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Need help with my anxiety

Community Member

My anxiety is really bad and effecting my life in everyday activities. I never used to be an anxious  person but now I am suffering so bad from anxiety. I get the rapid heart beat short breath hot flushes sweats nerves to see people or be in public or drive my car. I don't know what to do I guess there is a bit of stress in my life right now but I can't control it and it's getting me down. I will randomly break out in a sweat whenever I over think something and than it jus brings on a panic attack or anxiety. I need help can someone please help me beat this.

3 Replies 3

Community Member

Sounds like your not having a goodtime 😞 Maybe u should see ur GP and get assessed as it sounds like u have Panic Attacks and disorders associated with that.Wish i could be more help but i cna say ive been where u currently are and its horrible i just try not to think about it and keep myself busy. Good luck  and im here to chat if needed 🙂 x

Hi Anomynousanxiety,

I think you have nailed it Chloekat84. Try not to think about it and keep yourself busy. I have some anxiety which is a learned response to waiting for the next disaster to befall. Exercise is really good. Getting out and doing something that you used to think was fun helps. Keeping a journal helps. Seeing a doctor and doing some therapy to sort out life issues can help. Some sort of contemplative practice can help. The hardest thing I found was taking the first step and admitting to someone that I needed help. 

Best wishes,


Community Member

First things first... YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!  I promise you this.

There are a huge amount of us that battle this each and every day, it hurts, its hard, and its overwhelming. I am a counsellor....yet I battle this stuff continuously. Go figure?


I think the first step you should encourage yourself to take is to see a gp, and a counsellor. Seeing a gp doesn't mean that you will or have to be wacked on medications. I refuse them, then send me bourko...however sometimes they can clear my head and all of a sudden I can see again. Clearly. What works for one doesn't necessarily work for everyone, but you gotta encourage yourself to take the first step.


I find myself wondering when this will all end. Day in and out. This is my first response here as I read over things and suddenly im flung into high panic and PTSD.....at work infront of everyone, but I mask it well. Skilled ninja lol.

On the good days, even the good moments, I revel in them....because that's how life should feel. But unfortunately for many of us, it doesn't.

When you identify your triggers, try distracting yourself....something you like. a skateboard or a book helps me. It throws me into another world, all of a sudden im another character in another universe-not this reality panic ridden human in a scary world with non existent monsters. I can control a book..

REMEMBER TO BREATH...slowly. This is important. When we get stuck in a fight flight response we tend to think we cant breath-or we are not getting enough air....then were getting too much which ironically is depribing the brain of oxygen...what happens when your brain lacks oxygen? for lack of better terms..you trip out and your panic gets worse, vicious little circle.

A good book about anxiety and panic is called "living with it". its quite comical and a great read.

Keep talking. As much as ypou don't want to, as alone as you think you are, and as muych as you think no body understands, your not alone. we do understand. and we are here to help each other  xxxxx