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I am a crazy girlfriend

Community Member
Hi, I am 19 nearly 20. I have had depression for as long as I can think. I have not been diagnosed but my family, myself and my partner believe I have borderline personality disorder and anxiety as well. Every day I imagine that my partner is going to be killed while driving or just not wake up, anything really. All I think about is him dying, cheating on me, breaking up with me and every other thing that could go wrong. He is the most loyal, loving person I have ever met and I am so incredibly lucky. So why am I thinking like this? He accepted me even after all the disgusting slutty things I have done in the past. But all I do is freak out at him and make things tough. The other day a friend of ours said that he could never really love his girlfriend because she had slept with his friend in the past. This killed me... I have basically slept with everyone we both know and it makes me feel sick and want to die. He doesnt seem bothered because it is my past but I HATE it. I want to go back in time and change it all. I only did all those disgusting things because of my ex. I basically turned crazy after him. This probably doesnt make sense, this is my first post. I just need help. How can I stop being a crazy girlfriend? I can not lose him. Hes perfect and I will never find someone like him.
3 Replies 3

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Ginny,

Thanks for sharing, that took courage and it is respected and appreciated here. For starters, let's stop referring to ourself as "crazy girlfriend", ok? That is hardly a label that fits nor one you need right now.

Whatever it is you have done in your past that you may be ashamed of, as your friends say it is the past. It is what it is, and that is all. We can only do the best we can with the information and knowledge at hand, at the time. And therefore, you need to forgive yourself. You never had a choice in the matter, it is as if our emotional state can put us in a state of "auto pilot" and we just "do". However, now that you are aware of these feelings, there is a chance for you to control them, and not be controlled by them.

I definitely recommend you go and see a doctor and get a referral to a counselor or behavioural therapist. It is important to flesh out these feelings, these thoughts, and to get to the root of your pain. Then, and only then, can you go about healing and peeling off the layers of hurt; and finally re-calibrating your thoughts/feelings in order to develop a healthier set of thinking and feeling habits. This is quite necessary, and well worth it.

Please, speak to us here at YBB anytime. We'll help as much as we can. Call the YBB Helpline if you need to. And open up to those willing to help. YOu have an excellent support network around you, use it. It is time for you to heal, and to throw off the layers of hurt. You deserve this. All the best.


Community Member
Thank you so much for taking time out to respond to my post. This has helped so much, I will definitely book an appointment to be referred to someone. You have made my day. Thank you.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

We are here for you Ginny, please keep us in the loop and start focusing on you.
