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Life Can Be Problematic

Community Member

Hey everyone, long story short I'm 22 and trying to get my life together, I'm in the process of getting some voluntary work experience through a job agency, The problem is if my job is not local I'm going to have to rely on public transport which I have never really used and still trying to get comfortable with, Every time I raise the important of having my own car my dad doesn't want to talk about it. His theory is get a job than the car, Maybe that worked in the 70's but in 2018 it's the opposite.

I feel like im making no life progress as im still trying to get my licence, Feel like things are not moving along as they should, find myself at home alot and down wishing life were different,

Friends don't understand my issues and I have nobody to vent too so this is what brought me here to beyondblue

Can anyone relate to this...

Thanks for reading this, dont expect anyone to bother with replying but it would be nice aha 🙂 😞

6 Replies 6

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi baby steps,

Welcome to the forum. Well done for making your first post. This is a caring , friendly and supportive community.

That is good that you have applied for voluntary work. Is their frequent and reliable public transport from where you live? You can get apps that show when the next bus or train is coming and if they are running late. Once you know when the buses run you will fel more comfortable.

I think you are making steps to change tour life by doing volunteer work and by learning to drive. It must feel like you have so many plans and dreams but they are taking time. I think your name babaysteps is the way to go.

Feel free to post here whenever you want to.

Thanks again for sharing your story.


Thanks for relpying Quirky - To add to the story in all honesty my dad is the biggest issue in my life, He is selfish and only thinks about himself if he goes food shopping he doesnt buy food for the family its all his own goods. He avoids hearing about problems and worst of all he doesn't discuss any of them, he literally expects you to just take it and not question and accept everything and put on a normal face and to not feel down about things.

I feel like life is going in circles and this is the only place I can turn too, my cousin was on the scene for awhile but now he is harder to get a hold of, so its just me and my mum and brother dealing with these issues. I just hope things change but Its really hard to get life going when ur not sure which direction to take at times.

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni
hello BabySteps, please let me welcome you to the forum.

If this voluntary work means that you have to take public transport then you will need money to get there, even though the cost might be low.

In the 70's you needed a job to get a car, whereas today interest rates are so low it maybe affordable to buy a car yourself on a plan as long as you can pay the premium.

I can now understand why you have this problem but do you talk with your mother and brother who maybe able to help you, not only in getting your car but perhaps you and your brother can get a place to live in together.

You can get rent assistance and pool your money together to purchase a car.

Your friends maybe going their own ways, getting married, having babies and heading in another direction, so new friends will appear as you get a new job and living in another area and living somewhere else.

Can I suggest that you visit your doctor who you can talk to about initiating these issues. Geoff.

Thanks for replying baby steps.

I am sorry about your dad. has he always been like this?

Are you able to tell your mum how you feel?

Sometimes you have to just go with the flow and see what happens. It may sound like a cliche but I have found it helps at time to see what happens and not have too many expectations. Sure planning is a good idea but be flexible.

This is just my thoughts so you may disagree.


Community Member
Hi thanks for replying to me, Ive spoke with my mum and we all agree at times living with my dad can be hard, I am getting voluntary work soon and hopefully after awhile of doing that i can land some part time, once i get the payed employment i should be able to save and get something going.

Hi BabySteps, can you pool your money together with someone and if so can we please talk again. Geoff.