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Symptoms of anxiety

Community Member
I have been having bouts of vomiting and nausea for some time now, muscle tension, weakness in my legs and really bad headaches -dr has ruled out anything medical and has diagnosed me with anxiety I am finding really debilitating I now realise my fast heart rate in the past was all tied into anxiety -just wondering if anyone has had the same symptoms and what coping mechanisms has worked dr has suggested going on ssri and seeing physchologist -the symptoms are horrible anyone experienced the same 
5 Replies 5

Community Member

Dear Clare

Welcome to Beyond Blue and thank you for coming here and providing your post.

That’s an interesting diagnosis from the Dr that you went and saw – and now I am NO professional expert, but with those things, if they were happening to me, I would be thinking of some kind of virus;  perhaps.   If I then received the above advice from a Doc;   I think my next move would be to seek out a completely different doc and go there for a 2nd opinion.

With regard to coping mechanisms, Clare are you finding any common things that might be setting your anxiety off in particular?    And this could be anything;   seeing people, going out in public, simply going outside;   going to work, driving, talking on the phone;   oh wow, the list could go on forever – but are there things you’ve found that are worse for you to do??    And in regard to that, is there any chance of either (a) not doing them  or  (b) if you can’t avoid doing them, is it possible to say, have a friend with you, to help you get through/by??

Thought I’d send this now and I do hope to hear back from you on this.


Community Member

thanks for the reply Neil, had scopes, had all the blood tests in hospital, but the drs in hospital said anxiety, trembling, nausea, fast heart rate it's horrible.

finding the muscle tension in my legs horrible making them feel weak. So in bed at the moment feeling ordinary, I should try and get out go for a walk it's hard.

Community Member

Dear Clare

So the hospital tests happened "after" your initial doctor appointment?   Again, I'm very dismayed at the advice and care given to you - or "not" given to you.  I would have thought that they would have tried to help you as a result of their findings.   Like to offer some kind of referral to either a pyschologist or psychiatrist;  or perhaps to a doctor that deals with these kinds of symptoms?

But it appears they've carried out the tests and then let you go home.  If that is the case, that is not good and not professional from any of the people that you saw.

It's been a day or two now and I'm just wondering if you're feeling "any" better?

Would love to hear back from you.

Kind regards



Community Member
Hi Neil you have it right all their tests were clear and they said my anxiety is contributing to nausea and muscle tension -I asked in hospital if I could see someone a psych -but apparently on leave -so was told to go and see my gp -also felt like they were not helpful -so I am going to see gp -the nausea and muscle tension I am finding impacts on me greatly ATM  so feeling nausea today  and having a few fast heart rates mo mementos which they tested its normal and they said again due to anxiety I find the particular hospital I was in has definite lack of understanding or help in this area thanks Neil 

Community Member

Hi Clare

Thank you again for your kind response back.

Boy, I'm annoyed at the treatment you've been given, and I'm just an outsider;  so I can imagine how you must feel, being the actual person.  It's not fair and not professional in my mind.

Clare, just wondering - with regard to your GP.  Do you feel happy with them?

I ask this, as on this site, Beyond Blue have a listing of GP's available;  the thing with these is that they are all experienced in matters concerning mental health issues.  So they would have (I'm sure) come across a similar case as what you have and from that, I would be confident in them being able to refer you on to an appropriate counsellor, as they thought necessary and perhaps medications if needed.   I don't know, I would just feel more at ease if you could get to a professional in their field who is going to properly diagnose and treat you.

As always, would love to keep hearing from you.
