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Feeling lost. Please help

Community Member

I suffer from OCD - intrusive, morbid thoughts about how everyone dies, what's the point of being here etc. I was first diagnosed 13 years ago in my 20's. I've been treated with medication which has worked wonders until recently. Now my OCD is back worse than before, my anxiety is so high and I'm having panic attacks. My Dr has reduced my medication and started me on a new one since starting (13 days ago) it's been hard but the last 4 days i have been having panic/anxiety attacks constantly, constant intrusive thoughts and i feel this will never stop. I can't stop crying. I can barely get through the day.

I've heard some medication can often make you feel worse before better. Has anyone else experienced this? Am I going crazy? I have 2 little boys to care for and I'm so overwhelmed and scared that i can't see the light at the end of the tunnel. Even writing this is making me feel panicky. I just want to be happy and positive again. Please help (I've started seeing a psychologist)

9 Replies 9

Community Member

It is true that some medication takes a while to kick in, during which you may experience some side effects, but you should be getting better progressively. However, it is already two weeks since you switched to a new medication and you find little improvement. It is worth checking with your doctor to see if you need some adjustments.

Get well soon.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hello London01,

Welcome to the forums.

I agree with Hope.for.the.best - that if you've been on the new meds for almost two weeks and have experienced severe panic attacks, etc, during the last four days, then it would be wise to speak with your doctor.

Many psychotropic meds can have physical and emotional side effects which usually dissipate after a while, however, given the symptoms you describe, your doctor may need to fine tune your dosage.

It's a very positive step that you've started seeing a psychologist. I'm quite sure you will find therapy enormously helpful in assisting you to deal with the anxiety.

Best wishes, LH

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Hi London my heart goes out to you and I admire you for your resilience and courage to reach out. I also suffer from OCD and all the anxiety that seems to envelope it with the intrusive thoughts. I admire you as you have two children so that takes extra strength to care for them too. I also feel I can not cope any more as it all gets too much but can I suggest maybe a support group with others who feel the same way I am applying to go to a place which is like a place you can get away with all support available neami please look into a similar option I was kindly supported via MIFWA try to google this or ask for a similar organisation ,dont be alone get support I am afraid to ask for help but I realise I need to as like you it is painful. Maybe beyond.blue could recommend a support group or there may be one local . Keep strong I admire your strength.I send you a hug.

Thank you so much for your reply. I ended up going back to my original dr (we had moved areas so i started seeing a new one) and he was shocked at the meds I was put on. He gave me a medication overhaul and for the last two days I've been able to see a glimer of hope and haven't had a full blown panic attack. Fingers crossed I'm on my way to recovery!

Thank you dearly for your reply. I went back to my original dr and he was amazing and has adjusted my meds and I'm starting to feel a very slight improvement already. I spent 45 minutes with my dr and he listened and didn't try and rush me out

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

That's very positive news, London01. It sounds as though your original doctor is a little more in tune with your situation.

Many thanks for the feedback.


Community Member

Thank you! My little boys are my absolute world and they deserve a healthy mummy so i am finally learning to reach out and ask for help which I've never done before.

OCD and the anxiety that comes with it is horrific! I despise it. I just want to be happy and carefree like i once was. Hopefully this will happen soon.

I hope you are also finding the support you need. It can be such a lonely and isolating experience

Thank you LH!

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

That's why we're here London01, and don't forget, if you ever feel the need to unload about anything that's troubling you, there are so many of us who will listen and assist wherever we can.

🙂 LH