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1st Vaccination Anxiety

Community Member
I'm getting my 1st Covid Vaccination today and its causing major anxiety, I'm actually not as worried about myself but I'm seriously having anxiety about my 17 year old daughter, I left the decision up to her if she wanted to take it as she is 6 months off 18 and figured it should be a decision she makes, and now I wish she had decided not to have it, recently the Dr put me on medication to help with the anxiety but these feelings Im having about my daughter are so overwhelming I can't stop worrying about her having it....please can someone offer something its 2 hours away and I'm so worried I will have a full blown panic attack in the Drs in front of my daughter which will cause her to then worry about having the vaccine and I will be back on the ride again going in a vicious circle, sorry if this makes no sense I'm all jumbled in my head at the moment.
14 Replies 14

Community Member

Hi Rainbowpolly

just remember that any side effects from the vaccine are incredibly rare and that you and your daughter will be protected from the much Much greater risk of covid.

you couldn’t be at a better place than your drs if you’re anxious, right? They know you and will I expect guide you through this.

take a book? Or headphones for you phone and listen to headspace or something like that?

you got this x

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Rainbow Polly, Thankyou for your post,

I understand your anxiety around this as some people have experienced side affects but everything will be okay.
I think its great you allowed her to make a decision by herself and I understand you worry about her as its a maternal thing.
Is there anything specific you are worried about or just worried in general?
I think you could have a conversation with your daughter about how you are feeling and why? and also speak with her about what lead to her decision to have the vaccine

Also have a conversation with a nurse or doctor about your concerns so you can feel more comfortable with the decision
if you want to talk this through with a Beyond Blue counsellor, we’re on 1300 22 4636 please call if you need

I hope this helps

Thank you for your reply

I am going ro my GP and she knows my mental health issues, shes the one referring me to and what I need and I know the possible side effects, I suppose I may just be worried mum, I'm going to try and stay positive for her sake....

Hi HappyHelper88

I suppose why I'm worried is that as a baby and toddler she had alot of allergies and I'm concerned that she could react because of that. I dont want to cause her any stress as she made the decision by reading information on it for herself, I have discussed the possible side effects with her however being young doesn't see an issue with any of it. I wish I was like that. I will ask Dr I tried to bring up previously however she took my question the wrong way, so I will talk to her before we get it done.

Thank you so much

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi there,

Anxiety and panic are not fun. Especially involving your children.

Just know that the vaccine is just as valid and researched as any other vaccine out there (e.g. flu shot, polio, meningococcal etc.). There is just a major moral panic at the moment around the COVID vax. It is well-researched and there are no adverse side effects reported (aside from some potential flu-like symptoms that will disappear after 24 hours). It will be OK.

Maybe consider seeing a psychologist.

Stay strong,


Thanks Jazz

We had our Vax at around 4 today and so far we haven't experienced any symptoms well except me I have tingling in my arm and raised heart rate which I am putting down to my anxiety, if it continues I will call someone but just trying to relax and bring down heart rate, watching TV with my daughter and keeping a check on myself....i already talk to a Psychologist and have a prescription medication for my anxiety so im just trying to use strategies to relax and hopefully get some sleep

Thank u

Hello Rainbowpolly,

How did you and your daughter go?

It's no surprise some people feel anxious about vaccinating as there is still so much unknown and the unknown rarely puts people at ease. Usually works quite the opposite.


I found dr Kruszelnicki's explanations fair, reasonable and spoken "in English" so easy to understand and make some sense out of them. Hopefully, this will keep some of your worries at bay?

Take care there.

Community Champion
Community Champion

That’s good to hear!

Mindfulness is always a good idea along with Breathing exercises.

glad you are feeling OK.


Community Member

Hey all,

After months of start to feel myself again, in the last few weeks I have started having panic attacks again, mainly again related to the Covid Vax long term side effects, I was doing so well and now I feel I'm heading down that rabbit hole again and are having panic attacks over what the vaccination will do to me and my kids long term, eg heart and health problems....I dont know if anyone else gets these overwhelming feeling of dread related to this or not but I sometimes feel so physically sick when it all pops into my head