
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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Chris_B Forums etiquette: give support to receive support
  • replies: 0

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newb... View more

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newbies are welcomed when they first post, and we understand that it’s a big step to post for the first time on a forum like this, especially if you aren’t feeling great. It’s important to remember, though, that these forums are a community of real people, just like you, not a one-on-one support environment like going to see your psychologist. To get the best out of being here, one of the best tips we can offer is give support to receive support. Being a good community member means: participating in different threads (not just your own), replying to people who have taken the time to reply to you (even if it’s just to say thank you), and... posting words of emotional support and encouragement when you see others who are hurting and reaching out. You don’t have to feel obliged to solve the problems of others: that’s not what we’re here for. But you can offer empathy and what you’ve learned from your own life experiences, even if it’s just a line or two, eg. “I don't know what to say, but I want to give you my support and tell you I care about what is happening to you and hope life will get better soon.” Try to develop an interest in the journeys of others here on the forums. You may be surprised at how good being an active, caring member here can make you feel. For those of you who have had good experiences giving support here on the forums, please post in this thread here and let us know how it has helped you on your journey.

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Starxzzx Anxiety
  • replies: 1

i hate school because of the people. it tires me out. 

i hate school because of the people. it tires me out. 

Donsgo Unrelenting anxiety
  • replies: 1

Unrelenting anxiety recently beset me. I'm retired and in my 70's. There is no apparent trigger. It in turn brings on depression. I force myself to walk a few short kms each day, use an exercise bike, do some light weights - these activities help. It... View more

Unrelenting anxiety recently beset me. I'm retired and in my 70's. There is no apparent trigger. It in turn brings on depression. I force myself to walk a few short kms each day, use an exercise bike, do some light weights - these activities help. It is very difficult to motivate myself. What do suffers of these most unwelcome conditions do that helps reduce the impact of anxiety and depression on their daily lives? Your experiences /suggestions that you have found beneficial may be helpful to me too. Please keep them age appropriate ie relevant to a senior. thank you forum members.

matt05 Anxiety caused by sick people
  • replies: 1

Hey all im looking for help to try overcome a trigger of mine. Ever since covid i have developed anxiety when ever i come in contact with someone that is sick or has a partner that is sick. I tend to spend days worrying if im going to get sick or not... View more

Hey all im looking for help to try overcome a trigger of mine. Ever since covid i have developed anxiety when ever i come in contact with someone that is sick or has a partner that is sick. I tend to spend days worrying if im going to get sick or not and it’s effecting my day to day life and sleep. It never was a issue in the past but only developed ever since covid started.

Cate26 Big job decision = big anxiety
  • replies: 4

I have been offered a new job at a different company which would be a promotion, increase in responsibilities and a pay rise. My anxiety has kicked in and i am an emotional wreck. I know this new job is a great opportunity however the thought of resi... View more

I have been offered a new job at a different company which would be a promotion, increase in responsibilities and a pay rise. My anxiety has kicked in and i am an emotional wreck. I know this new job is a great opportunity however the thought of resigning and going through the process of leaving and starting new is terrifying. I know that without taking risks there will be no reward but I still feel extremely anxious

Hereandthere Trapped by indecision
  • replies: 6

Hello, I'm feeling totally trapped and depressed by my own inability to make decisions. It's gotten to the point it's causing problems in my relationship and I feel so stupid. I just seem scared of everything. I need to consider absolutely everything... View more

Hello, I'm feeling totally trapped and depressed by my own inability to make decisions. It's gotten to the point it's causing problems in my relationship and I feel so stupid. I just seem scared of everything. I need to consider absolutely everything all the time and it's exhausting. I need to look at every single option of everything- it's almost like an obsession. Just had a huge argument with my partner because of my indecision affecting our life and I feel I'm ruining everything. Feeling utterly useless right now. I also think I have a control issue and this may be an expression of it. I'm constantly feeling anxious, seems like I can't be relaxed anymore. Just more and more things make me anxious, even the least important things worry me and sometimes even scare me. I don't know who to talk to, I've also been avoiding my friends for long time, don't even know why.

Guest_9340 Lonely and stuck
  • replies: 2

I have been feeling ongoing pain in my marriage . Being belittled and used is making me physically sick. I don't know which way to turn . I am stuck. I value relationships , love and forgive me husband and two children easily but my depression and an... View more

I have been feeling ongoing pain in my marriage . Being belittled and used is making me physically sick. I don't know which way to turn . I am stuck. I value relationships , love and forgive me husband and two children easily but my depression and anxiety and repetitive negative exeriences has me trapped and my joy for life and my will to live or enjoy anything has completely disolved over the last 5 years . I am merely surviving as the emotional pain and loneliness and fear is killing me from the inside out . I have isolated myself for so long to avoid pain but i literally feel like I'm dying from brokeness.

GC-435_m I Lost My Job - Appreciate Advice
  • replies: 3

Hello, I am new to the forum and to asking for help and advice. I lost my job a month ago. I spent nearly 3 years there, it had its ups and downs as there was a toxic undercurrent within the company and the older team that surfaced every now and then... View more

Hello, I am new to the forum and to asking for help and advice. I lost my job a month ago. I spent nearly 3 years there, it had its ups and downs as there was a toxic undercurrent within the company and the older team that surfaced every now and then. Progression of new things was slow due to higher up management. I realized early on that the negativity could affect me greatly as I am empathic and introvert (bottle things up), and that my supervisor was the main contributor to the issues and anger at work, but I was confident I could deal with it and was enticed to stay as my manager had plans to make the farm stand out and evolve with the old team eventually retiring in the next few years.Unfortunately due to a variety of things in and out of work I became very stressed and showing signs of anxiety. Didn't know it at the time, but having time now to analyze things, I realize that that is what happened. I stopped looking after myself, bottled everything up and kept absorbing the negativity other people were carrying. I was in a fog, going through the motions, zooming everywhere and not being able to stop and realize what was happening even though I was living it. I got sick and had tight gut feelings even thinking about work, and stopped eating properly. I felt alone, and when I was at work especially around others I felt I was walking on eggshells, while trying to figure out what I was doing to upset them.I didn't know how to quit my job, nor how to help myself or ask for it. I know I'm not entirely responsible for what happened and I am upset that they didn't own up to their part in it and that I wasn't supported, especially since some of them were supposedly my friends, I was a great worker and they are a 'well being' company. I spent the last few weeks on and off stressing about getting an job and my stress and anxiety following me. I am making some progress as I have been trying out what I've been researching - how to manage them in different ways, it is a struggle though. Smiling feels strange too. I'd appreciate any advice on what you use or what tricks you have created to help deal with stress and anxiety, or in building confidence or even how to heal from what I just went through. How can I start a job while dealing with this?Thank you for your time

Jade20 Binge eating/anxiety
  • replies: 4

TRIGGERLatley when my boyfriend goes to work in brisbane and I am left home alone I have been constantly eating. I know and understand that I am full but I just want more and more, I really need support with this. I honestly don’t know how to help it... View more

TRIGGERLatley when my boyfriend goes to work in brisbane and I am left home alone I have been constantly eating. I know and understand that I am full but I just want more and more, I really need support with this. I honestly don’t know how to help it, I understand that it may be for comfort but it doesn’t stop me from overeating. I’ve been looking in the mirror latley and I honestly am disgusted with how much weight I have put on. help if you can.

Nicky01 Trigger for my anxiety
  • replies: 2

I have realised that my supervisor at work is a major trigger. My supervisor says she’s supportive (and I do know she is) but her actions are completely different. Part of my struggle is that she also doesn’t understand how anxiety can affect people.... View more

I have realised that my supervisor at work is a major trigger. My supervisor says she’s supportive (and I do know she is) but her actions are completely different. Part of my struggle is that she also doesn’t understand how anxiety can affect people. Some of how I deal with my anxiety are being completely misunderstood. Any suggestions on how can I get though this

Natalie22 Anxiety and discomfort with doctors.
  • replies: 2

Hi. My gp has been raising my mental health since the start of 2021 but has not really guided me I guess. It is my fault as I did not reaction well to antidepressants at the start of 2021 and made my feelings clear. I have rejected 2 MHTP just before... View more

Hi. My gp has been raising my mental health since the start of 2021 but has not really guided me I guess. It is my fault as I did not reaction well to antidepressants at the start of 2021 and made my feelings clear. I have rejected 2 MHTP just before they were due to be done. I did start seeing a mental health social worker last year but I felt worse after each appt. I started seeing a psychologist in Feb and I do actually like him but not sure if it is helping or I am just not putting enough work in with his plans. Eg progressive muscle relaxation, mindfulness, sleep schedule and recently induced vomiting.I saw my neurologist in Feb and the appointment did not go well . I think I was withdrawn and a bit all over the place at the same time. Pretty sure he wrote about my mental health and after that 2 random gps questioned me about my MH. The last time I saw my normal GP I told him about the 2 queries and he was just happy that they had read the notes. I told him that 'I know that I am stressed and I am an overthinker but my mental health was fine'. He said that it must be annoying yo be asked all the time and of course I said yes. I have not told him that I am seeing a psychologist as I fear the judgement but I may be making my situation worse by not mentioning it. I am afraid that he thinks that I don't have insight as I avoid the topic but I am fully aware of my short comings. I just don't know how to talk about it as drs make me nervous.An inquest was done into my dads death and the findings came back in Jan and I think this has made it worse. I have my next appt with my normal gp at the start of July. I feel that I need to address my mental health and the fact that I am seeking help but I am afraid that I will be dismissed, pitied . I know my fears are probably irrational but I can't help it.Sorry that this has been a bit disjointed and rambling but I have no one I can discuss it with.Thank you for your time.