
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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Chris_B Forums etiquette: give support to receive support
  • replies: 0

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newb... View more

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newbies are welcomed when they first post, and we understand that it’s a big step to post for the first time on a forum like this, especially if you aren’t feeling great. It’s important to remember, though, that these forums are a community of real people, just like you, not a one-on-one support environment like going to see your psychologist. To get the best out of being here, one of the best tips we can offer is give support to receive support. Being a good community member means: participating in different threads (not just your own), replying to people who have taken the time to reply to you (even if it’s just to say thank you), and... posting words of emotional support and encouragement when you see others who are hurting and reaching out. You don’t have to feel obliged to solve the problems of others: that’s not what we’re here for. But you can offer empathy and what you’ve learned from your own life experiences, even if it’s just a line or two, eg. “I don't know what to say, but I want to give you my support and tell you I care about what is happening to you and hope life will get better soon.” Try to develop an interest in the journeys of others here on the forums. You may be surprised at how good being an active, caring member here can make you feel. For those of you who have had good experiences giving support here on the forums, please post in this thread here and let us know how it has helped you on your journey.

All discussions

Janey123 Upcoming Job Interview
  • replies: 8

Hi, I am trying to prepare for a job interview at the moment and I'm having serious difficulty due to wanting to escape my anxiety and do ANYTHING else but think about the impending interview. As it gets closer I can feel the fear rising in me. I hav... View more

Hi, I am trying to prepare for a job interview at the moment and I'm having serious difficulty due to wanting to escape my anxiety and do ANYTHING else but think about the impending interview. As it gets closer I can feel the fear rising in me. I have had serious anxiety and depression issues in the past due to the competitive nature of my chosen work industry, and a lack of job security over the last two years. I am after some advice on how to slow down and focus on what I need to do. I know I can do okay in the interview if I am well prepared. If I go in feeling unprepared I could have an anxiety attack before hand and be unable to do it.

GuestYD Feeling edgy
  • replies: 2

Hi all I find weekends a bit stressful because my family are all at home and it gets a bit too much for me. I feel really on edge now (so on high alert) and also anxious. I'm feeling tightness in chest too. My dog has made me relax a little bit and I... View more

Hi all I find weekends a bit stressful because my family are all at home and it gets a bit too much for me. I feel really on edge now (so on high alert) and also anxious. I'm feeling tightness in chest too. My dog has made me relax a little bit and I've got the house to myself tomorrow so the quietness will be nice. LC

Hardy524 Confused and feeling lower than low - long post
  • replies: 7

So I just need to vent and try to clear my mind a bit. I'm not even sure where to start. Live had anxiety for many years off and on. It has always been around a fear of vomiting/diarrhea. Lately it's extended to other health issues but always centred... View more

So I just need to vent and try to clear my mind a bit. I'm not even sure where to start. Live had anxiety for many years off and on. It has always been around a fear of vomiting/diarrhea. Lately it's extended to other health issues but always centred on stomach type issues. Constipation is nothing unusual to me, I've been that way for as long as I can remember. The past year or so I have been getting the odd loose owes movement which has probably caused the anxiety flare up. I have seen the doctor and had an X-ray and ultrasound which showed the colon is quite full so she said the loose bowel movements were more than likely caused by that. I thought I was happy having a diagnosis. Ive also seen a naturopath as the herbal mixture she gives me has really helped in the past. the herbal mixture she gave me this time has "happy herbs" as well as some herbs to help the liver which in turn should help the bowels. Yesterday my anxiety was extremely low and I was feeling great. I then went to the toilet for #2 which made me just a tad nervous. Long story short, I went 5 times in about 2 hours and each time got softer and each time made my anxiety worse. By the end of number 5 I was very anxious and had convinced myself something must be wrong. I had thoughts like I must be coming down with a stomach bug, this shouldn't be happening when I'm taking Metamucil twice daily etc. I tried my best to distract myself but half hour later I felt really nauseous and stood in the bathroom convinced I was going to vomit. I didn't and the nausea passed in 5 minutes or so. But almost as soon as the nausea passed I had a full blown panic attack. Heavy breathing, hyperventilating, crying, dizziness, tingling hands. Of course this passed too but I spent the rest of the day wondering if the nausea was part of the panic attack or something else. I can't eat, I'm so tired, I'm sick of being so anxious every time I need to have a bowel movement. I'm sorry if this is too much info.

DN129 Generalized dizziness/vertigo
  • replies: 13

Does anyone experience these traits? I know its common in the midst of a panic attack, but I get them on a more generalized basis. Sometimes if I've had particular stress/anxiety I go into a state I call feeling very 'zonked out'. Heavy eyes, tension... View more

Does anyone experience these traits? I know its common in the midst of a panic attack, but I get them on a more generalized basis. Sometimes if I've had particular stress/anxiety I go into a state I call feeling very 'zonked out'. Heavy eyes, tension, lethargic movement. I find that sometimes when I lay down I feel off balance, like i'm spinning or on a boat or something moving. Its very off putting, especially when it doesn't seem to be due to a current panic/stress situation. Unfortunately I have found, there isn't a health professional that you can discuss the symptoms of anxiety with. You have GPs who don't really understand and psychologists who have no interest discussing the physical, just the mental.

livm88 Anxiety over lack of work/casual position
  • replies: 13

Hi, I've always been a anxious and worrying kind of person, and this year has been full of worry, mostly in relation to unemployment and difficulty in finding steady work. I started the year off unemployed for 5 months, and after about 150 applicatio... View more

Hi, I've always been a anxious and worrying kind of person, and this year has been full of worry, mostly in relation to unemployment and difficulty in finding steady work. I started the year off unemployed for 5 months, and after about 150 applications both online and off, got a Casual/Temp position with a company that does occasional work in Supermarkets. This was in May, and gave me loads of work one month, then would go quiet for a while (as it has now). I managed to get another casual job not long after, but when uni started the boss wouldn't let me change my hours, so I had no choice but to leave. Recently I just started a casual job at Coles, but it's so casual (7 hrs this week!), i'm wondering why they hired a bunch of us. An Aldi opened up across the road from them, and apparently they underestimated what it would do to business, therefore on my first week they've already sent me home early one day and cancelled two upcoming shifts! I called to inquire about next weeks roster, and they said "We've had to change it so call back tomorrow and see." Now i'm worried i've taken on this job instead of another, and might not get any hours! So i've started putting in more applications just in case. This all goes along with another worry i've been having, in that i'm 28 with no career, and just started uni last year. I'm studying Arts, but wondering if I might be wasting time doing this? I think I should pick something practical like Nursing, but having self confidence issues, I feel i'd be silly choosing this, as I haven't shown interest before. I'm worried what people will think of me (having only ever shown interest in Art). I know these are totally ridiculous things to think, but I have a real issue with not doing things because i'm worried about other's opinions? I just want to be secure financially, and it's not going to happen in Retail, as these jobs are usually casual (and seem to be becoming more so!). I have a boyfriend, and I don't want to be a financial burden. I want to be able to contribute, and I'd really love to do an interesting job, in the hopes eventually i'll be too busy to feel anxious and stressed. I would like to eventually move in with my bf, but can't right now financially. At the moment, I have anxiety about not seeing him every day, which adds to the stress (which i've created for myself I guess!). Sorry for the long post, Thanks for any advice! Olivia

Just Sara Am I the only one?
  • replies: 61

Tonight I'm feeling the pangs of anxiety and am using BB as a means of staying connected. Writing feels good and is helping to curb loneliness. This section on sexuality and gender doesn't seem to be visited by lesbian. Although I've received so much... View more

Tonight I'm feeling the pangs of anxiety and am using BB as a means of staying connected. Writing feels good and is helping to curb loneliness. This section on sexuality and gender doesn't seem to be visited by lesbian. Although I've received so much beautiful support from men on this site, having another woman to talk with (who can relate) would be nice. As it's early days for me living as my true self, talking about this subject feels new and a little foreign. Once I got real and didn't have to face the anxiety from not feeling normal, the calm has been spoilt a little due to feeling isolated from similar souls. It's not just banter I'd like, but to's hard to say this at my age. I read posts from gay men dealing with coming out and leaving marriages etc, and this does help. But only in a generic way if I can say that. I don't actually know why women don't post here as much, I suppose this being a mental health space has something to do with it...not sure. Feeling isolated isn't nice at all. I thought a connection might happen with someone earlier on, but that turned out to be a near miss. I don't have any expectations and whether this is a good thing or not I'm unsure. I would appreciate some dialog if someone is willing to engage. Dizzy

Ebonyag27 Social anxiety not allowing me to hold a job/get a job
  • replies: 5

Hello everyone, For the past couple months i Have been trying to obtain a job, with success, fortunately. I was working at red rooster but I quit due to the anxiety attacks that would cripple me once I got my roster and learnt what my shifts were. I ... View more

Hello everyone, For the past couple months i Have been trying to obtain a job, with success, fortunately. I was working at red rooster but I quit due to the anxiety attacks that would cripple me once I got my roster and learnt what my shifts were. I was there fo exactly one month. Since then my anxiety has lowered but not by much as it is out of control. Recently I was offered a position as kitchen hands for a restaurant nearby which I accepted because I want more money and want to rely less on my parents. But ever since thursday (which was when I found out) I've been getting crippling anxiety attacks in the lead up to this which is tomorrow. To kae things worse we went to dinner there last night and mum introduced me to the owner. I really need some advice as to what to do because right the only option i can think of is either having a mental breakdown to the point where my mum has to call up and cancel or make myself physically sick to make an illusion as though I can't work. Please help me and give me advice!! Thank-you!

ekatakekatakekat is it anxiety?
  • replies: 3

i feel like ive calmed down enough to write this...even tho im still hiding in on the floor in my toilet with the lights off but im calm enough to risk the noise of the clicking of my keyboard so i wrote something similar in the ask kim section but i... View more

i feel like ive calmed down enough to write this...even tho im still hiding in on the floor in my toilet with the lights off but im calm enough to risk the noise of the clicking of my keyboard so i wrote something similar in the ask kim section but i asked them to delete it bc it made me sound nuts but i wish i didnt bc i really do want an answer so now i have to re write it so i feel things that dont really seem to fit into anxiety or depression (which i apparently have too) and i dont know if they are in fact part of anxiety or if they're just weird thoughts bc im a freak so im terrified of small talk, crowds, & people in general which all seems normal enough for anxiety i think, but then sometimes im genuinly afraid of people. like, i always have the "theyre talking about you thoughts" but then theres also "theyre coming to get you" like i can be out and then i freak out that the people around me are all following me and when i past them theyll stop pretending to be normal and just stare at me. i can be on a bus and i feel like the driver will turn around with some demonic face and ill be trapped and i have to get off the bus. sometimes im scared to run away bc i feel like i cant let them know i know if i do itll get worse and if i turn away thell come closer so i have to look at them, but sometimes its so bad i have to run away i can be in my bed and think theres someone in my room and i have to stay still or theyll know and sometimes its hours where im so terrified id rather piss the bed than get up (gross & pathetic i know) or a face at my window or people coming into my house (what happened now) sometimes it passes sometimes it doesnt sometimes its stuff like when theres no one around but the trees are moving in the wind i feel like something in the trees is coming to get me im not crazy because i dont actually think 24 7 the government is after me and i know its dumb and stupid & my brain says that but theres another part thats also like "ok but are you sure?" when i was at uni i was at the library and this man was using a computer near me and this voice was like "get out hes watching you" & i was like, dont be stupid, but i still ran away, not even goin back for my usb & watter bottle i cant put it into words it doesnt sound right but its like 2am & ive re written it too many times already like i know its not normal, but i dunno if its anxiety not normal, or if its a weird thing like people who cant walk under ladders kind of not normal

Paulie_R Crippling anxiety due to work
  • replies: 3

Hi, i am a registered nurse, I completed my degree in 2013 I was meant to be interning throughout 2014 but I interviewed extremely badly due to anxiety and was left without employment in that field for a couple of years. Then at the beginning of this... View more

Hi, i am a registered nurse, I completed my degree in 2013 I was meant to be interning throughout 2014 but I interviewed extremely badly due to anxiety and was left without employment in that field for a couple of years. Then at the beginning of this year (2016) I got a job with a agency (working in new places every shift) I was put into places where I was the most senior staff caring for 60 + aged care residents by myself (some places I was physically assaulted by the resident-understandable because they are confused) then they started sending me to work with a patient who was extremely chronically ill, I ended up losing a lot of weight my hair was falling and I wasn't sleeping, I called them after a month crying saying I won't be able to continue with that patient-they stopped giving me shifts. Then about a month ago my sister-in-law said she will be able to fix me a job in a place that she knows, I was happy about getting a job and some much needed experience. I have since started but I am starting to have the symptoms of losing weight, not sleeping, hair dropping and most of all regret. I love the aspect of caring for people. But I don't like nursing anymore, I can't change professions because my family don't support that decision, also I don't have the finances to do that. And now my sister-in-law is involved, and my stuff ups will come back on her. I feel like I have a lot more pressure on me than I can handle. All my family and colleagues tell me to suck it up, it's not that hard, but it seems to me that I am the only one who realises that if I stuff up someone could be harmed!! Always so scared! I just want to add that the care that I deliver is the best that I am capable of, I triple check everything that I do, but the pressure I feel is overwhelming.

Brokenpeices Distructive thoughts
  • replies: 1

I was laying there hugging my girlfriend when "my voice" popped its nose in once again, and it got me thinking, when I do things my head fills with what I assume are my voices (me) telling myself I am worthless or that what I am doing is wrong, or th... View more

I was laying there hugging my girlfriend when "my voice" popped its nose in once again, and it got me thinking, when I do things my head fills with what I assume are my voices (me) telling myself I am worthless or that what I am doing is wrong, or that someone isn't happy with me, for this example I was hugging my girlfriend, and the voices popped out of nowhere to say that maybe she doesn't want a hug, or I'm annoying her, or she doesn't love me, my head does this all the time, my voice constantly feeding me this negativity and not just one voice but sets of voices like I'm hearing myself 6 times at the same time, I then get anxious and freak out, my body feels weird inside, I'm afraid of what people will think, I don't know why it's happening and I can't control it. I sometimes just wanna scream at myself and tell myself to shut up.