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I’m so over it.

Community Member

Hi all

im back here again typing about the same thing… I can’t kick the feeling that something is wrong with my heart. I’ve seen 2 different doctors that have said it’s just my panic/anxiety. I’ve had ECG’S and the blood test they do with the ECG and it got to a point last month that I went to the hospital cause I was sick of feeling like this and again blood test and ECG that was normal. I’m constantly feeling like my heart is going to stop or it’s not beating properly I’m feeling it now and I’m just lying in bed. I swear I’ve got arterial fibrillation I’ve got all the symptoms but wouldn’t that have shown up in one of the many ECG’S I’ve had. I’m sick of feeling like this it’s debilitating and I’m scared. 

5 Replies 5

Community Member

Hi Lindy,


That sounds really difficult, it must be making you feel terrible emotionally to feel that you don’t know what is going on.


I had some changes in the way my heart functioned while on psychiatric medication. If you are on any medications I would recommend reading the consumer handout regarding the side effects. If you are taking any though, do not stop abruptly and discuss with your GP/Psychiatrist first.


I think even if someone has no actual problems with their heart (not saying you don’t), I would not say that it is ‘just anxiety’, it still needs to be addressed and it is unprofessional in my opinion if the doctor did not offer any advice on where to get further mental health support.


Take care x

Community Member

Hi thank you for replying… the doctors I have seen have done a number of ECG’S and I also had a stress test done a while back which was fine. It’s just nothing seems to show up it’s always normal but I don’t feel like it is. 

Community Member

Hi Lindy


Anxiety and panic disorders can be awful to deal with, I am so sorry that you feel like you are not getting the answers you need. 


I wish you all the best and I hope you can get some clarification and peace of mind soon 🙂

Aline SM
Community Member

Hi Lindy,


good on you for seeking professional help and having it investigated.

Something that might be helpful is to start taking notes of what is happening around you and even in your mind (what kind of thoughts you're having) when you feel your heart like that. Stress and anxiety response can modify our hear beat as we enter on fight or flight response - I'm not saying there's nothing wrong but as you've been getting normal results for your exams, I'd look into other reasons why you're feeling this way.


Have you tried to breath deeply and calm your mind when you feel these symptoms? I know it sounds counter intuitive as you've been feeling something is not normal, but it will possibly help you to feel good again. Maybe talking about it to someone you trust can also help you feel less scared.

Let us know how you go and always seek for help when you need!

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi Lindy77,


I am sorry you are going through this, it must be very distressing for you. It is positive that you had an ECG and it was normal - that is good and relieving! Unfortunately, it is upsetting that you are still experiencing these symptoms. Personally, I know that my anxiety makes my heart pound and I feel short of breath, so it could definitely be anxiety. However, you need to listen to your body and if you think that something is not right you should maybe get a second or third opinion and advocate for more tests. But please do remember that doctors train for years to be qualified and they know what they are talking about (most of the time), so if you get multiple opinions that are the same (after multiple tests), then the doctors are mostly likely right. If I was you, I would be seeking a second or third opinion from a completely different doctor and see what they say. Even if it is anxiety, you still need to have treatment for it and at least you will have ruled out the other possibilities that are playing on your mind.


I hope things improve,

Jaz xx