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1st Vaccination Anxiety

Community Member
I'm getting my 1st Covid Vaccination today and its causing major anxiety, I'm actually not as worried about myself but I'm seriously having anxiety about my 17 year old daughter, I left the decision up to her if she wanted to take it as she is 6 months off 18 and figured it should be a decision she makes, and now I wish she had decided not to have it, recently the Dr put me on medication to help with the anxiety but these feelings Im having about my daughter are so overwhelming I can't stop worrying about her having it....please can someone offer something its 2 hours away and I'm so worried I will have a full blown panic attack in the Drs in front of my daughter which will cause her to then worry about having the vaccine and I will be back on the ride again going in a vicious circle, sorry if this makes no sense I'm all jumbled in my head at the moment.
14 Replies 14

Hi rainbowpolly,


Thanks for the update and sorry to hear that your panic attacks have started up again. It is perfectly natural to feel anxiety around vaccines and medication but when it starts interfering with your life that is a sign you might need to touch base with your psychologist again. I personally like to use relaxation exercises when I am experiencing panic attacks such as the ones found here: https://www.beyondblue.org.au/get-support/staying-well/relaxation-exercises . Also, although it doesn't discuss much about long term side effects there is a page on the beyond blue website that discusses anxiety around the covid vaccine and also offers evidence based sources where you can do your own research. Link here. Hope that helps! 💙



Community Member

Hi Rainbowpolly.  I'm sorry that you're having a tough time, but I understand. I was nervous before all 3 and all were okay.  I made a point to allow a day or two to relax and I found eating well before and after seemed to help. Having water will you does too.


I also think its great that you are giving your daughter the choice with the vaccine.  I think she would appreciate the trust to make the decision. I hope it goes well today for you. 

  1. Thanks for the reply Bob_22 appreciate it, I had an appointment with my Psychologist today so I feel a little better, I suppose the problem with me is I'm inquisitive and want to know everything and when I actually read what I thought I wanted to it plays in my head and causes the attacks... I just have to learn not to delve into the negatives of situations, I'm a work in progress 

No worries Rainbowpolly! That's what we're here for. Thanks for the update. Great to hear you had a catch up with your psychologist. It's a very understandable condition and something quite common, especially since covid and the fears around infection etc. Feel free to let us know how you go or if you need any tips controlling the anxiety. 😊💙

Hi Rainbowpolly,

So sorry to hear you have started to have panic attacks again. The given advice has been amazing, hope this has helped you. I hope you don't mind me asking: has anything changed in your life just before the panic attacks hit you again? Anything changed? Just wondering, if you could think of anything as maybe this would help you see the source and hopefully recognise the warning signs and change the trajectory before the panic attacks hit you with their full force.