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Dizziness and neck pain driving me insane!!

Community Member

My dizziness is driving me crazy! I also get neck pain and stiffness. this dizziness can last all day or come when it wants. With it I get pins and needles, sensations all around my head and my face always feels like it’s going to go numb. So then I think it’s a stroke or something bad is going to happen to me. I always end up in tears because it stops me from doing a lot of things. I haven’t even been able to work. I want to go to the gym but I can’t because I’m dizzy! To put it bluntly I’m so frustrated and don’t know what to do. Would love to hear if anyone else experiences this.

Also when I go to the shops it all starts! I get dizzy, my legs stiffen up and I have to hold onto something. What is going on? Is this normal when you have anxiety? The thing is I’m not anxious about going to the shops I find I just can’t walk through their anymore. Would really like some support on this because I feel like I’m slipping back into depression again.

The pain in my neck is really sore and goes all around my neck. I saw an Osteo but he made it worse the second time I went. I also get head sensations especially across my forehead.

I know fighting it doesn’t help but I have no one around me to give me the support I need.

4 Replies 4

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Malaalsieh

Welcome to the forums and good on you for having the courage to post too!

Feeling dizzy is a very common symptom of anxiety. I used to have exactly the same feelings when I went to the shops as well. Your stiff neck (subject to your doctors opinion of course) can also be tension that results in your bracing neck pain. These are horrible yet common anxiety symptoms

When we have anxiety feelings we do produce excess adrenaline which can 'tighten' and thus restrict our ability to breathe properly....by having tight neck and chest muscles which can cause us to become dizzy

Your first and best avenue is making a double appointment with your GP.....even if you print out this page and take it with you. I understand your symptoms as I used to have chronic anxiety for a long time. Most GP's have a solid understanding where anxiety is concerned and can help you help yourself

Just a note.....Good on you for not 'fighting' these feelings....You are spot on 🙂

The forums are a safe and non judgemental place for you to post. Any questions are always welcome as there are many gentle people on the forums that can be here for you

I hope you can stick around the forums Malaalsieh......if you wish 🙂

my kind thoughts


Community Member
Hi Malaalsieh. welcome to this site. not to sure about the dizzeness ,but maybe able to help with the neck,so here goes. i have suffered from neck pain since 1994,which was wen my migraines started. some of it was due to relationship issues [stress]. also a change in the weather ,ie humidity will set it off. i was lucky enough to find a very good accuputure person who was a great help. after i left the area where he was i found deep tissue massage helped with regular appointments. i have just started seeing a bowen therapist, and she is very good and once again i am getting good results.i guess what i am saying is try alternitive practises. bowen does work if u get a person like i have, less painful than deep tissue. also i found a heat bag across the shoulders and neck helped. i found meditation also helped by turning everything off and as i am breathing out telling myself to relax . all this is and on going thingand i know it cost money but it is worth it. i am a person that carries stress across my shoulders( some people carry it in other parts of there body) so if u r a bit stressed u my be carring it there as well. some times neck pain can actually develop from ur back or shoulderblades.i put a hard ball in a sock (bit smaller than tennis ball) put it over my shoulder lean against a wall and find the muscle that is knoted up and move around to get the knot out. u will know wen u have hit it.. also neck exersises to keep the muscles streached so they dont have achance to tighten up. anyway i hope this helps , keep smilin life is great

Thank you for getting back to me guys. I went to a neurologist and I was diagnosed with cervical dystonia. So I now have Botox in my neck and shoulders because my stress caused so much pain.

As for the dizziness I have been given meds and we will see what happens. I know it’s my anxiety just have to find ways to make it stop

I’m booked back to my Psych this week and hopefully she can help me also

Hi Malaalsieh,

Hope the treatment choices are working for you. Our bodies are amazing the way they are all interconnected.

It does pay to have a medical examination to determine what is going on and to then seek appropriate care and treatment.

Hope you find ways to deal with your anxiety to reduce the impact it has on you.

Cheers from Dools