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Depressed boyfriend. Need support

Community Member

We've been together almost a year next month. We had this instant connection when we met, we both told eachother about our trust issues and he opened up and told me about the abuse he suffered until he was 18 by his dad.something he has never done before & hes never had a girlfriend, everything kind of unfolded quickly- it was great. We decided to move in together late last year so he left it all to me. As it was all done in a rush even i knew i jumped the gun on the place i chose. I guess it all started the moment we moved in, I could just tell he did not like it. He would come home and feel miserable because there was nothing closeby- we were big on going to cafes and on runs and his mates lived a far.

Despite this it didn' stop him from buying furniture or bringing home flowers. So I brushed it off. Fast forward to the start of the year and I said something he took wrong. I made the biggest mistake even though I didn' say it to intentionally hurt him it was just me being insecure about an issue and I didn' think it was something bad. Ever since, he started being more distant and told me he needed space and he was shutting down. I didn' realise how much I stuffed up and it affected me alot because I hurt somebody that I love so I was constantly upset.

I was so confused that something so small could ruin everything we had. He told me I broke his trust and that he wasn't the same. The only way he deals with this is by shutting every one out and keeping to himself. Whenever I would ask him if he still wanted to be together or how he felt all he would say is "I don't know".

The last 2 months have been hard as we both dont have anywhere else to go and are constantly home. We still talk and at times joke around, sex hasn' stopped but I know he isn't his happy self anymore. I left for a week but had to come back as I couldn't stay away from my home. He said he missed me but still wasn' sure.

Recently he admitted he doesn't not want to be with me but is finding it hard to overcome this and doesn't know how long or if he will ever be okay. I'm not willing to give up on him.

Ive Had a few breakdowns as I'm trying hard to be here and support him without letting this affect me cause hes not the same guy I fell in love him with- I just needed to vent and I see im not alone. How did you get the strength to not let it affect you infront of him? He has never spoken to anyone about his past but he needs to, how should I go about this??

1 Reply 1

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni
Hello Paperskies, can I welcome you to the site.

We are never sure what we have to say is going to hurt our spouse/partner, we may think nothing of it or feel as though we are being funny, but it's not taken the way we wanted it to be.

When one person becomes depressed they may want to leave the person they are living with, they do this because they have no answers to the questions you ask, and secondly don't want you to be involved.

To have any breakdown is absolutely a terrible experience, it locks you away, but it's when you need to get all the help you can, with a friend but certainly by seeing your doctor.

You have to look after yourself first of all, just as your b/friend needs to do, so please encourage him to seek professional help.

Can you click onto 'Get Support' and scroll down until you see 'Publications to download or order', maybe you could order them from BB, only because you can have them on the coffee table and browse through when you want to. Geoff.