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Should I report it as bullying?

Community Member

Hi I'm having this situation at work with one of the surpviors. They do not treat me like everyone else and humilates me in front of people. When i see them my blood boils. I get angry sometimes I'm called to go to work and I don't want to go because of them..

Should I report ?

I'm too scared

1 Reply 1

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Tanzania

Good on you for having the courage to post on this. Its very unpleasant when we feel this way at work. I have felt the same too!

Can I ask what they do to humiliate you? (The forums are a rock solid place for you to post) The reason I ask is so we can help support you better 🙂

To have co workers making you feel this awful needs the attention of a supervisor/manager

Yes its scary..absolutely...but you have the right to work in a position that doesnt involve any discomfort from anyone

Any extra detail would help....if that is okay with you of course

Please let us know when you feel like it
