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Floods distraught about my brother..

Community Member
I was distraught to see my  brother in the Herald Sun during the Victorian floods.   He is so fragile health wise anyway and to see him like this just broke my heart.  I know hes safe know . He is in a very complicated home situation and is deaf . I believe he is being kept at home by his partner for financial reasons and not his best interests .  All this on top of my own life battles is taking its toll on me.  Im sorry to say but its just so tough at the moment.     Brett.
4 Replies 4

Mark Z.
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi Brett,


Thanks for sharing, I can tell it's hard for your brother and for yourself as well.

When the flood is gone, will you consider visiting your brother? It'll be good to see each other in person.


Hope everything will be better.


Community Member

Thanks Mark. It has been hard i will consider going up to see him . Its just that he is in a fragile state prior to this i guess thats why im so upset.      Brett.

Merry G
Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Brett,


Thank you for sharing your story. It’s understandable that you are distraught after a vulnerable loved one is in a dangerous and exploitative situation. I can imagine how difficult it is to cope with this situation amongst other hardships. 


Like Mark, I think it would be helpful if you could see your brother. I also think it would be beneficial for you to care for yourself during these difficult times. I am not sure of your situation but that could involve releasing your stress through exercise, venting to a loved one, or seeking professional psychological assistance. However, I recommend addressing your emotions and thoughts in a way that is most advantageous for you.


I wish you all the best in the future.


Merry G

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi Brett,


Thank you for being here and I hope you are doing alright. This must be hard for you to see your brother going through a lot. However, the best you can do is be there for him and reach out through text or online if you cannot be there with him. I am sure he would appreciate your support and knowing you are thinking of him. If you could see him in the future, that could be even better.


We can only worry about the things we can control, and learn to let everything else go.


Jaz xx