
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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Chris_B Forums etiquette: give support to receive support
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Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newb... View more

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newbies are welcomed when they first post, and we understand that it’s a big step to post for the first time on a forum like this, especially if you aren’t feeling great. It’s important to remember, though, that these forums are a community of real people, just like you, not a one-on-one support environment like going to see your psychologist. To get the best out of being here, one of the best tips we can offer is give support to receive support. Being a good community member means: participating in different threads (not just your own), replying to people who have taken the time to reply to you (even if it’s just to say thank you), and... posting words of emotional support and encouragement when you see others who are hurting and reaching out. You don’t have to feel obliged to solve the problems of others: that’s not what we’re here for. But you can offer empathy and what you’ve learned from your own life experiences, even if it’s just a line or two, eg. “I don't know what to say, but I want to give you my support and tell you I care about what is happening to you and hope life will get better soon.” Try to develop an interest in the journeys of others here on the forums. You may be surprised at how good being an active, caring member here can make you feel. For those of you who have had good experiences giving support here on the forums, please post in this thread here and let us know how it has helped you on your journey.

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spiralshapesun Putting My Needs First
  • replies: 3

does anyone else struggle to put their needs first? I’m always worried about how the other person will feel if i say no and worried of some terrible consequences. Even for something really simple. eg i’ve been under a lot of stress with work and I ha... View more

does anyone else struggle to put their needs first? I’m always worried about how the other person will feel if i say no and worried of some terrible consequences. Even for something really simple. eg i’ve been under a lot of stress with work and I had to take Wed off for my mental health due to not sleeping and panic attacks. I’m literally so burned out. I was supposed to focus on my own needs for the day and take it slow but i was worried about how my partner was working and probably didn’t want to clean or cook after work so instead of just relaxing and doing what i needed to do for myself, i spent most of the day just making myself more exhausted by cleaning everything. I never actually did the mindfulness and journaling i planned to do… this was all to avoid even any slight criticism from him or slight change in mood. When someone seems even slightly disappointed in something i have done, then i get a heavy scared and guilty feeling in my chest and start to feel like i’m the worst person ever and I always just assume I’m in the wrong even when i know the other person was being unreasonable about something… So yeah, I guess I’m just wondering if i’m the only one?

Zeeko Health Anxiety - Possible Neuropathy or just simple anxiety etc...
  • replies: 13

Hi all. For a month now I have been having tingling, occasional burning and muscle aches in my feet. I also feel my heart pulse in my foot if I put pressure on it for a while and even temporarily when there is no pressure at all. The symptoms feel li... View more

Hi all. For a month now I have been having tingling, occasional burning and muscle aches in my feet. I also feel my heart pulse in my foot if I put pressure on it for a while and even temporarily when there is no pressure at all. The symptoms feel like they get worse when I am wearing shoes. They also feel like they are worse when I am sitting down. I can recreate tingling in feet when I put my legs in certain positions (like hamstring stretches, sitting on the toilet seat). I have foolishly used Google to self-diagnose and I am now terrified on a daily basis that this can be small fibre peripheral neuropathy. To me it seems to match all the symptoms I have and I am constantly worried every day. Its disrupting my daily activities because its a life long condition that only gets worse over time. Now I will say that the tingling started on my left foot for a month (it then spread to my right foot) and ONLY after my doctor asked me whether I had tingling in my feet which I didnt at the time. So that seems to suggest anxiety right? But I just dont know. AIl the symptoms seem to match peripheral neuropathy!!! I am seeing a neurologist but i have to wait a month and the wait is driving me crazy. I dont know how I can live with that condition and the effect it would have on my family and my future. I cant stop thinking about it and I know things are worse the more anxious I am. I will say as well that I can still sleep. I dont get any pain that disrupts my sleep except for the anxiety which has been disrupting my sleep. But i know neuropathy starts off mild and gets worse... I am just trying to keep myself together until my appointment and needed to get this off my chest. Thank you for reading.

Bellanana What if I made myself mentally ill?
  • replies: 5

When I was younger, I used to always do research about mental health and decide which one I related to the most. Then I would spend hours or days reading about it and thinking about it. Consuming media about it. Making everything in my life about it.... View more

When I was younger, I used to always do research about mental health and decide which one I related to the most. Then I would spend hours or days reading about it and thinking about it. Consuming media about it. Making everything in my life about it. Than I'd get distracted with something else and forget about it. Then eventually go back to obsessing over mental illness and figuring out what's wrong with me. I feel like I manipulated myself into having mental illness because I was never like this when I was younger. If anything I was the opposite. What if I convinced myself I had depression when I was just a little sad and then over time it turned to depression? What if I made myself mentally ill without noticing? What if I did notice but I just can't admit it to myself? What if I just like being sick and will never be able to move on?

Mumoflots Health anxiety, fear, scared to take medication
  • replies: 10

Hi everyone I’m hoping I’m not alone but I could do with some advice & support. anxiety has been a problem on and off all my life but I always managed to pull myself together, now days I’m anxious, nervous all day and ride the waves of panic but it’s... View more

Hi everyone I’m hoping I’m not alone but I could do with some advice & support. anxiety has been a problem on and off all my life but I always managed to pull myself together, now days I’m anxious, nervous all day and ride the waves of panic but it’s getting harder to pull myself together with natural ways, I’m calling my doctor few times a week, had blood tests and ECG that all came back normal and my doctor is wanting me to take two different medictions, I’m just too scared, scared of all the what if’s, scared it will make me worse, I don’t drink, don’t do drugs I don’t like that “out of body” feeling. I’m always on edge waiting for something bad to happen, always thinking the worse (heart attack, stroke, Brain aneurysm, cancer) I have a good support around me but they are getting tired and abit frustrated with me. I have a canceller who I was seeing regularly for more depression and I’ve just made a appointment to speak with her now with the anxiety Sorry it’s long but I guess what I’m asking is anyone else have health anxiety but scared to take medication and nothing else seems to be helping? I’m feeling alone,lost and like this will never get better I’m losing hope and feeling crazy thank you.

kaityo1 Ruminating
  • replies: 1

Hey all, I’ve been experiencing excessive ruminating lately, this topic came completely out of no where and I haven’t been able to feel somewhat content since. Long story short, I’ve had anxiety, ocd and to top it off.. a stutter since childhood. Mos... View more

Hey all, I’ve been experiencing excessive ruminating lately, this topic came completely out of no where and I haven’t been able to feel somewhat content since. Long story short, I’ve had anxiety, ocd and to top it off.. a stutter since childhood. Most of my teenage and adult life I had no confidence, was very uncertain of myself and my interests.. and just feeling very blank. In the past few years I’ve developed confidence when it comes to my job/career and a great work ethic. However, now I can not stop obsessing over ‘wasted time’ and ‘wasted years’ spent not working the amount of hours I should have after finishing high school, to the point where it affects me and distresses me in the present. I think this has developed from a fear of being perceived as lazy and comparing myself to others. I’m convinced no one else has experienced this.I know I should leave the past behind, but it has become extremely difficult. Is this a common occurrence? Do many people with anxiety related disorders experience difficulty starting in the workforce? I feel so uncertain.

Oliver2023 Pregnancy and anxiety
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Hi All. Im currently happily married with my partner. She really wants kids and we have just found out we are pregnant. It’s been a difficult process for this eventuating for us as unfortunately I’m pedophobic (fear of children). It’s something I’ve ... View more

Hi All. Im currently happily married with my partner. She really wants kids and we have just found out we are pregnant. It’s been a difficult process for this eventuating for us as unfortunately I’m pedophobic (fear of children). It’s something I’ve had for as long as I can remember which I have comfortably managed up until this point. Originally my partner wanted three kids and honestly still does, but understands that this is something I most likely can not provide. Since we have found out my anxiety levels have gone through the roof. I’m a fit guy, train everyday, work full time and study full time. I’ve been finding myself physically sick from my levels of anxiety that I’m struggling to eat, protein shakes seem to be sustaining me at the moment. I hoping someone else has been through this very unique situation that can give some advice on methods to help me cope and improve the quality of life for my partner, future child, and myself.

Guest_6011 Feeling anxious all of the time
  • replies: 5

Hey people in anxiety forum Just feel like things are eating me up all of the time. Anxiety wise be it just worrying about how I am as a person, self doubt with the anxiety mixed in. Just not great, brilliant at all and yeah relying on certain things... View more

Hey people in anxiety forum Just feel like things are eating me up all of the time. Anxiety wise be it just worrying about how I am as a person, self doubt with the anxiety mixed in. Just not great, brilliant at all and yeah relying on certain things a lot. Whereas would've been more of an even balance trying to find other distractions for the anxiety, than my addictions trying to deal with. Anyway with a support worker here will try and cut it short, but unfortunately has hit me while they're here. This anxiety

Elephant86 To find the light of courage out of the darkness
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There are times in everyones life that we face difficulties in lif but it is how we rise through adversity that prove who we become and what wwe are destined to acheive in life? Everybodies story is different and special and know two journey are the ... View more

There are times in everyones life that we face difficulties in lif but it is how we rise through adversity that prove who we become and what wwe are destined to acheive in life? Everybodies story is different and special and know two journey are the same we are all different and that is what makes you special and beautiful in your own unique way. I would like to take you on my own journey of finding my true power and resilance. Having a disability is my true gift You must realise your strength inside that you have and have resilance. Having a challenge is never easy but it it how you define your challenge and what steps you take to face your dragon in a figurative sense of course just like in the goblet of fire when harry had to pic his dragon and he picked the horn tail. The dragon symbolises facing your fear and overcoming your disability with courage and resilance we all together as one community can face this disability dragons together and defeat it with the elder wand which eventually landed in harry's hands. You have the immeasurable power within you like the power in the elder wand to face your dragon like harry potter did. We all have the power within us to face our difficulties and stay powerful and strong. We all must have hope and a little faith in our hearts and minds and say positive self talk and create positive energy around us and focus on our selves so you can heal and recover from the fear we face together. You must give your self time to heal and look after yourself your health and wellbeing always come first. Ill give some examples: I love to meditate , cycle , read and cook You must find what makes you happy and at peace in your heart and every person is different. We are all not the same for a reason if we where all the same the world wouldn't be the beautiful place that it is. It is important to find your happy place or what is also known as your passion. Everybody has a different passion it might be cooking for your family at this wonderful christmas time. It might be building houses or furniture. It could be flighing an aeroplane. You could apply for a job and santa's work shop with the elves. You could maybe look after roudoff and shine his red nose. There are so many wonderful activities and social events you can get involed in. You just need to ask in your local community how you can help your community at christmas. I would like to wish everybody a wonderful and beautiful christmas with love and joy and not enough ginger bread and pie.

Caz2 Warning ⚠️ trigger. Health anxiety servere
  • replies: 2

Hi i been dealing with health anxiety very servere with physical body sensation which lead me to keep thinking stroke blood clots heart attacks.its like I have head and neck pain arms went heavy was still able to move around then the brain fog kicked... View more

Hi i been dealing with health anxiety very servere with physical body sensation which lead me to keep thinking stroke blood clots heart attacks.its like I have head and neck pain arms went heavy was still able to move around then the brain fog kicked in I started getting really shakey and scared oh here we go again .I've had blood tests CT scans ECG x-rays you name it I've had it.and when I seem to get results as everything is normal I think that it's not true or there's been a mistake....I been to the hospital this year 256 times for all the same things chest pain tingling pins needles and I think in my mind set I'm really going to have a str oke ....or something else is going on .......I just want to be me again. Because I had the brain fog coz I also have fibromyalgia and perimenopause and ibs and generalised anxiety.depression it's all so scary to me physical body sensation which I feel and then the trigger kicks in by then it's to late.can someone else related to this please

Albert_247 Why I'm feeling anxiety nowadays
  • replies: 9

I am 28 now and I'm still without direction for what jobs I want to do, I'm only thinking of trying retail and I'm not overly keen because so many people say it's a bad pathway, while with academics I'm not a study person but my only educational inte... View more

I am 28 now and I'm still without direction for what jobs I want to do, I'm only thinking of trying retail and I'm not overly keen because so many people say it's a bad pathway, while with academics I'm not a study person but my only educational interest is nutrition related, but it's not to say I'm one hundred percent to even want to try it even if ever, but at the same time being a dietician is more interesting then anything else from University, I just wouldn't see myself being the person to achieve it or do it as a job, so it's sort of silly to mention or make it seem like it's a considerable possibility because I mostly rule it out with me I feel so challenged because I don't have much cooking skills and I also have to one day live after my mothers gone and manage my diabetes and I don't want a life of eating quick and easy un healthy foods for many reasons, my doctor says I might be able to get un diagnosed with my diabetes because it's in such good remission so that's one break through I'm hoping I can relieve with my challenges I don't know how to find accommodations if I needed to know if ever, and I wouldn't want a future of rent quality in comparison to a mortgage, I definitely don't want to live with strangers, only family or a marriage type of situation would be what I'm wanting, I wouldn't know how to pay bills online, I was told paying bills at the post office is becoming a thing of the past unfortunately I always had my mother doing laundry and I've helped her on occasion but don't feel like I am at a level to just know what I'm doing alone with all the fabrics and colours and how to operate the washing machine and how much softener and detergent to use, but maybe Google can tell me this? maybe it's not that complex, I have a basic sense but still I wouldn't know how to deal with the bank people on the phone and figure out how to resolve anything like with cards or financials or even what to say either I don't have the highest self esteem with people that I find to be rude or bully, I worry I can't handle life's adversity and conflicts or that If I don't have my twin brother if I'll know how to resolve any issues on my own I also worry I will never make friends finding anyone I like but I also see a lot of friends superficial to come and go, So I'm more family minded, Worry I'd never have a girl that's attractive and with the right personality or someone that would be a long term suitable, also general insecurity with intimacy