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Anxiety that is brought on when in crowded places or surrounded by people... Any advice to help with this?

Community Member

I have always felt uncomfortable around a lot of people. I have introverted personality and naturally avoid big social situations and enjoy being alone most of the time. I have always hated being in crowded public places such as shopping centres and supermarkets. Over the past few years this problem has started to get worse and is having a negative impact on my day to day life. I try my best to do my weekly grocery shop early in the morning when there are less people in the supermarket but that isn't always possible so when I am forced to go shopping when the store has a lot of people in it I panic, I feel like I am being suffocated by all the people around me and feel like I'm getting in everyone's way. Usually I have to move aside for a minute to calm down before I can continue my shopping. After I go through this I stay very moody for a long time afterwards and can be unpleasant to be around for my partner or family. This anxiety doesn't seem to cross too much into other aspects of my life. Does anyone have any tips to help me with this so i don't have nightmares about every public outing? Thanks

3 Replies 3

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi OT,  welcome the Beyond Blur forums.

You are not alone with your fear or discomfort of crowds. I think there are many readers here that feel the same.

When I worked shift work many years ago I'm shop at 1am. It was surreal. Over the speakers there was "security check idle 8" and I was the only one in the store....and I was a security guard lol.

.In answer to your direct problem my technique for combating it is avoidance. If however you are inadvertently stuck in a crowd, think realistically and avoid freaking out.  I have been stuck in a large crowd at Melbournes exhibition building with next to no progress and began to joke with others around me rather than show my true fears. It worked.

Hope many others reply here for ideas.

Tony WK

Community Member
I could have written this myself, its not very pleasant huh? like you said though best you can do it chose, the quite times. Focus on what your doing, is what helps me, know that nothing bad happened before right?. If it does get to much each week, do an online shop, one week, then a bricks mortar shop next.  The more you do it, does get a bit easier, I used to joke why don't they shut the supermarket down till I'm done! ...Be nice huh!

Hi Tony,

Thanks for sharing, I think mostly it's comforting to know I am the only person who experiences this. Thanks again 🙂
