
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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Chris_B Forums etiquette: give support to receive support
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Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newb... View more

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newbies are welcomed when they first post, and we understand that it’s a big step to post for the first time on a forum like this, especially if you aren’t feeling great. It’s important to remember, though, that these forums are a community of real people, just like you, not a one-on-one support environment like going to see your psychologist. To get the best out of being here, one of the best tips we can offer is give support to receive support. Being a good community member means: participating in different threads (not just your own), replying to people who have taken the time to reply to you (even if it’s just to say thank you), and... posting words of emotional support and encouragement when you see others who are hurting and reaching out. You don’t have to feel obliged to solve the problems of others: that’s not what we’re here for. But you can offer empathy and what you’ve learned from your own life experiences, even if it’s just a line or two, eg. “I don't know what to say, but I want to give you my support and tell you I care about what is happening to you and hope life will get better soon.” Try to develop an interest in the journeys of others here on the forums. You may be surprised at how good being an active, caring member here can make you feel. For those of you who have had good experiences giving support here on the forums, please post in this thread here and let us know how it has helped you on your journey.

All discussions

blues23 Is it ever helpful to run away
  • replies: 3

As above is it ? im having struggles same issues as b4 sometimes I want to run away just run never come back , Is it possible to restart your life elsewhere be a nomad while I realise this is impossible I have a young child I want to pick up roots an... View more

As above is it ? im having struggles same issues as b4 sometimes I want to run away just run never come back , Is it possible to restart your life elsewhere be a nomad while I realise this is impossible I have a young child I want to pick up roots and run it’s been calling to me that feeling of restarting my life but also feel stuck and afraid to do so but it still calls to me the solution is to leave and restart elsewhere, but is it really the answer or will it create more problems? If I run away

Sue_ Opinions about "This Way Up" Online Anxiety Treatment?
  • replies: 4

I tried to search for "this way up" in search box, but it didn't pay attention to the quotes and returned too many irrelevant matches. But what I am wondering is if anyone has worked with the anxiety programs on that site, and what your experience wa... View more

I tried to search for "this way up" in search box, but it didn't pay attention to the quotes and returned too many irrelevant matches. But what I am wondering is if anyone has worked with the anxiety programs on that site, and what your experience was like? Or if you want to share a different (moodgym, mindspot, etc) site that you used and liked that would be helpful too!

redaire59 Severe anxiety
  • replies: 1

Hi new here suffered anxiety constantly8 yrs I'm in the fear of fear cycle I can't help think this will harm me need someone to talk to

Hi new here suffered anxiety constantly8 yrs I'm in the fear of fear cycle I can't help think this will harm me need someone to talk to

Ashii Social anxiety, day to day life, and issues with food
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I’ve had long term issues with social anxiety. I think it stems from a lack of control, particularly from childhood trauma. I have symptoms of PTSD and have emotional flashbacks occasionally. My anxiety issues have improved over the last 7 years, mai... View more

I’ve had long term issues with social anxiety. I think it stems from a lack of control, particularly from childhood trauma. I have symptoms of PTSD and have emotional flashbacks occasionally. My anxiety issues have improved over the last 7 years, mainly due to my work. The last two years that I spent living with family made me think it was completely gone, but it turns out that because I was mostly living with people who I have long and established relationships with, I don’t experience anxiety with them. I’ve always felt dread when I’ve had to interact with people I don’t have a comfortable or long relationship with and I thought this was normal. But I’ve had to move away from family this year for my mental health and I’ve noticed how bad my anxiety actually is. I can’t leave my room if my housemate is home. I can’t do it even if I need the bathroom or to make food, especially if their door is open or they’re in the common areas. I would rather starve and experience discomfort than leave the room and interact with them. It has nothing to do with them personally, but I just can’t. At this point, I wonder if it’s creating some kind of temporary eating issues. I can’t eat or even cook in front of them or even if they’re in the house. The one time I did cook was when they walked in from work. It made me so distressed I gave up. Sometimes I’ll feel panicked when I hear them coming into the house and rush to hide items of food. I know rationally I shouldn’t, but I don’t feel safe and I feel like I’m doing something wrong. I’m currently seeing a psychologist, so I’m getting help. But I’d love to know if anyone has any advice around managing this or if I need to pay attention to my issues with food.

Elephant86 The internal and healing power of the mind to help us overcome our situation
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The mind is a powerful thing when you say you want to do something it will tell you to do something else. The question iswhat can I do to control the mind and my thoughts? how do I get control of my thoughts so it doesn't over whelm me? It is a matte... View more

The mind is a powerful thing when you say you want to do something it will tell you to do something else. The question iswhat can I do to control the mind and my thoughts? how do I get control of my thoughts so it doesn't over whelm me? It is a matter of teaching yourself to be disciplined and step by step doing things that help you heal and bring back control. Beleive me I know how hard it is to get control of life and to keep your mind under control. There are many things you can do to help yourself it is just finding out what works and helps you recover from your situation. Ill use me as an example since being diagnosed with bipolar at 15 my life changed but I had to adapt I have to be willing to accept change and work with it. Life will sometimes give you lemons you just create lemonade. The way i use to control my thoughts is through having a practice of meditation everyday you can start with just 10-15 minutes a day. With the bipolar it was always hard to keep control of thoughts so I coose to practise my meditation and focus on what I can change not what I can't. A great example I am epileptic and the doctor said I can't drive but you know what I told myself despite my set back I decided to have a positive thought and a forward thinking percpective. I knew in my heart this happened to me for a reason so I could experience this so I can help others through there difficulties because I have walked in there shoes and struggled but I always had a positive spin on life. I tell myself you need to keep walking because you havn't reached the top of the mountain. I could have chossen to be ill all my life but I made a defining powerful decision to just focus on what I can control not what I can't. Live in the moment and by gratful for the sunshine and every meal you eat because not everyone has what you have. There are people in third world countries who would love to have your plate of food so be gratful for what you posses and never take it for granted. There are times where you will feel powerless but you must realise the inner strength of the mind and the power of love in your heart and the power of powerful self talk will help you through the dark night. I think giving to others and thinking how do I help someone else and looking outside yourself is important. Looking around and see who needs you help. I think find you skill harness it to help and support your community. I beleive disability is a word you can choose to let it define you or you can define it by standing up to your adversity and facing your challengers a step at a time. Have a wonderful day

CMF If you could describe your anxiety in one word, what would it be?
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There is a thread under Depression just like this so I thought why not start an anxiety one? My word is: Attacking

There is a thread under Depression just like this so I thought why not start an anxiety one? My word is: Attacking

TLD1968 Break through with stress and anxiety
  • replies: 2

Hi,From my darkness came light. A positive posting !! I started going onto Beyond Blue due to losing my job and feeling very lost. I have suffered anxiety for most of my adult life. I am currently medicated and have over the years accumulated many va... View more

Hi,From my darkness came light. A positive posting !! I started going onto Beyond Blue due to losing my job and feeling very lost. I have suffered anxiety for most of my adult life. I am currently medicated and have over the years accumulated many valuable tools to deal with this exhausting condition. I not only lost my job , I was treated unfairly and become shattered and disillusioned by my life and humans. I lost all self worth and struggled with my existence. I started a journal and worked on keeping my head above water daily. I never gave up , I knew it would never stay the same and that change would come. I applied for countless jobs , had a few interviews. I went for an interview Monday , really enjoyed chatting to the employer, I showed my authentic self. I didn't hold out much hope. I was contacted by the employer yesterday as they wanted to contact my referees. Could I possibly hold out hope ? NO. My referees contacted me with positive vibes after speaking with the employer. Could I possibly hold out hope? NOThis morning the employer rang me to offer me the position. I accepted , I was in shock for many hours and found it hard to process. How much of my anxiety has actually taken over my life and sense of worth? People don't seem to understand what their actions and words can do to another person. Being kind seems to be such a hard action for some. I leave these people behind and will rebuild my self awareness. I have learnt so much during this time, its invaluable. Please never give up !!T

Belieber95 Anxiety
  • replies: 11

Hi was wondering if there are any techniques to help with anxiety I have used the 54321 and breathing exercises and the alphabet but my anxiety/panic attacks come back after a goodnight sleep

Hi was wondering if there are any techniques to help with anxiety I have used the 54321 and breathing exercises and the alphabet but my anxiety/panic attacks come back after a goodnight sleep

Buckley05 Health Anxiety
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Hi there, I heard Beyond Blue advertised on the radio today and I decided to go to their website and that has led me to joining the online community. Does anyone out there have health anxiety? I have had it for as long as I can remember and to be hon... View more

Hi there, I heard Beyond Blue advertised on the radio today and I decided to go to their website and that has led me to joining the online community. Does anyone out there have health anxiety? I have had it for as long as I can remember and to be honest in it's early days I managed it very well and even now feel that my case is mild as I have learned to manage it as best as I can myself but I am always interested in other peoples ways of coping and maybe I might be able to help someone out there with how I have taught myself to manage this. To be honest, in my case I don't stress over every illness or disease that there is. My main anxiety is with cancer, mainly breast cancer. I have no explanation why, it's just something that I stress over. I don't go to the doctor every 5 minutes and have set myself strict rules on checking myself and doubting myself all the time. I have done my own research and sourced some good information over the internet on management techniques and how you can overcome negative thoughts which have helped me but regulary I keep second guessing myself, like for eg. I only check my breasts one a month and then once I've checked them I doubt myself and say "maybe I've missed something". I do refrain myself from checking them again because one thing I have learned is if you repeat this checking behaviour it helps in the short term but then you doubt yourself again and so the cycle starts over. I asked my doctor to send me off the an ultrasound to make sure nothing is wrong and he knows that I struggle with the "girls" lol. Anyway, I believe that with anxiety especially OCD related anxiety and I think health anxiety falls into that category as it's repetitive behaviour it's very important to follow the techniques to help you manage and hopefully cure the anxiety. Although I have told my husband how I get and he is understanding, I tend to keep this subject to myself and when it kicks in try and follow my manage system. Although I don't think I will ever be rid of it totally, of late I have decided that instead of fighting it and always wanting to make these thoughts totally go away and all the time I would fail at that. Lately for me it's about management with my feelings and if you can get a good balance of that things will be ok. I will say that one thing that has stuck in my mind with my findings about health anxiety, "If you can accept uncertainty, your worries will go away, as soon as you fight uncertainty your worries will stay". Everybody has uncertainty in their life its the way we handle it which can make a difference.

Scott_O Does Anxiety give you burps?
  • replies: 5

I have found the longer my anxiety has been in my life the more it's affected my gut, I have had blood tests, urine tests and ultra sounds and seen a specialist nothing has ever been found to be abnormal, just wondering if anyone else goes through th... View more

I have found the longer my anxiety has been in my life the more it's affected my gut, I have had blood tests, urine tests and ultra sounds and seen a specialist nothing has ever been found to be abnormal, just wondering if anyone else goes through this it's almost like anxiety has given me some form of IBS. Thank you for reading hope to hear from others.