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New parent anxiety

Community Member

We found out a little while ago that my partner and I are expecting our first baby later this year. How exciting right?? We’re getting to that time now we can tell people, also fun and exciting but also really daunting.

I’ve had generalised anxiety for quite a while now, been getting it under control the last little while but this pregnancy is definitely bringing a spike, quite a bit. Anyone have any experience in how to cope with this, it’s different anxiety to what I’m used to if that makes sense....

Its super super exciting, but also super super scary 😬

Had a scan today actually, I just couldn’t believe what I was looking at, a real human being, OUR human being, and he/she was not a total blob like I expected, like

mind = blown. It actually looked like a baby, I did not go in thinking that’s what I would see.

Still can’t beleive it.

23 Replies 23

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

My heartfelt congratulations to you and your partner Jackson 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

You make perfect sense....when my daughter was born I also felt the same as I had GAD at the time too...My mind was a mess....Up and down and everywhere....

Even a dad without GAD would be super exited and super scared too.....This is a major life event so please dont be too hard on yourself with overthinking this beautiful time in your (and your partners) life

Having GAD (anxiety) means we are somewhat overstimulated and can 'react' or overthink more than we should with any life event.....which you know anyway Jackson

So you can enjoy this beautiful time in your life without being overwhelmed by any 'overthinking' please make a double appointment with your doc (GP!) and have a good talk about how you feel. You will feel better!!

You are a super strong guy Jackson....I know that you can have a chat to a GP....it can be a huge bonus to take the 'edge' off the scary part you mentioned in these early stages.....You have nothing to lose and everything to gain Jackson 🙂

Your thoughts are always appreciated Jackson

Congratulations again to you and your partner Jackson 🙂 !!!!

Woohooo!!! (Please be 'Gentle' to yourself)


Community Member

Hey Jackson,

Congratulations to you and your partner. This is amazing news and a big year ahead for you, no doubt!

I myself have never had kids but I imagine how happy you must be. Being able to tell people you are bringing a little one into the world with your partner is a wonderful thing! At the same time, I could imagine how daunting it must be particularly knowing you and your partner will be responsible for something so precious and that your child will be relying on you and that is daunting for most people, let alone for someone who suffers from GAD and the like.

It is extremely positive that you have had it under control for a while now and it is absolutely understandable that the pregnancy may have an impact on your overall anxiety and the way you are feeling at present. This is completely normal and it is best that you consider seeking professional assistance or discussing these concerns so that you may have a action plan or a plan in place if you start to feel considerably overwhelmed to the point where it is impacting your quality of life and well-being.

Enjoy the process and the journey and I know that you are going to be an awesome parent! It is extremely obvious you are so excited and cannot wait to be a parent and I can tell that you are going to do an awesome job.

All the best and keep us posted mate.


Thank you, both of you really it means a lot.

I’ve been skateboarding a lot, more than usual and that’s helped. Also my work has an EAP which I spoke to today during lunch as I’m not actively seeing a professional right now I thought that would help.

Hey Jackson

Skateboarding!! Now thats an excellent idea as an anxiety reducer......Physical exertion....Yes!!

You are a serious legend Mr J (thumbs up!)

Are you and your partner getting an ultrasound later on...or keeping it a surprise?

Really super happy for you Jackson!!!

You Rock


Hey Paul we are yet to decide (or make an agreement/compromise on that haha). I want to find out but H is set on a suprise, I think i’ll have to for go what I want in this instance haha. But we still have a little time to decide 👀

Absolutely J

I guess Im excited...


And the thing is I know people who one has found out and not the other but I couldn’t keep it a secret, no way, I’m the worst at that haha

me too, Paul, me too, scared but excited too

my mates would give me crap for this but I had an RDO today so I went to the baby shop just for a look at the stuff haha, they were like do you need a hand you look lost? I was like nah just looking thanks

Also I had no idea baby stuff went that small