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Anxiety & Relaxation

Community Member
Although I have read a large number of posts on this forum, I have always been nervous to post....until now.
For most of my life, I have had symptoms of anxiety, however I have always been too embarassed to admit there was something not right with me. Recently I have started seeing a Psychologist and have been told that I suffer from severe obsessive compulsive disorder, social phobia, general anxiety & an eating disorder. While I have started on a low dose of medication, I am still waiting to see a Psychiatrist to determine if I am taking the right medication.
Although I do a lot of walking, I want to start some form of Relaxation / Mindfulness classes or sessions - is there anyone in Adelaide who can make any recommendations on good places to go? Or if you have tried a good online / audio program - I would be willing to try this as well.
Any ideas with regards to relaxation would be greatly appreciated!.
3 Replies 3

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi inneed,  welcome to BB froums

While waiting for someone else with specific answers to your post I can tell you that with my general anxiety, along with medication, relaxation techniques have helped me rid my life of anxiety almost entirely.

Medication went for 12 years. Relaxation went for a further 13 years with still the occasional muscle tensioning techniques. This is where you start at your toes, then feet, thighs, buttocks, etc all the way to the head and face. you tension up each group of muscles for 15 seconds then release. After you've done this you tension up all of your bodies muscles then release.

The best time to do this is in bed prior to sleeping. Your heart rate will drop. If done fully and correctly you will do it regularly because it feel good. Make sure your area is quiet.

Apart from that a move to the country helps, Lessen the stresses of your life.

Take care.   Tony WK

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi inneedofadvice,

Welcome to the forums, and thanks for finally being courageous enough to post.

I like mindfulness more than meditation itself, but both are very helpful ways of managing anxiety and other mental health issues. Some of the suggestions I have are as follows:

Books - You are not your brain by Dr. Jeffrey M. Schwartz, The Happiness Trap by Russ Harris, The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Browne

Youtube - Tara Brach (she has a lot of clips on mindfulness and other, her voice is incredible to listen to), 8 minutes to calm, and Leaves on a Stream

Apps - Smiling Mind

I hope that you find something useful. You could also try some yoga whereby they usually do meditation to conclude the class.



Community Member

Thanks for your suggestions! I have been recommended to read The Happiness Trap by Russ Harris by a couple of people now - I will definitely give this & some of your other suggestions a go.

Thanks again.