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New parent anxiety

Community Member

We found out a little while ago that my partner and I are expecting our first baby later this year. How exciting right?? We’re getting to that time now we can tell people, also fun and exciting but also really daunting.

I’ve had generalised anxiety for quite a while now, been getting it under control the last little while but this pregnancy is definitely bringing a spike, quite a bit. Anyone have any experience in how to cope with this, it’s different anxiety to what I’m used to if that makes sense....

Its super super exciting, but also super super scary 😬

Had a scan today actually, I just couldn’t believe what I was looking at, a real human being, OUR human being, and he/she was not a total blob like I expected, like

mind = blown. It actually looked like a baby, I did not go in thinking that’s what I would see.

Still can’t beleive it.

23 Replies 23

You just made me laugh out loud J....(with you...not at you) I really needed a laugh by the way....Thanks heaps!!

You are spot on.....the baby stuff still gets to me....so tiny and super cute!

You have an amazing attitude Jackson

and yes being scared is very very common.....you are not alone there!

Jackson >>>>> Legend 🙂

I called my mum while I was in the shop, she said to me yeah.... you know you were that small one day?? Yeah I know that mum but that’s still so small haha. We’ll be telling our respective work places next week so that’s daunting, one of my coworkers knows but that’s it and he said to me mate it’s only scary and a big deal if you make it that, just be chill, it’s not like he (our boss) will be upset, it’s good news.

So, chill I shall be.

Hey Jay

Your coworker is a legend when he mentioned "it’s only scary and a big deal if you make it that, just be chill, it’s not like he (our boss) will be upset, it’s good news"

You have great people around you Jackson 🙂


Yep, I’m pretty lucky that way, I guess that’s one of the benefits in working in the area I’m working in, everyone supports each other really well, you’ve got to have each other’s backs. I met with my boss every 3 weeks as an arrangement, to check in, so our next one is this week so i’ll be bringing it up then, I think for me that’s a lot easier than having to approach him myself.

All done, that was so much easier than I imagined 🐣

Very quick story for you ...

Before our first son was born bought a couple of book about looking after babies/kids etc. A day or so after the baby was born we threw out the books. Nothing in them worked (for us) and we muddled our way through the raising them from 0 to now. I am sure you will both be good parents. And don't worry if there is a mess in the house... part of "fun" of having kids.


thanks for that little tip, just because it’s in a book doesn’t mean its going work for everyone. Some people are very by the book, others are the opposite and that’s fine. We’ll just take it day by day, very basic needs in the beginning, demanding but very basic. We do have a little while though.

We’ve decide we are going to find out, but we both keep changing our minds on it so that might change ha


firstly congratulations.

it is very confusing with all the books, social media advice and advice from friends and family that one gets that starts from when one becomes pregnant and maybe never ends!!

My mum told me when I was reading a few books, to “ remember that the baby has not read the books!”

That really helped when my baby did not behave like the books said she should!!

Also if you find just one person or book, or source you trust and then filter out the rest. people are well meaning but it becomes overwhelming at times.

my children are older than you and I still worry about the way I parent.

All the best


Thanks so much Quirky

Just an update for anyone reading along, our due date is next month but for health reasons as there has been a few complications H is getting induced a little early. We have been given a date which we have only been sharing with the people closest to us just in case it changes etc, but at this rate we will be holding our little monkey at the end of the July. We will know more as we get closer and have some more appointments.

And we don’t know what we are having, but I think it’s a boy.

Have a lovely weekend