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Light Therapy

Community Member
Hi, I have suffer from agoraphobia and have had a flare up with the change of light coming into spring. Just wondering if anyone has had light therapy or know of anyone who specialises in Light therapy. I think I have linked my flare ups with the change of seasons.
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Summer Rose
Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Danberg

Welcome to bb and thanks for sharing your story. Please know that you have arrived at a safe, supportive and non-judgemental place.

I'm so sorry that you experience agoraphobia, I can't even begin to understand how tough that must be. Really intetesting link you've discovered between your condition and light.

I wish I had the answer to your questions. However, my response will push your post back up to the top and hopefully catch the eye of someone who can help.

I also wanted to let you know that you are not alone.

Kind thoughts to you