
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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Chris_B Forums etiquette: give support to receive support
  • replies: 0

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newb... View more

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newbies are welcomed when they first post, and we understand that it’s a big step to post for the first time on a forum like this, especially if you aren’t feeling great. It’s important to remember, though, that these forums are a community of real people, just like you, not a one-on-one support environment like going to see your psychologist. To get the best out of being here, one of the best tips we can offer is give support to receive support. Being a good community member means: participating in different threads (not just your own), replying to people who have taken the time to reply to you (even if it’s just to say thank you), and... posting words of emotional support and encouragement when you see others who are hurting and reaching out. You don’t have to feel obliged to solve the problems of others: that’s not what we’re here for. But you can offer empathy and what you’ve learned from your own life experiences, even if it’s just a line or two, eg. “I don't know what to say, but I want to give you my support and tell you I care about what is happening to you and hope life will get better soon.” Try to develop an interest in the journeys of others here on the forums. You may be surprised at how good being an active, caring member here can make you feel. For those of you who have had good experiences giving support here on the forums, please post in this thread here and let us know how it has helped you on your journey.

All discussions

BALM Just exhausted, cranky, and feeling a failure
  • replies: 5

I posted a few years ago. Can't really recall what I wrote then...but my battle with anxiety and depression has been on for over a dozen years. It feels like every time I might take steps forward, something happens and knocks me back. I took up runni... View more

I posted a few years ago. Can't really recall what I wrote then...but my battle with anxiety and depression has been on for over a dozen years. It feels like every time I might take steps forward, something happens and knocks me back. I took up running before Christmas and was loving it...but after 4 weeks I developed a stress fracture in my ankle. Now have 6 weeks in a moon boot. Im so tired of life at times and then I get guilty because I fail as a father, husband, make mistakes at work...last night I even said something in a social setting that I knew was wrong as soon as I said it. I still feel embarrassed. But it's also because I'm so tired after the past year, like everyone dealing with covid and related stuff...feeling like you have to carry so much. And to be honest I don't care about mistakes, we all make them and we just apologise and make amends where needed...but I just wish that people around me would see through some of this and see that I am tired and I need care (even if it's 'tough love' to pull my head in on something). But I often just feel alone with my stewing and thoughts. I share them at times but except for my psych I don't feel like anyone gets them (and while he's a great psych and truly cares I am paying him $$ to do so!). I am now starting to fear that I'll eventually give up and kind of do life some ways I kind of want that, to escape my emotions and just say "stuff it" and not care. Not sure what I want. I guess I'd just like to feel like life has some structure to it. To feel as though I have some control. To believe that I am truly loved by family and friends.

To_much I’m lost
  • replies: 7

Hi this is all completely new to me but after stopping my bad habits and realising the state of my mental health I’m just lost I never really knew the affect of anxiety till it hit me like a truck I can’t leave the house I think the worlds against me... View more

Hi this is all completely new to me but after stopping my bad habits and realising the state of my mental health I’m just lost I never really knew the affect of anxiety till it hit me like a truck I can’t leave the house I think the worlds against me the odds arnt in my favour growing up I was always the talkative one I was always the one to talk to new people start conversations have a laugh like they say but these days I can’t even talk to my girl with out feeling like somethings not right I can’t hold a conversation longer than couple minutes I start getting light headed tunnel vision racing heart and I’ve accepted it but it’s taking a toll on my family I feel like I’m just a burden to everybody there is days I can’t get out of bed there are days I just cry for hours and hours just feeling like a complete LOST SOUL. everyday is like a new day I can’t remember the day before anything I don’t know what to do

Green grass I'm having Panic attacks again.
  • replies: 5

I am getting my self back to calmness to recover from the panic attacks I seem to get. They could be related to new medical appointments I'm having which brings up the past. It is 2021 I am here living my life now not living the past over again. Thes... View more

I am getting my self back to calmness to recover from the panic attacks I seem to get. They could be related to new medical appointments I'm having which brings up the past. It is 2021 I am here living my life now not living the past over again. These appointment will better my life experience and bring me more positive times and vibes.

Littlebluescent Sudden anxiety from intrusive thoughts
  • replies: 4

Hi, The last few days, I've suddenly found myself ridden with anxiety to the point I'm struggling to enjoy things I usually enjoy. The past year, I've found myself coping with the Pandemic pretty well considering. The other day I found myself spirali... View more

Hi, The last few days, I've suddenly found myself ridden with anxiety to the point I'm struggling to enjoy things I usually enjoy. The past year, I've found myself coping with the Pandemic pretty well considering. The other day I found myself spiraling into deep thoughts. I don't want to be specific because I don't want to trigger it. Whenever I go anywhere now, I find myself fearing or getting anxious that something bad is going to happen. I was sitting in a sauna today, and my mind went straight to 'what if someone locked the door and I couldn't get out'. This thought led to me leaving the sauna. The last time I felt this anxious was 2 years ago when my ex and I broke up. I think I just completely freaked myself out and I understand adding fuel to these thoughts give them power. Each morning, I've thought 'today is a new day' and then the thoughts pop up again and my head struggles to come back down to reality. Any support is much appreciated. Thank you.

Bluereader I'm worried and paranoid that I'll get fired
  • replies: 2

I work on a casual basis to support myself in my studies and I suffer from anxiety and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Increasingly, I've been having to call in sick due to flare-ups of my IBS and it's causing my anxiety into overdrive. My managers k... View more

I work on a casual basis to support myself in my studies and I suffer from anxiety and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Increasingly, I've been having to call in sick due to flare-ups of my IBS and it's causing my anxiety into overdrive. My managers know my health problems and are supportive but I'm scared that it won't be enough. I don't know what to do to calm myself down, I'm seeking treatment and support for my IBS but I keep getting a flare-up nearly every second week, I can't lose my job!

Canucky living with Hashimotos Disease and anxiety
  • replies: 6

Been diagnosed a year and now gradual anxiety. I would like to talk to anyone else with Hashimotos and how they cope with the anxiety it brings.

Been diagnosed a year and now gradual anxiety. I would like to talk to anyone else with Hashimotos and how they cope with the anxiety it brings.

Marms Help Suggestions
  • replies: 2

I'm in a foreign city getting specialised mental health help. Currently staying in a motel and travelling to hospital 3 days a week for treatment. I'm finding the solitude terrifying. Cyber talk or chat dont seem too work . Have called some help line... View more

I'm in a foreign city getting specialised mental health help. Currently staying in a motel and travelling to hospital 3 days a week for treatment. I'm finding the solitude terrifying. Cyber talk or chat dont seem too work . Have called some help lines. And Chat l have been getting out and walking but find that very daunting any suggestions welcome.

Curiosity18 How do you know if you have anxiety?
  • replies: 5

I think I'm experiencing symptoms of general anxiety. I wake up every morning with the feeling of butterfly's in my stomach for no particular reason. The feeling sticks with me all day. It affects my eating habits as well. I usually feel: * sweaty pa... View more

I think I'm experiencing symptoms of general anxiety. I wake up every morning with the feeling of butterfly's in my stomach for no particular reason. The feeling sticks with me all day. It affects my eating habits as well. I usually feel: * sweaty palms 24/7 * Constantly worried about someone's opinion about me * Nauseous (this can last months) * Afraid to go to work/socialise with friends. ( I freak out over the feeling of nausea and everytime I go out, i suddenly feel sick, therefore I try to avoid going out and I stay home) * I double check everything I do, even when I know I have what I need * Avoid eating out as I my waves of nausea return and it makes me feel overwhelmed.

anon143 Anxious about applying for transfer of housing
  • replies: 1

I have problematic neighbours & live in a unit separated by a brick “common wall”. The common wall is connected to the main bedroom so at night I hear mumbling of conversations without eavesdropping etc. Sometimes I can hear my neighbour have DV situ... View more

I have problematic neighbours & live in a unit separated by a brick “common wall”. The common wall is connected to the main bedroom so at night I hear mumbling of conversations without eavesdropping etc. Sometimes I can hear my neighbour have DV situations which I try not to involve myself but it got to a point where I had to intervene & call police. I’ve reported many times about the noises from that neighbour & housing seems to be understanding & make note of it. Our other neighbour is constantly partying outside their house, sometimes up to 4 times a week. I was frightened to call police previously as I am a new neighbour & I really don’t want to upset others having a good time but they play their music so loud I can hear it thumping through my walls but recently I had to call police to make another noise complaint. I’ve asked housing to consider transferring based off of the constant reminders of DV I experienced & the lack of respect from neighbours & their noises at odd hours throughout the night. It’s thrown both my son & myself off routine as we are consistently being waken in the night & with him starting daycare soon I know we will not be settled. As I’m writing this, my neighbour is again having another DV situation & screaming at the top of her lungs. Housing has made it seem that I won’t be approved because of the noise but suggested if I can provide gp reports about my mental health from my Counseller & gp it can be considered. Now I’m starting to get no good thoughts plague my mind & all I want is to live in a quiet house away from others who abuse alcohol & possibly drugs. I hate it here & ive only moved in back in October.

Chipppy High expectations and perfectionism in young person
  • replies: 3

Hi! ive always struggled with high expectations and perfectionism from a younger age, but when I entered high school it all got worse. I have breakdowns because I can’t answer a question, because I can’t remember something, even because I got a 95/10... View more

Hi! ive always struggled with high expectations and perfectionism from a younger age, but when I entered high school it all got worse. I have breakdowns because I can’t answer a question, because I can’t remember something, even because I got a 95/100 on a test. I feel like I’m going to/letting everyone down because I’m known as the “smart girl” and I don’t want to ruin that. I just want to be good enough. This issue has turned into me procrastinating a lot and that makes the situations worse. It has gotten a bit better over the span of one year, but I still feel a lot of guilt if I don’t do something right or if I’m not the best at something and it causes me to worry a lot. People at my school have also half-teased me for being the smart kid. They say things like “img I bet the smart kid” and “I thought you were mat to be smart how come you __ “ This has led to me breaking down in a history class because I was one point away from top of class and I felt really bad and started to worry. i always feel tense and I can’t relax. I also have a big fear of failure, that I think it’s turned into a sort of phobia. If anyone could give me any advice to help it would be highly appreciated. Thank you