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Palpitations and anxiety

Community Member

I have recently started getting Palpitations, by this I mean extra beats or a feeling of skipped beats, It only seems to happen when I think about them or think about them when I am taking my pulse. ( eg: My pulse will be steady then I will think I am going to miss a beat and I do ) I should add that i used to suffer from Atrial Fibrillation until I had an ablation 3 years ago. These palpitations are nothing like that (when my heart used to race with irregular beats up to 120 bpm) Now my pulse it steady at 65 to 80 bpm but with the occasional palpitations.

This has only occurred since i stopped smoking completely 10 days ago so I am unsure if its my body adjusting or if the smoking was negating my anxiety to a degree.

Any one else had this happen

1 Reply 1

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Freoman!

I have also had heart palpitations and since I didn't used to get them I really magnified my attention on them which may have made it worse. When I am calm and relaxed they don't seem to happen.

You brought up a good point about body potentially adjusting, please keep us updated on how you go! I am very interested!

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