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Burning Tongue?!

Community Member

Hi everyone

I’ve had chronic anxiety all year and I’m starting to get a little better. However I’ve had issues with my tongue always feeling like it’s burning. I’ve had tests done and everything came back normal. I don’t get it? I know anxiety does some weird stuff but this is just insane.

anyone else have or had this? Pls help!

2 Replies 2

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Malaalsieh~

This sounds a most unpleasant symptom and is not one I'm familiar with. I read elsewhere you have been diagnosed with health anxiety and depression and you have sensations that include headaches, dizziness, neck pain and a heavy feeling in your legs, together with glands and lymph nodes being inflamed and sore muscles, including your back.

These have been diagnosed as being related to your anxiety and depression.

While it is always tempting to just put fresh symptoms down to the same cause I'd strongly suggest you ensure that there is not a physical explanation for this. If it is uncommon your GP may not be familiar with it.

A nuisance, but can pay dividends in eventual peace of mind (not easy at the moment I know). I recently went to the emergency department with chest pain, and had extensive tests, however they came back negative, and anxiety is thought to be the cause.

As you already know anxiety and depression can affect the body greatly, which unfortunately adds to one's overall stress and simply makes things worse.

Please let us know how you go


Community Member

Hi Malaalsieh

I can totally sympathise. I have just posted a thread on the same subject. After research I have discovered Burning Mouth Syndrome which is very common especially amongst perimenopausal women...do you fit that criteria? It is also a symptom of extreme stress. I suffer from it big time. Last year was awful and I had all tests known to man including full MRI to show no pathology. The last fortnight it has started up again. I am seeing my oral surgeon via facetime tomorrow and will seek blood tests as it may be oestrogen related. I hope that is the case as I am terrified of tongue cancer...it is my biggest fear in life as I have drank and smoked a lot over the years as self medication for my ptsd and ocd 😞 I do hope you are feeling better; I could not find further posts from you however I am still familiarising myself with how this forum thing works. All the best.