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Constantly feeling short of breathe/like I’m choking

Community Member
I’ve been struggling with a constant feeling of shortness of breathe for three months now. I originally went to my GP for investigations (they did ECG, chest X-ray, CT chest) all of which were normal. They started me on medication for anxiety and started a mental health plan. I’ve seen my psychologist only three times now as she’s very hard to get into, and have had my medication increased as I feel like I’m not getting anywhere, now feeling like I’m choking/have something stuck in my throat on top of the shortness of breathe. I’m getting more investigations to get my thyroids checked and have started medication for GERD to rule this out. Does anyone else have constant physical symptoms without actually feeling anxious?? I can feel completely calm and mentally well, but like I have a band around my throat or like I can’t get a breathe in. I just want my life to be normal again, I feel it’s all I can think about because I’m always so uncomfortable, it’s taking over my life.
2 Replies 2

Community Member
You poor thing, i have constant thoughts of shortness of breath. Ive come to the realization its somatic ocd, drives me crazy. Maybe check it out, its all related to anxiety😭

Community Member
You poor thing%2c i have constant thoughts of shortness of breath. Ive come to the realization its somatic ocd%2c drives me crazy. Maybe check it out%2c its all related to anxiety😭