to workplace bullying. When I was transferred to a new school in March 2013 and there was no stress, things settled and I stopped seeing him. Then a... View more

Hi everyone, Just after some advice. I was seeing a psychologist in 2012 and at the start of 2013 due to workplace bullying. When I was transferred to a new school in March 2013 and there was no stress, things settled and I stopped seeing him. Then at the end of 2013 I went back cos of some stress related issues at my local running club - saw him only once or twice. Then this year, I have had some work related stress. I went and saw him in the middle of the year and he told me that I didn't need to go back. The same issue has continued at work and I am sooooo stressed and I need some emotional support. I feel like a failure going back yet again and feel a bit like he thinks I am being ridiculous and that he is losing patience with me and therefore am very reluctant to make an appointment. So, I am stressed about work and am even more stressed about making an appointment with psychologist. Has anyone else felt this way.

ilurvesleep I think i used to have bad anxiety but then it suddenly went away will it come back?
  • replies: 2

I haven't been on here before so I don't really know what to write, sorry in advance if i do something wrong. here is a bit of my background: I have never been professionally diagnosed with anxiety or depression but for about six months of this year,... View more

I haven't been on here before so I don't really know what to write, sorry in advance if i do something wrong. here is a bit of my background: I have never been professionally diagnosed with anxiety or depression but for about six months of this year, from about the start of autumn, i started to feel really down all of the time. My memory started getting really bad and I kept on thinking that everyone was out to get me. I stopped trusting anyone, even my closest friend who is the kindest person in the world. I started having a really short temper and becoming very introverted, I was having suicidal thoughts even though I knew I would never do it. I was always tired during the day and couldn't get to sleep at night, I gained too much weight (to the point that I am now on the verge of obesity but I also quit the gym because it was too expensive so that probably contributed a lot to my weight) and finally I was never able to relax both mentally and physically. so a few weeks ago I went to the first social outing I had been to since before the 6 months, it was my favorite band performing at a concert. That night I let it all out. I was jumping up and down for 5 hours straight, yelling my lungs out and forgetting all of my self conscience thoughts. I stayed up until 5 and then slept for around 16 hours. since then I have been so happy all of the time. I can't even imagine having felt depressed before. So I was wondering if I am going to fall back into this depressive state (which was so horrible) or am I better? or is that a stupid question because mood and things in the future is really hard to predict? one last question: for those six months no one ever said anything to me or asked me if anything was wrong. for the most part i understand that I was able to "wear another person's face" so most people thought i was just always on my period and nothing more but my grades dropped considerably during the time, to the extent that i was failing most subjects (mainly because i couldn't remember anything no matter how hard i tried so i gave up on trying). so my question, is there any part of teacher education which teaches them to recognize when students are depressed? and if so are they encouraged to help the student or advise them to see a counselor? i only ask because I think it would have helped me if someone else had initiated a conversation. thanks page

lost_in_melbourne Anxiety over husbands job loss
  • replies: 1

Hi Everyone,I am here because I am having a very difficult time coping with my husbands job loss. This happened about 6 weeks ago. I am incredibly proud of how he has handled this - he's been meeting up with people, seeing recruiters etc but there's ... View more

Hi Everyone,I am here because I am having a very difficult time coping with my husbands job loss. This happened about 6 weeks ago. I am incredibly proud of how he has handled this - he's been meeting up with people, seeing recruiters etc but there's not a lot out there in his area of work at the moment. I am terrified that this is going to turn into a long term situaiton. I fear for the security of our children. I fear that he may never find another job. I fear that there is a stigma towards people who have been made redundant and that no one will hire him. I fear that our landlord will want to sell the house we are renting and we wont be able to get anything else bc we have no income. I am absolutely ruled by my fears and the constant voices in my head to the point where I am thinking of how to relieve this anguish permanently. I hate myself for being so weak. I am putting on a good mask in front of my husband and children, happy, smiling etc but its becoming harder. I've lost quite a bit of weight. No appetite, but making myself try and eat 3 times a day. Will it ever get better?beyondblue's clinically-trained moderators often work offline (invisible to you) on issues relating to suicide or self-harm. At the same time, general supportive comments from the community are encouraged. If you have concerns around suicide or self-harm, please phone our support service on 1300 22 4636.