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anxiety and low blood pressure?

Community Member
Found out a week ago I have low blood pressure. I also have anxiety. I don't exercise and im overweight so it's not because I'm a fantastic physical specimen of a human being. I'm wondering if anyone else has this or has heard of it? High blood pressure runs in my family so I've always figured that'd be my worry, hereditary plus anxiety usually leading to high blood pressure, but now I'm faced with the opposite!
2 Replies 2

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Dear Danger Mouse

Great to hear from you and welcome to Beyond Blue. Not being a doctor I cannot answer your question about low blood pressure. Yes I know about high blood pressure, especially when you are under stress of some kind. I would have thought like you, that high blood pressure would be the result of your anxiety.

Are you going to see your GP in the near future? It's best if you ask him/her about any correlation.

In the meantime are you receiving any help about your anxiety. Such a horrible place to be. I hope you have some assistance this.

Ah yes, the overweight and non-exercising syndrome. Been there, done that, got the body to prove it. This is a hard one to change. I was told that it took many years to look the way I do so why do I expect to change overnight. I think I find that the most devastating comment ever.

So what am I doing about my situation? I attended an exercise twice a week and was getting many of my physical issues under control and getting ready to lose weight. Unfortunately we had a new exercise physiologist who I felt was more interested in the easy way to run a class. Previous ex phys had individual programs for all us (4-5). This one thought we should all do the same despite our various abilities, or lack of them.

Then I became unwell which put the lid on the whole thing.  It's a shame really as I was doing really well. Just had surgery so not yet ready for major exercise but I am now working with a physiotherapist and will work back up to more exercise.

I find I need someone to have a thumb in my back. Walking is the simplest and cheapest exercise but I find it boring, especially on my own. I do enjoy the camaraderie of group exercise. Much more enjoyable.

Sorry I can't help with the low blood pressure.




Community Member

Hi there DM


Welcome to Beyond Blue and thank you for providing your post.


I’ve heard of it, but I would think your best option at this time would be see what your gp suggests?   I’m thinking here of course, that you have a good gp?   If not, then perhaps it might be a good idea to try for an alternative.


Kind regards

