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Anxious about applying for transfer of housing

Community Member
I have problematic neighbours & live in a unit separated by a brick “common wall”. The common wall is connected to the main bedroom so at night I hear mumbling of conversations without eavesdropping etc. Sometimes I can hear my neighbour have DV situations which I try not to involve myself but it got to a point where I had to intervene & call police. I’ve reported many times about the noises from that neighbour & housing seems to be understanding & make note of it. Our other neighbour is constantly partying outside their house, sometimes up to 4 times a week. I was frightened to call police previously as I am a new neighbour & I really don’t want to upset others having a good time but they play their music so loud I can hear it thumping through my walls but recently I had to call police to make another noise complaint. I’ve asked housing to consider transferring based off of the constant reminders of DV I experienced & the lack of respect from neighbours & their noises at odd hours throughout the night. It’s thrown both my son & myself off routine as we are consistently being waken in the night & with him starting daycare soon I know we will not be settled. As I’m writing this, my neighbour is again having another DV situation & screaming at the top of her lungs. Housing has made it seem that I won’t be approved because of the noise but suggested if I can provide gp reports about my mental health from my Counseller & gp it can be considered. Now I’m starting to get no good thoughts plague my mind & all I want is to live in a quiet house away from others who abuse alcohol & possibly drugs. I hate it here & ive only moved in back in October.
1 Reply 1

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Anon143, a warm welcome to the forums, and I know, not that I'm in the same position as you, but have known a chap who has lived in a housing complex for about 10 or more years and used to see him three times a week and has often spoken about exactly the same problem where tenants have been asked to quieten down or they will be evicted.

The police certainly won't identify you if you do ring them, because it could have been done by numerous other tenants in the housing complex, and whether a police report is sent to housing is highly likely, then something will be done.

When these flats were built there was no consideration of any insulation between one flat and to the one next door, I know this doesn't include people making any noise outside, but this would be in the rules before they move in.

The only concern is if housing does allow you to move, you're never sure what may happen at the next flat, I know the rent is cheaper than private rental but perhaps this is something to consider, where you'll be eligible for rent assistance.

Another option is when they're asleep, turn the radio up.

Where I live, housing always says there are no available flats, but where my friend lives there are always about 6 vacant flats.

Best wishes.
