
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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Chris_B Forums etiquette: give support to receive support
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Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newb... View more

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newbies are welcomed when they first post, and we understand that it’s a big step to post for the first time on a forum like this, especially if you aren’t feeling great. It’s important to remember, though, that these forums are a community of real people, just like you, not a one-on-one support environment like going to see your psychologist. To get the best out of being here, one of the best tips we can offer is give support to receive support. Being a good community member means: participating in different threads (not just your own), replying to people who have taken the time to reply to you (even if it’s just to say thank you), and... posting words of emotional support and encouragement when you see others who are hurting and reaching out. You don’t have to feel obliged to solve the problems of others: that’s not what we’re here for. But you can offer empathy and what you’ve learned from your own life experiences, even if it’s just a line or two, eg. “I don't know what to say, but I want to give you my support and tell you I care about what is happening to you and hope life will get better soon.” Try to develop an interest in the journeys of others here on the forums. You may be surprised at how good being an active, caring member here can make you feel. For those of you who have had good experiences giving support here on the forums, please post in this thread here and let us know how it has helped you on your journey.

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hawk127 depressed and anxious but don't feel like I can tell anyone about it
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I've felt like I've been on and off depressed and had social anxiety and just generalized anxiety (have been diagnosed and took antidepressants for a year) but it never really goes away. I can't really figure out what my problem is. I'm 22 and I thin... View more

I've felt like I've been on and off depressed and had social anxiety and just generalized anxiety (have been diagnosed and took antidepressants for a year) but it never really goes away. I can't really figure out what my problem is. I'm 22 and I think I felt like this since I was 15. I feel like there are so many reasons I could feel like this but whenever I try to talk to people about it I just feel guilty. Even when I spoke to a psychologist after one session they just said I was fine and didn't think I needed help after that. I feel like whenever I do want to talk about my feelings my family doesn't care and my friends or family both don't take it seriously, not even a psych. I don't know what I'm supposed to do. I always feel embarrassed about my emotions and afraid I will be invalidated when I have emotions that make other people uncomfortable. I even feel scared writing this post that I will be invalidated for writing this. I think this has a lot to do with my mother who used to basically invalidate everything I used to say, but my mother passed away 2 years ago and it's hard to talk to anyone about the issues we had since she's gone. It feels wrong about every discussing bad things that happened between us when I am supposed to be feeling upset that she is gone, instead of being selfish and still being upset about arguments/fallouts we had, etc, although I am obviously also upset she is gone. It has really affected me a lot. I also am just really bad at making friends in general, my family always teases me that I am socially inept and it feels like it is true. I never really had many friends in school and it feels like I don't have many now, except my boyfriend and one other friend I have had for a long time who I trust. The fact that I am kind of lonely has been really starting to bother me lately and I don't know what to do about it, I feel like I just don't connect to many people. I feel like if I had more of a support network I could deal with some of my issues and I would feel happier more but I just suck at that. I've tried starting new hobbies to meet people, but as I said I have difficulty connecting to people and it just doesn't really work. It feels like I have never quite fit in with a group of people properly.

Anne_Xiety Doc said to skip tetanus booster and now I’m freaking out
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Hi, Bit of a weird one but I’ll try to keep it brief. I received a cat bite at the weekend, which hasn’t become inflamed or infected. I went to my doctor and he said that it was fine and doesn’t need antibiotics. I was concerned about tetanus and tol... View more

Hi, Bit of a weird one but I’ll try to keep it brief. I received a cat bite at the weekend, which hasn’t become inflamed or infected. I went to my doctor and he said that it was fine and doesn’t need antibiotics. I was concerned about tetanus and told him I have my second Pfizer booked for the end of the week. He said since they don’t like you having two vaccines within a week, to skip the tetanus and get the Pfizer instead (then get a booster in a couple of weeks just to be safe). I trust my doctor but my health anxiety has spiked because of this. I feel like I’m being hyper vigilant to the point of imagining symptoms like jaw pain and stiffness (I can still open my mouth as normal, I don’t have a fever, no muscle aches or other associated symptoms). I’ve read several studies that say most tetanus boosters are unnecessary and that the WHO doesn’t recommend them. Many countries like the U.K. don’t issue them either provided you’ve had the full course as a child (I have). I don’t think I’ve had a booster since though. The doctor didn’t seem worried about it. I’m just wondering if anyone else can share any similar experiences or words of comfort. I have encountered “imagined” symptoms before (like chest pain) that seems to get worse the more you focus on it. Is this normal? Any tips for controlling it? I find when I am distracted things aren’t so bad, but I find it’s very easy go back into “check up” mode without realising. I honestly wish I could just go to sleep for 2 weeks and wake up vaccinated against both with no worries. Thanks for reading

Moonchild 11:11 Accepting anxiety for what it is, physical symptoms too
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Hi all, I’d love your tips/input on reframing thoughts. I’m currently suffering some pretty severe health anxiety and panic attacks and I fixate a lot on the physical symptoms, predominately the heart palpitations. The shooting pains, tingling lips n... View more

Hi all, I’d love your tips/input on reframing thoughts. I’m currently suffering some pretty severe health anxiety and panic attacks and I fixate a lot on the physical symptoms, predominately the heart palpitations. The shooting pains, tingling lips nose etc I can attribute to anxiety as I’ve experienced them before but the panic is new for me. I keep having what it thoughts that lead me to dr google that leads me to more anxiety and around we go. I’d love to hear your stories on how you stopped these compulsive behaviours and intrusive thoughts and came to a place of accepting that you have anxiety and not some horrible diagnosis that the drs are missing or not looking for. How does one break these habits? I’ve thought about restricting myself for a day and seeing if it makes a difference. I go between checking my pulse constantly, dr googling symptoms and then googling anxiety symptoms to try and reassure myself but I know it’s not helpful. My partner jokingly asked if she needed to confiscate my phone but I’m genuinely curious as to whether that may actually be beneficial… just to see if the symptoms subside however I am concerned that I will continue to focus on them and thus bring on that anxiety anyway anyway I went on a little tangent there, any helpful strategies would be much appreciated xx

Budgiebird Need advice over ‘religious’ support which is not helpful to me
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I suffer with severe anxiety and panic as well as several chronic health conditions. I live with my elderly mother. She is a kind, sweet woman but obsessed with religion. This is not an anti religion post. Although I no longer feel I have a faith I a... View more

I suffer with severe anxiety and panic as well as several chronic health conditions. I live with my elderly mother. She is a kind, sweet woman but obsessed with religion. This is not an anti religion post. Although I no longer feel I have a faith I absolutely respect anyone who does. My problem is when I get upset with anxiety or feel desperate over my chronic illnesses her response is always something like ‘You need to turn back to God’ or ‘ Do you know the next life is forever so maybe you need to talk to a priest’ . I know she believes this and she is not deliberately saying it to upset me but it makes me more anxious and stressed when her only words of ‘support’ relate back to religion. What can I do ?

Nervybella Work, anxiety… wanting advice please
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Hi all I feel like every time I post here it’s a work related issue for me. I’m starting to see a pattern… anyway, I started a new job around one month ago now. It’s in a brand new field so all new to me. The company is amazing, it’s a great culture ... View more

Hi all I feel like every time I post here it’s a work related issue for me. I’m starting to see a pattern… anyway, I started a new job around one month ago now. It’s in a brand new field so all new to me. The company is amazing, it’s a great culture with great people.. the only thing is I don’t know if the role itself is right for me I’m only touching on the tip of the iceberg with the role as I’m still new but already I feel out of my depth. I can see myself getting burnt out in the future as the job requires some big hours and a lot of work! I don’t know what to do as I feel like this is the perfect organisation and culture for me to work in, but the role itself perhaps isn’t I come home and my brain can’t switch off, I’m doubting myself and have lost my appetite due to the anxiety I’d love some advice as I’m just feeling very confused and my anxiety has been bad lately with thoughts running wild! best, Bella

Rainbowpolly Anxiety eating away at me
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Hi I have been suffering with alot of Panic Attacks, Anxiety, Insomnia alot in the last 2 years, but the last 4 weeks have exploded for me. I lost my best mate and yes he was a dog, I know some might not think this is important he had a 18 month batt... View more

Hi I have been suffering with alot of Panic Attacks, Anxiety, Insomnia alot in the last 2 years, but the last 4 weeks have exploded for me. I lost my best mate and yes he was a dog, I know some might not think this is important he had a 18 month battle with Cancer and just like humans I took care of him, it was very hard on me. Then I was told that my work hours will be reduced to 1/2 of what I used to do, I know others have lost alot more but this has meant I'm at home now with my thoughts alot more, I dont have an overly supportive partner and my kids are older and take care of themselves so Im not mummy to any babies. To compond my anxiety I have a friend who obsessively sends me alot of information on Covid Vaccines and the negitive affects it has aswell as alot of other Covid related video and media, this has now made me very anxious about getting the vaccine and the Panic Attacks are coming daily and sometimes 2 or 3 times, I don't sleep without the aid of over the counter medication as my Dr won't give me anything alse, I dont mind this, and I barely eat because of all this to add another level I fell walking, I do this to clear my head, and now im in a moonboot for 4 to 6 weeks, which means I cannot walk to zone out. I feel like its a hopeless and have lost all interest in everything I used to love cooking and took pride in my appearance and my home now I just don't care, I'm angry scared and so very confused and the panic attacks, lack of sleep, stress headaches and anixety it taking its toll on my friendships and relationships with most people around me.... Thank you for reading my ridiculously long post im so sorry it is so long....

George_K Protracted Panic Attack???
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I've never had a panic attack as far as I know, certainly never been diagnosed as suffering from them, but I'm wondering if I'm currently suffering one. I woke about 4:45am this morning and struggled to get back to sleep due to chest pressure. After ... View more

I've never had a panic attack as far as I know, certainly never been diagnosed as suffering from them, but I'm wondering if I'm currently suffering one. I woke about 4:45am this morning and struggled to get back to sleep due to chest pressure. After pacing round the house for a while then tossing and turning for a bit I did get a few more hours. This entire day however I've noted an uncomfortable degree of tension in both my chest - which periodically causes me to worry about a heart attack, and my head. My hands are a bit shaky, and after charging an old Fitbit, I'm thinking my heartrate is higher than normal, though not dangerously so, but that could just be general lack of fitness courtesy of CFS etc. The chest\head pressure waxes and wanes but isn't dissipating even though it's now headed for midnight. Am I likely self-diagnosing correctly? I live with CFS, was diagnosed with (some degree of) ADD as a kid, am a quintessential monotasker i.e. can't multitask to save my life or get a licence, and am on the mild side of the scale in the anxiety-depression-stress test. Panic attacks aren't something I'm familiar with. On the other hand I had to spend a couple of hours with family yesterday - no I don't hate my family or anything, but there was something like 3 conversations or activities going on at the same time, none of which I was really involved in or interested in, so I spent several hours dealing with\trying to ignore multiple things happening whilst attempting to read an e-book. Is it possible the social overload triggered a belated protracted panic attack, or am I simply grossly misreading the symptoms? Yes I've seen: but it's not as crystal clear or conclusive as I'd like. I'm hoping I can just drop off without issue tonight, and wake up feeling normal - normal for me at least, but as to whether that'll happen ... I already have a GP visit scheduled for just over a week away, and I'd really rather not bother the hospital staff if this is a trivial event or a one off incident, but I'm just not sure what I'm experiencing. Thoughts, suggestions, advice? (Especially from those who actually do know what a panic attack actually feels like)

99isthebest Been told I have sleep apnea. Anxiety about having to use a CPAP machine.
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Hi everyone, I Wanted to reach out and ask if anyone out there suffering health anxiety has ever experienced being diagnosed with sleep apnea as I am struggling to come to grips with my diagnosis. All of these started because I was constantly feeling... View more

Hi everyone, I Wanted to reach out and ask if anyone out there suffering health anxiety has ever experienced being diagnosed with sleep apnea as I am struggling to come to grips with my diagnosis. All of these started because I was constantly feeling tired but not so tired as I was falling asleep during work or driving etc. But tired enough that it was noticeable and even my friends and family commented. Your always tired. Of course being a health anxiety sufferer I came up with an abundance of reason why I could be feeling this way. Cancer, hiv etc. you name it I’ve thought it. Then I stayed at a friends place before his wedding as I was a groomsman. We were in the same bed as there was a few of us staying that night. He was adamant he noticed me stop breathing in my sleep and seemed alarmed by it. Of course this got me thinking and my grandfather suffers from this condition. So I took the test. Results from the sleep dr put me in the moderate category I am about 24 per hour on the rdi index. And he said any oxygen drops under 90% are cause for intervention. Mine dropped to 88% at the lowest and for 10% of the total sleep time. I feel super depressed about my cpap trial. Having to wear something to bed just irks me so much. I’m the type of person where a clicking fan, to much light or not the right temperature is enough to irritate me falling asleep let alone staying asleep. I realise I’m not the only one but I feel let down by my body. Being only 30 and skinny something just doesn’t feel right when I’m sitting in a waiting room with people all over the age of 50. I’m also super worried that the sleep dr ask for extra blood tests my gp has never tested for. Which makes me wonder if he thinks whatever I have is more then just sleep apnea. Does anyone know if blood tests are normal for this? Of course this leaves me with this dilemma of if I don’t want use the machine I hear all this terrible stuff about it shortening your life etc. what day will I drop dead.

Steves_87 RE:Anxiety,Depression,ADHD
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Hi all. I’ve been struggling for some time. I recently started zoom therapy sessions and discovered that I still have adhd which explains a lot of what I’ve been going through for years. I have to go see a psychiatrist to get prescribed dex or someth... View more

Hi all. I’ve been struggling for some time. I recently started zoom therapy sessions and discovered that I still have adhd which explains a lot of what I’ve been going through for years. I have to go see a psychiatrist to get prescribed dex or something to help with concentration. I’m so over having a mental illness it’s exhausting every day. I feel like I’m a burden to my amazing partner who has been my support network. I feel like my problems are exhausting to my partner she also suffers from a mental illness and is medicated. So a little background I separated from my ex wife April 2 years ago subsequently went through a horrible time started a relationship with this other girl which lasted 6 months she wasn’t the right person then in December 2019 I met my current partner we met online I had just decided to take a chance on finding my soul mate and there she was we lived in two seperate cities and it was fate that bought us together love at first site and subsequently we went on 2 dates and New Year’s Day last year became official moved in together in February everything has been a fairy tale. I struggled to find work during the early days of Covid and I did find work in September back in my industry of support work. Things had been going well until this year a lot of stress with the management and uncertainty in our site closure led to a lot of anxiety about being out of work again I then applied for jobs got hired the site closed one of the lovely clients requested for me to work privately with him as we had a good relationship. Currently I’m only working 3 days a week started work in the new place I also got hired at but it’s casual and I’m waiting for shifts which sucks because I’m not working as much as I’d like to I decided to undertake study to do my diploma of community services but as I have adhd I struggle with motivation concentration anger depression anxiety. I feel like I always want to sleep even though I’m not actually tired I could listen to music play video games do constructive things but I don’t I constantly feel like I have this brain fog. I know I’m very intelligent but I feel like my mental health will always hold me back. At 34 I haven’t really achieved much in my life left school at the end of year 10 and have struggled all my life trying to keep my head above water one thing I am good at is keeping a job and I guess I’ve gained confidence over the years. My partner has been wonderful to my confidence & continues to support me

Booklover17 Life is so hard right now
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Hi Haven’t posted in a while but really struggling. In lockdown, have anxiety, live alone, can’t participate in singles bubble and going through a divorce. Anytime I have a conversation with someone it’s always like “well talk to you later.” I just w... View more

Hi Haven’t posted in a while but really struggling. In lockdown, have anxiety, live alone, can’t participate in singles bubble and going through a divorce. Anytime I have a conversation with someone it’s always like “well talk to you later.” I just wish just one person would stop saying this and just talk to me for a bit longer. I fee so lonely right now. It’s not like I can tel my friends/ family how I am feeling - they don’t get it and have not checked in with me at all - they seem to be unaware or don’t want to ask how I am really doing. I just want someone to talk to me.