
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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Chris_B Forums etiquette: give support to receive support
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Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newb... View more

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newbies are welcomed when they first post, and we understand that it’s a big step to post for the first time on a forum like this, especially if you aren’t feeling great. It’s important to remember, though, that these forums are a community of real people, just like you, not a one-on-one support environment like going to see your psychologist. To get the best out of being here, one of the best tips we can offer is give support to receive support. Being a good community member means: participating in different threads (not just your own), replying to people who have taken the time to reply to you (even if it’s just to say thank you), and... posting words of emotional support and encouragement when you see others who are hurting and reaching out. You don’t have to feel obliged to solve the problems of others: that’s not what we’re here for. But you can offer empathy and what you’ve learned from your own life experiences, even if it’s just a line or two, eg. “I don't know what to say, but I want to give you my support and tell you I care about what is happening to you and hope life will get better soon.” Try to develop an interest in the journeys of others here on the forums. You may be surprised at how good being an active, caring member here can make you feel. For those of you who have had good experiences giving support here on the forums, please post in this thread here and let us know how it has helped you on your journey.

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dwade3 Can't get over my trauma
  • replies: 1

Ive had struggles with depression and suicidal thoughts for years on and off, caused by strong feelings of loneliness and worthlessness. And as a result of that , Im also scared to meet people and interact , because I fear that I'm just going to keep... View more

Ive had struggles with depression and suicidal thoughts for years on and off, caused by strong feelings of loneliness and worthlessness. And as a result of that , Im also scared to meet people and interact , because I fear that I'm just going to keep feeling alone no matter who I meet. And because of that I just can't not be closed off and push everyone away. And as soon as I'm a little bit attached, I catastrophize whenever something is perfect

Merete First post: Lacking sense of meaning/purpose in life in Australia
  • replies: 2

Hi everyone, Greatly appreciate anyone reading this. It feels surreal writing my first post here, but I realised lately I really need professional help with my mental health which I struggled with on/off for the past years. I moved to Australia from ... View more

Hi everyone, Greatly appreciate anyone reading this. It feels surreal writing my first post here, but I realised lately I really need professional help with my mental health which I struggled with on/off for the past years. I moved to Australia from overseas just over 5 years ago. I am a citizen of another country and applying for permanent residence with my Australian husband soon. I lived in Australia previously when I was younger and always wanted to come and live here. I love living in Australia, but moving here has meant I have gone through some big life changes that have had a detrimental impact on my mental health, especially on my confidence, self-esteem and self-worth. I am by nature a very open and social person and come from a culture where it is culturally accepted to show vulnerability publicly, however I find this is different in Australia and struggle to feel accepted/understood by people here. I generally have good people around me to listen and support, but I do not want to overload them with my anxious and negative emotions which means I suppress my anxiety at times. My anxiety is caused from a variety of reasons but particularly from lacking a sense of deeper purpose/meaning in my life in Australia (I find my current job very mentally and socially isolating - I am in academia) and suffering from trust issues with my husband that are trigged because of past experiences in our relationship and in the difficult relationship I had at times with my dad growing up in my home country. I cannot support myself on my current wage which means I have had to rely on my husband financially for almost 3 years now. This has and continues to be challenging for me because I always financially supported myself prior to meeting him. We met just before the first Covid-19 lockdown in Australia and since we moved in together quickly because of this, it has meant I have grown emotionally co-dependent on him. We have moved around quite a bit as well we work in two different states which at times has made it hard for me to form long lasting friendships. Last year, we went through a traumatic work related experience together that really became the catalyst for my distrust in him. We have been in therapy together previously to address the issues outlined above, and while my anxiety has gotten better in the last 6 months, the catastrophising thoughts still dominate my external/internal perception. Thanks for reading and for your understanding.

SLB Social Anxiety
  • replies: 2

I’m really struggling with my social anxiety. My partner knows alllot of people, and it’s that time of the year where there’s allot of events on that we are to attend. And my anxiety is just through the roof. I can’t talk to anymore, I can’t make eye... View more

I’m really struggling with my social anxiety. My partner knows alllot of people, and it’s that time of the year where there’s allot of events on that we are to attend. And my anxiety is just through the roof. I can’t talk to anymore, I can’t make eye contact, I’m awkward, I choke on my words, and I’m so self aware of this, and I hate it! I feel weird and I don’t want to be known as that girlfriend who’s weird, awkward and can’t hold a conversation… I have no idea what I can do to get better at handling social interaction because it makes me so depressed

62442 My claustrophobia is getting to the point where I can't commute on Sydney Trains any longer
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Pretty much exactly as the title says. Whenever I hear there's multiple delays on the line and trains are backed up, I go into a cold panic. If I'm in between stations and we suddenly stop I can feel the panic attack starting. My partner was once stu... View more

Pretty much exactly as the title says. Whenever I hear there's multiple delays on the line and trains are backed up, I go into a cold panic. If I'm in between stations and we suddenly stop I can feel the panic attack starting. My partner was once stuck between stations for 45 minutes and the sheer thought makes me want to break down. I've just started a new job which requires me to commute to Town Hall during peak hour and every day it makes me feel exhausted when I get off the train both before and after work. I've tried the breathing techniques and every thing else, but am more self conscious about people around me thinking I'm being dramatic or weird. Incontinence anxiety also plays a big role seeing as I have a weak bladder and my ultimate fear is having an "accident" trapped on a peak hour train surrounded by people. How can I overcome this without medication? I feel like it's controlling my life and I've had enough.

Bes Severe paranoia and anxiety
  • replies: 4

Hi all, I'm quite new to this so forgive me if I'm not approaching it right but... I don't know what to do anymore. I have overly severe paranoia issues and its become that bad that its running my friendships and causing tension within my family.. I ... View more

Hi all, I'm quite new to this so forgive me if I'm not approaching it right but... I don't know what to do anymore. I have overly severe paranoia issues and its become that bad that its running my friendships and causing tension within my family.. I constantly believe negative thoughts with situations and can't seem to block them out. I find it hard to communicate with people face to face with my problems and have mild form of social anxiety. I want to join social groups around town but I'm too scared that people will judge me negatively so I just stay home and avoid people altogether.. I guess all I'd like to know is if anyone else is going through the same thing at the moment and how they're dealing with it? Would really appreciate some support.. Thank you. - Bes

Guest_32295891 Anxiety or Relationship Problems
  • replies: 3

So I have been with my partner for over a year and we have been living together for pretty well the whole time. We brought a house late last year and moved in. We both have a kid from previous relationships. We have my child (3) full time and his kid... View more

So I have been with my partner for over a year and we have been living together for pretty well the whole time. We brought a house late last year and moved in. We both have a kid from previous relationships. We have my child (3) full time and his kid every other weekend. We got a dog and from all accounts if anyone looked from the outside it’s a perfect life. I was so happy when I met him he made me feel so calm and relaxed and everything was jsut easy. It was my first healthy relationship and it was an adjustment. We have great communication and agree on a lot of the important life values and goals. When we were together for about 5 months or so I started to get anxious around him at certain times of the month. Like I wouldn’t want him kissing me or cuddling me as it made me feel sick. It didn’t last more than a few days at most then I was all good and it went back to normal. Fast forward I have had this every month almsot since then. A couple months ago I had an anxiety attack where it was extreme. It always makes me freak out around him and not be able to relax around him, and I am unable to give him any affection or intimacy of any kind when I feel like this. I ended up going to the doctors and got put on antidepressants and anti anxiety medication which sadly doesn’t seem to have helped if anything my anxiety is worse. It’s getting to the point where my partner isn’t even sure if I want to be with him because of the lack of intimacy I give him. I have been diagnosed with sever anxiety and depression but I am so scared I will destroy my relationship with him because of how I feel in these moments. When I am in these anxiety phases I wonder if maybe it’s my brain telling me I don’t want to be with him. But when I’m not anxious I am happy and love the life we are building together. Is this something others have experienced and what are some tips/tricks to get me through the bad patches or any suggestions of how to stop me imploding my relationship.

L0uise Processing feelings and overthinking
  • replies: 3

I find I go into a spiral and I struggle to get out of it. My thoughts go to the scariest scenarios sometimes and it makes me so scared of things to do with life and so fearful of what could happen. My mind goes a million miles and hour and i dont kn... View more

I find I go into a spiral and I struggle to get out of it. My thoughts go to the scariest scenarios sometimes and it makes me so scared of things to do with life and so fearful of what could happen. My mind goes a million miles and hour and i dont know how to calm it. My weight has shot up so quickly because I go quiet and numb and find it easier to shut off from the world then deal with talking about it. i also struggle to talk about it because i feel people will think its silly or im being to dramatic that i become fearful to share things. My fiance is amazing and does try hard to keep me talking but i feel so bad because i shut him out sometimes and become irritated and closed off. I do not have any self love for myself and when i look in the mirror i just see something gross. its such a horrible feeling. I get married in a few months and i just want to feel happy about myself. How do you all process this and how do you manage and deal with it?

Fullofthoughts Hypochondria is ruining my life
  • replies: 1

Im a 20 year old girl who has struggled with health anxiety for years. It all comes from growing up with a chronically ill sister who had frequent hospital/doctor visits and I nearly lost her, my dad had appendicitis in his 20s, and my mums side of t... View more

Im a 20 year old girl who has struggled with health anxiety for years. It all comes from growing up with a chronically ill sister who had frequent hospital/doctor visits and I nearly lost her, my dad had appendicitis in his 20s, and my mums side of the family has a history of vascular/cardiovascular and gut issues. My entire teen years was surrounded by medical stuff and it’s gotten so bad that its on my mind 24/7 and interrupting my university studies, my social life (which I don’t really have) and I constantly seek assurance from my family and they’ve grown fed up with me over the past years. the worst part of it all is that maybe all my worst fears will come true because even though I’m 20, I don’t even know how to look after myself. Even though I’ve improved my diet recently and have been doing morning stretches, I still feel worried. I try to meditate and focus on the present, but I’m worried. Im worried about my period/reproductive health but I don’t even track my cycles because a girl told me that she got cancer in her reproductive system while she was studying for university and she was completely unaware of it. I’m worried that all the crappy foods I ate before I turned 20 will bite me in the ass in the future, I read that people who eat crappy foods are more likely to develop illnesses in their digestive systems. I’m worried that all this stress and anxiety will make me live a shorter life because of its effects on blood vessels and the heart and I read that stressed people are more likely to get an illness/die early. Im worried about dying in my sleep. I’m worried about getting a serious illness. I’m worried about having an illness right now and it me not noticing it’s there and before I know it it’s too late. And don’t ask me to look up my symptoms- doing so has ruined my entire life and distorted my perception of my body and health. I’m now scared of what to eat, what to touch, what to do. I’m just terrified and afraid that I’ll end up sick and ill like my sister. This anxiety speeds up my perception of time and I’m scared of getting older and being st risk of more illnesses. I still live my parents and I’m scared of moving out because how will I know if something is wrong with me if my anxiety has distorted my view of my health so much and I get misdiagnosed? I’m just sick of all this fear. It’s ruining my life, my studies, my relationships, my perception of myself, my health.

Worriedmum Worried mum
  • replies: 2

My almost 16yo daughter is suffering anxiety. I have taken her to our GP who didn’t really address the anxiety even though after questions stated she scored high for anxiety, depression and stress.My daughter has admitted to having an eating disorder... View more

My almost 16yo daughter is suffering anxiety. I have taken her to our GP who didn’t really address the anxiety even though after questions stated she scored high for anxiety, depression and stress.My daughter has admitted to having an eating disorder(restrictive intake) and is seeing someone about this. Slowly making progress. I don’t know how to deal with this anxiety problem. I’ve tried to get her to focus on things she enjoys, focus on her breathing, control her thoughts etc but gets herself into a state where she thinks she’s going to suffer a medical emergency because she feels unwell when the anxiety strikes. I don’t know what to do to help her through this.. should I be seeking another medical opinion? Pushing for medication? I really don’t know

Ava Neighbour Deliberately Upsetting Me
  • replies: 5

Hi,This is my first post. I moved into my first ‘own’ home just over 2 years ago and our neighbours were really friendly we got along great but their dog barking was always an issue. It was getting really bad, waking us all up at 5am, barking all day... View more

Hi,This is my first post. I moved into my first ‘own’ home just over 2 years ago and our neighbours were really friendly we got along great but their dog barking was always an issue. It was getting really bad, waking us all up at 5am, barking all day for people who were home and some of us were having serious health issues and high anxiety. I sent him a message, a very polite and nice message saying he may not be aware that his dog barks when he’s not home but it is causing us stress when we are having health issues. He blocked me on messenger, closes his garage door when I am out the front and he has started using power tools nearly 7 days a week with his garage door open which is right next to my bedroom window. He starts as soon as he gets home from work and on weekends. He also plays music more often and louder. It seems he is trying to upset me. Now I am separated after FV and suffering severe depression and anxiety and think I have to sell my house because of him. I have had 2 DV marriages and I am afraid of him and afraid to go out the front of my own home. I don’t know what to do. I don’t want him to win over me but I don’t have anything in me to fight this.