
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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BeyondBlue Hi! Check out this post if you're not sure how to start
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Hi there and welcome to the Anxiety section of the Forums First of all, thank you so much for joining us here. We think it’s amazing that you’ve taken this step to getting support and learning from this Community. You are very welcome here and we are... View more

Hi there and welcome to the Anxiety section of the Forums First of all, thank you so much for joining us here. We think it’s amazing that you’ve taken this step to getting support and learning from this Community. You are very welcome here and we are really interested in what you might want to add to these conversations. We get it, having anxiety makes it hard to share in a public place. Remeber, this is anonymous and the Beyond Blue team are here to help if you need it This section is for people who are experiencing anixiety in some form in their lives. This might be in social settings, at work, or just in the day to day. You don’t need a diagnosis to post here. If it feels like the right spot for you post, go right ahead! We know that feeling anxious can make it hard to reach out so we want you to know that getting this far is amazing and a great start. A few tips for getting the most out of this section: Get involved when you can! Posting and replying is the heartbeat of this community and you DO have something worthile to share (when you’re ready ) Every experience is different. There is no competition here. We know how challenging anxiety can be and how it comes in all shapes and sizes. What you are experiencing will be respected and supported here. Trust yourself! You are the expert in your experience. This community works because people like you share what has worked for you. Thank you for getting involved and taking a look. We can’t wait to hear from you! Beyond Blue

All discussions

Heidiiiiii Anxiety attacks whilst sleeping.
  • replies: 2

I'm 25 years old and have been battling anxiety most of my life. Its affected my ability to work and go to some social events. But I've usually been able to battle through it. Recently I've started having anxiety attacks in my sleep which I've woken ... View more

I'm 25 years old and have been battling anxiety most of my life. Its affected my ability to work and go to some social events. But I've usually been able to battle through it. Recently I've started having anxiety attacks in my sleep which I've woken up to and been completely terrified by. Its happened twice, so far only at my boyfriend's house. Im not sure how to handle this, what the cause might be or deal with this?

Willow26 Finally dealing and accepting
  • replies: 7

I have suffered anxiety for over 1 year and I have just finally received help. My doctor has subscribed me some medication but I am having major anxiety about starting to take them and am worried and extremely scared at the side affect. Are these saf... View more

I have suffered anxiety for over 1 year and I have just finally received help. My doctor has subscribed me some medication but I am having major anxiety about starting to take them and am worried and extremely scared at the side affect. Are these safe to take? Can they harm me in anyway? What is the safest of all the anxiety medicine? This terrible thing has ruled and ruined my life for long enough I live day to day constantly worried about everything I have the worst anxiety symptoms ever from racing heart headaches dizziness sleep loss stress and I am done with it all I want my life back!!!

BMW_X5 Scared
  • replies: 1

Hi All, I am new to this forum and seem to be having Anxiety attacks. I will share my story and experience with you all. Better go grab a coffee as it may take some time to read. It all started a about 4 weeks ago when I was driving into town my hear... View more

Hi All, I am new to this forum and seem to be having Anxiety attacks. I will share my story and experience with you all. Better go grab a coffee as it may take some time to read. It all started a about 4 weeks ago when I was driving into town my heart started to race and I couldn't breath, well I could breath it just felt like I wasn't getting any Oxygen, I drove myself to the emergency department thinking I was having a heart attack. They gave me some stuff which is supposed to stop your heart and restart it but it had a reverse effect and actually speed it up. anyway they kept me in Hospital over night and my racing heart started to settle down. I guess I should have explained that over the past 3 months I have had an uncomfortable bloating feeling in my chest as well which I have put down to my refux. anyway since leaving hospital I have been back 3 times and seen my own doctor about the same number of times as I now have muscle pain constantly through my chest, my shoulders and back ache, everytime I go to the emergency dept all my blood test, xrays, ultrasounds ECG all come back negative, which makes it really hard considering I have this constant pain, they have said that I suffer from Anxiety and I was placed on some anti-depresents which then made things worse as I started getting a tingling sensation running through my head down my shoulders and arms which made me more anxious about having a heart attack. I stopped taking them today as I couldn't cope with the feeling anymore (spent most of the night crying last night). I guess I am trying to see if anyone else has the same symtoms as me.

Lena123 Social Anxiety worse for specific events
  • replies: 2

I have suffered anxiety for many years and take an anti-depressant, which helps a lot. I suffer from social anxiety all the time, but can generally cope. What has prompted me to join up and make this post is that I have been invited to a hens night a... View more

I have suffered anxiety for many years and take an anti-depressant, which helps a lot. I suffer from social anxiety all the time, but can generally cope. What has prompted me to join up and make this post is that I have been invited to a hens night and from the moment I was invited I have felt anxious, stressed and had a headache. It's a fancy dress theme. I'm not especially close to the bride to be and dislike hen's nights to start with. I feel that I should just decline the invitation, knowing that the stress will end. This occurs whenever I'm invited to a big event, especially when i can't attend with my husband. What do others with social anxiety do in situations like this? I'd love to hear your thoughts. Thanks.

lisalovesbacon OCD and intrusive thoughts.. help please!
  • replies: 5

I find that my thoughts are either a fear of disease (sometimes I fear AIDS, cancer (mostly skin cancer), heart disease, etc. And then I get the fears of hurting my close loved ones which is absolute torture, my current one is hurting my partner and ... View more

I find that my thoughts are either a fear of disease (sometimes I fear AIDS, cancer (mostly skin cancer), heart disease, etc. And then I get the fears of hurting my close loved ones which is absolute torture, my current one is hurting my partner and this is the one I can't stand the most. I' m scared these thoughts mean it will actually happen.I was going really well for a long time and a bout of stress due to giving up my dog brought out the harming ones again, I can barely sleep or eat while I'm like this. Sad part is, I'm just about to embark on a holiday and I don't think I'll enjoy it. What I keep repeating to myself is that I have gotten past these thoughts before, and I WILL do it again. Nothing is going to control my life but me.I'm currently not on medication, but I'm starting to think it might be a good idea. Thanks for reading.SIMILAR THREADSOCD and Intrusive ThoughtsHelp with intrusive thoughts caused by OCDIntrusive thoughts and imagesAnxiety, depression, and intrusive thoughts help!Intrusive thoughts

HelenM Advice on Sleep
  • replies: 1

I know that somewhere on this site is a section on sleep but I can't find it. I possibly know the right stuff. I'll tell you what I do : I go to bed and get up at the same time. I don't drink caffeine or alcohol in the evening. I usually have some wa... View more

I know that somewhere on this site is a section on sleep but I can't find it. I possibly know the right stuff. I'll tell you what I do : I go to bed and get up at the same time. I don't drink caffeine or alcohol in the evening. I usually have some warm milk which can help. I don't read or watch anything that can disturb me. I manage to relax in bed and I don't get up as that makes me worse. I should go for a walk before bed. The thing is, my sleeplessness is no longer anxiety related but seems to be based on nothing. I'm 54 and wonder if it's connected to the menopause. I take the odd sleeping tablet but our Drs won't prescribe them too much. Anyway, any advice would be welcome. Thanks, Helen

JoJo_B Feeling Stuck and Anxious
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Hi thereI have been at home for the past two weeks with one more week to go and I have constant anxiety about the state of the house I rent on my own. I am meant to be studying but I just cant. I can't even do housework/gardening, can barely bring my... View more

Hi thereI have been at home for the past two weeks with one more week to go and I have constant anxiety about the state of the house I rent on my own. I am meant to be studying but I just cant. I can't even do housework/gardening, can barely bring myself to get dressed, eat, let alone shower. I have lived here over ten years with ex-husband, child and dog who are now no longer with me. I am the last one standing in this house. I can't leave. The house is literally falling apart room by room, peeling paint, carpet falling apart, you name it. I pay exorbitant rent to live here and I can't bear waking up each morning to see all the peeling paint and shabbiness. My landlord doesn't do any upkeep on this place, yet I am afraid that when I can finally afford to leave that he will take me to court for the peeling paint and condition of the carpet and everything else that is wrong.This place hasn't been painted in 15 years, I know it is wear and tear but I am afraid others will see how I have been living and I am so ashamed. My boss told me in February last year that I lived in a crappy house after coming to knock on my door one time and before that comment I had accepted where I lived (even though I was anxious about it) because I could keep the family dog who was an in/outdoor (before passing away). Since my boss said that I have had major anxiety and feel so stuck. I don't invite anyone to my house ever because I am so ashamed. I cannot afford to move as I am trying to rebuild my life after divorce and raising my child (who is now an adult) on my own who has now moved out. My rent is half my income. When I get anxious and think about everything that is wrong about this place, my compulsion is to think about ways that I can fix it or pay for someone to come in to fix it, but I can't do that either because you need permission and I always feel anxious when dealing with the LL as he tells me that I need to repair things which are his responsibility. I am in an abusive situation that I can't get out of. He is scary and intimidating and reminds me of my marriage. I feel like I am stuck in this situation because it is what I am used to. The humiliation and shame. I read case law after case law all day on 1 January regarding tenancies and I amfreaking out and can't think of anything else. I have tried positive affirmations, tapping and downloading apps. Please give me some advice. This has taken over all my life. What do I do?

dee122 Is this possible?
  • replies: 2

Hi i have this terrible fear that I have become pregnant from using the same toilet/bathroom as my sister's boyfriend. he woke up during the night to use the toilet and then about half an hour later I used the same toilet. I had to do a number two. A... View more

Hi i have this terrible fear that I have become pregnant from using the same toilet/bathroom as my sister's boyfriend. he woke up during the night to use the toilet and then about half an hour later I used the same toilet. I had to do a number two. Afterwards, I wiped my bottom. I then had a terrible thought that this could cause me to become pregnant. What if he had just had intercourse and I touched some left over semen/sperm that may have been on the toilet door handle, the toilet paper or another surface nearby. Is this possible? This anxiety consumes affects my day to day life, it's all I can think about. It has been going on for a few years now...I take pregnancy tests daily. I don't know what to do. Has anyone been in a similar situation or experienced anything like this??

Pandapie93 Feel like I can't do anything right.
  • replies: 23

Hi all... I'm new to BB and pretty nervous about posting this, but I can't cope anymore on my own. I can't cope telling people close to me of my anxiety and depression, I feel like I've let them down some how and that I'm being judged. I've been stru... View more

Hi all... I'm new to BB and pretty nervous about posting this, but I can't cope anymore on my own. I can't cope telling people close to me of my anxiety and depression, I feel like I've let them down some how and that I'm being judged. I've been struggling with depression and anxiety for about 9 years now and only came to terms with it on the last couple of months as my anxiety attacks have become so severe. I live in a mental world of hell where I feel like a constant failure... I worry about every word I say and every move I make, worried I'll upset someone or be judged for my words or actions. I find it hard to sleep from worry and when I do I have nightmares. When I have anxiety attacks I feel physically sick to my stomach and get sharp pains in my chest and head... I get muscle cramps and want to burst into tears and run as far away as I can... I have an amazing life, so many amazing people in my life and I love my job, why can't I just stop worrying and be happy? What's wrong with me??!!! hate this disease, it's ruining my life and so many others. please, I beg of any hints or tips on how I can overcome this. - Panda

HelenM Worry chews at my mind
  • replies: 5

One of my biggest enemies with my mental health is worry. I have always been pessimistic and it played a massive part in my mental illness over the years. I am waiting to go on a Mindfulness course but that won't be till late Spring. So not helpful n... View more

One of my biggest enemies with my mental health is worry. I have always been pessimistic and it played a massive part in my mental illness over the years. I am waiting to go on a Mindfulness course but that won't be till late Spring. So not helpful now. My brother's son has leukaemia. He was diagnosed in January and I think it played a part in my mood dropping then. Things went well and he went into remission. However recently it came back. Fortunately he is only 30 and fit and so could handle the aggressive chemo they gave. He then got an infection which has thankfully cleared and it'll be a few weeks before they can say if he's in remission again. Then they want to do a bone marrow transplant - his siblings don't match but it seems that on the European donor list they'll find him a match reasonably okay. All this was fine in my head. Today I rang my brother and he also mentioned the possibility of his son not going in remission. He is coping well but obviously worried though he was not trying to worry me. Although things going wrong are always possible I cope by not asking about them or not allowing myself to 'know' .Now I can't stop worrying about my nephew. I try to reassure myself and certainly his youth is in his favour as well as the very good treatment that is available and apparently improving all the time. I try to distract myself but find it hard. It's a double problem for me: the worry I feel and also the possibility that it will pull me down. My sister tells me that to worry is pointless and that we have to be their for him. She's right but I am unable to switch worry off. Any advice would be welcome. Thanks, Helen