
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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Chris_B Forums etiquette: give support to receive support
  • replies: 0

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newb... View more

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newbies are welcomed when they first post, and we understand that it’s a big step to post for the first time on a forum like this, especially if you aren’t feeling great. It’s important to remember, though, that these forums are a community of real people, just like you, not a one-on-one support environment like going to see your psychologist. To get the best out of being here, one of the best tips we can offer is give support to receive support. Being a good community member means: participating in different threads (not just your own), replying to people who have taken the time to reply to you (even if it’s just to say thank you), and... posting words of emotional support and encouragement when you see others who are hurting and reaching out. You don’t have to feel obliged to solve the problems of others: that’s not what we’re here for. But you can offer empathy and what you’ve learned from your own life experiences, even if it’s just a line or two, eg. “I don't know what to say, but I want to give you my support and tell you I care about what is happening to you and hope life will get better soon.” Try to develop an interest in the journeys of others here on the forums. You may be surprised at how good being an active, caring member here can make you feel. For those of you who have had good experiences giving support here on the forums, please post in this thread here and let us know how it has helped you on your journey.

All discussions

Ali75 Anxiety medication for Teens
  • replies: 1

Hello I was wondering everyone's experience with anxiety medication for teens. My daughter has been on a medication since just after christmas and although I know it cannot take away her anxiety it has not helped at all. She is still stressed and ref... View more

Hello I was wondering everyone's experience with anxiety medication for teens. My daughter has been on a medication since just after christmas and although I know it cannot take away her anxiety it has not helped at all. She is still stressed and refusing school. My question is, should we return to gp and try a different one? Are some more effective than others? What is everyone's experience with this? Thanks

calli_the_abnormality I can't control my emotions and it's worrying.
  • replies: 3

Good morning/afternoon/evening. I'm writing because I've been having unreasonably sudden spikes in my anxiety. I've been diagnosed with severe anxiety/depression and I've been on medication for the past 5-6 years. As of writing this, I've just been c... View more

Good morning/afternoon/evening. I'm writing because I've been having unreasonably sudden spikes in my anxiety. I've been diagnosed with severe anxiety/depression and I've been on medication for the past 5-6 years. As of writing this, I've just been crying over a normal interaction with a teacher that normally, wouldn't result in me crying. My emotions have always been difficult to regulate and coupled with my lackluster social skills and 'strange' interests and behaviors have led me to believe I may be high-functioning autistic. How well I'm functioning is up for debate. I have no idea what to do with myself. I'm supposed to be graduating this year and going to university the next. Yet I can't compose myself at all.The interaction in question was just the teacher asking me to close my laptop. I immediately felt fearful, a pit in my throat. My eyes went sore and tearful and my friend noticed. I couldn't speak, I knew I'd cry if I did. I think it was the teacher's tone. See, I'm trying harder than usual to pick up social cues and tones of voice due to the suspected autism. So when I realised that the teacher was potentially ticked off, it shook me. I'd like advice, how do I regulate my emotions? How do I tell my parents without being undermined or told to just 'grow up?' (a common occurrence.) Can I seek help, preferably for free and without my parent's knowledge? Is there some other potential diagnosis in the mix? Please.

Loula Withdraws
  • replies: 3

I’m coming of an antipsychotic with doctors help. I’m starting to get irrational. I have a fear that someone is trying to kill me. I’m scared of people and being by myself. I know this is why though not true and it’s due to withdrawals as it’s a symp... View more

I’m coming of an antipsychotic with doctors help. I’m starting to get irrational. I have a fear that someone is trying to kill me. I’m scared of people and being by myself. I know this is why though not true and it’s due to withdrawals as it’s a symptom and no one is after me. but I feel scared that trying to go down on my medication was a bad idea. we have been planning this for 6 months till I was ready and to slowly take me off which os happening but the withdrawals are scaring me. im full of anxiety and very irritated. anyone relate to this or am I alone?

theo-m significant phobia
  • replies: 4

Hi all!I have had a phobia of a certain thing for over 10 years, and it has steadily been getting worse. It is related to medical procedures,and I become quite violent, so the only way I can have them done is if several people are holding be down, or... View more

Hi all!I have had a phobia of a certain thing for over 10 years, and it has steadily been getting worse. It is related to medical procedures,and I become quite violent, so the only way I can have them done is if several people are holding be down, or if I get knocked out.Mostly I've been able to avoid it, however it's been getting worse to the point where I'm having 2 panic attacks a week even without the trigger being present (ie. nobody around, in my own home).In the past (5 years ago), I attempted phobia therapy, however they requested I stop after 3 sessions, because we'd only covered about half an hour of the first session's material, and I was having multiple panic attacks a day.I do have an ongoing therapist that I see, however I'm hesitant to do phobia therapy with her, because it will transform herself and her office into a place of threat. I'm also worried about physically hurting her.Ideally I'd do it with a different therapist, however that means I'd go without ongoing therapy for my trauma and bipolar.I'm not sure what to do.Are there any specific support groups about this, either online or in person?(I've tried doing little bits of exposure, but even seeing the word sends my heart-rate rocketing and knocks me back for the rest of the day, let alone seeing a picture...)I feel lost and scared.

Fathiyma Used freak out when do things
  • replies: 2

I used have anxiety issues I was never offered proper medication but honestly it never helped, it eventually went away with only help from myself, the Mental health place I was receiving help in the community I was offered counselling but I started t... View more

I used have anxiety issues I was never offered proper medication but honestly it never helped, it eventually went away with only help from myself, the Mental health place I was receiving help in the community I was offered counselling but I started too late I already helped my self because I used wave my hands it went away because I had children so I had no choice to do things, I actually developed waving my hands after staying so long in the hospital when I came back home it was weird you would think I wouldn't forgot how to do easy every day things like cooking basic things, I remember I was too scared take hot food out of the oven, doing dishes was hard, just boiling needles in water was difficult it was like I was young again and learning basic things again. I know it's difficult how can we know how get better from Mental Illiness my best advice make it up as you go,try different things to cope, just doing something like even going to the beach do more for yourself, you can google free activities to do in city you live in.I treat my self that's the way go about it.Go hard, dream hard.Good luck

Katyonthehamsterwheel So emotional - I cry at the drop of a hat
  • replies: 18

I don't even know if it's anxiety related or not. I didn't used to cry when anxious, and I've had anxiety for over a decade, but now when I'm anxious I cry. But even sometimes when I'm not. Today I cried twice when people were talking to me. I've bee... View more

I don't even know if it's anxiety related or not. I didn't used to cry when anxious, and I've had anxiety for over a decade, but now when I'm anxious I cry. But even sometimes when I'm not. Today I cried twice when people were talking to me. I've been stressed a bit lately, but I thought I was feeling fine today, so it was unexpected. Anyone else have any experience of this that they want to share. Sharing can help normalise our experiences, but also if you have any techniques to stop it, or ways to handle it, that would be cool to hear too. Thanks

alexis123 unsure of what to do in life?
  • replies: 4

Due to my anxiety I struggle with everyday normal jobs/work, I don’t know what job to do from home that I’m interested in or that i can do, any suggestions for jobs working from home ( my dream was to be an author but for the meantime i need a realis... View more

Due to my anxiety I struggle with everyday normal jobs/work, I don’t know what job to do from home that I’m interested in or that i can do, any suggestions for jobs working from home ( my dream was to be an author but for the meantime i need a realistic goal/job) and also don’t want a job as I don’t want to let down my coworkers and job as my anxiety can be unpredictable,and i also don’t drive, any advice and help would be appreciated! Thankyou

GingerMegs IM Leaving the abuse
  • replies: 1

Hi it's GingerMegs I wanted to say thank you for all your support I have finally built the courage to leave the my partners house, I'm going my own place and be doing co parenting because things are still bad she did hit me once and made my mouth ble... View more

Hi it's GingerMegs I wanted to say thank you for all your support I have finally built the courage to leave the my partners house, I'm going my own place and be doing co parenting because things are still bad she did hit me once and made my mouth bleed I should have took a photo but I didn't I was in flight or fight mode, my health has declined so it was a wake up call for me to get out of there, my mental health declined aswell which what really woke me up I'm fight for my rights and my son's future, she is not treating me properly and like being listen to that basic level anyone I will tell more soon

Benb Anxiety and eye problems
  • replies: 13

Hi All I hope I can get some help please ??? I had been very very stress and super high anxiety for the last 4 weeks, which I am working through but my eyes have been playing up. I have been see eye floaters, finding it hard to focus in a bright room... View more

Hi All I hope I can get some help please ??? I had been very very stress and super high anxiety for the last 4 weeks, which I am working through but my eyes have been playing up. I have been see eye floaters, finding it hard to focus in a bright room at night, bright lights (shopping centre, work, in front of the Tv) are hurting my eyes and I my Finding hard to focus on sometimes but if I drive a car day or night it goes away instantly ??? Or if my stress and anxiety are low I can see as normal, ( it is like a cloud has lifted) ??? I have seen my GP and had all the check and test for the last month and all good. I had a eye test and I do need reading glasses which I should get next week. Just see if anyone else has had this ???

Mild1 Mild Anxiety ?
  • replies: 3

Hi All. I have been suffering with what I would call mild anxiety on and off since I lost my elderly mum late last year. At the same time my sister who suffers from mayor depression was admitted to a mental unit again. I feel like I have shouldered a... View more

Hi All. I have been suffering with what I would call mild anxiety on and off since I lost my elderly mum late last year. At the same time my sister who suffers from mayor depression was admitted to a mental unit again. I feel like I have shouldered all the problems on my own and now I get worried/anxious at the littlest things and can’t seem to settle myself back down into my “normal” life again. I work casually and also look after my grandkids, 1 aged 2 1/2 years the other 4months old once a week. I have now started to get anxious doing this because the younger one cries continuously. I don’t want to tell anybody close to me how I’m feeling for fear they think I might be “crazy” like my sister. I suppose I’m posting in hope that someone has or is feeling a bit like me and how you cope.