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Depression- Should I see a doctor?

Community Member

My older brother (Who also suffers from depression- and is taking meds) thinks that I should see a doctor. We have planned to go to his doctor, so his doctor can help me with depression, and do a mental health plan (I think that's what its called, I don't remember)

But because he has work so much, and has been busy, he hasn't been able to take me to the doctor.

I have seen my school counselor, and I'm starting to see her at least once a week.

My mum doesn't want to take me to the doctor, and thinks I am being a hypochondriac. My mum didn't really care much about my brother taking meds for Depression, and she has never really listened to me when I have thought something is wrong with me.

I am a hypochondriac, I will admit that. But if mum at least took me to the doctor I would feel better.

I have struggled for years with depression...but my family always turn around and say "So what, everyone in this family suffer from depression, you're no different"

I want to get help, I want to see a doctor. I always feel so horrible everyday. Sometimes I just don't want to get out of bed. I don't want to be around people. I feel so worthless, and ugly. I hate it.

I cant help feeling horrible. I cant stop myself from thinking about horrible memories, or things that people have said to me.

My counselor said that I either have to get help, or just accept that I am meant to be a depressed person- she wants me to just ACCEPT I am depressed.

That's not something I want to do. I'm not going to accept it. I want help..

Should I see a doctor?

I'm 15 years old, I still need a parent or caregiver to take me to a doctor I'm pretty sure...But if my brother is busy, and my sister doesnt care, and my mum doesnt care either, what am I suppose to do?

Please give me suggestions...I need help. xxx

5 Replies 5

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello lil_lexi

Welcome to the forums and thankyou for having the strength to post!

I am sorry that you are stuck and have no one that can help. Having depression can be awful and a dark place to be in too. I have had depression for many years and I do understand your pain.

Well done to you for seeing your school counselor...That takes a lot of guts...you are a strong person.

I would see a GP asap. The earlier its its treated the better. Does your counselor know that you are having difficultly getting to see a doc? It is crucial at this stage to see a GP...

You brother having depression would be aware that you should see a GP. Can he take you on the weekend?

I hope he (or your mum) can make the effort and help you. Beyond Blue also have really kind people that can give you help on the support line 24/7....1300 22 4636......

It would be great if you could let us know how you go

My kind thoughts for you


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Lil Lexi and welcome to the BB forums.

You have the right attitude and doing the right thing by reaching out. Kudos to you !

Sorry you are not finding much support from your Mum. Few people understand what depression is really about. They end us saying/doing unhelpful things. Out of ignorance, many perceive it as weakness of character or some personality flaw. Nothing could be further from the truth. Depression is an illness. Like diabetes or hormonal imbalance- for example- it must be seen to. With the right help and support, it can be managed.

So yes, you should see a GP who can put you on a health plan and refer you to a therapist (on a health plan, you are entitled to 10 free visits to start with). Sometimes, seeing a specialist works way better than just taking medication. A good doctor will be able to point you in the right direction.

Meanwhile, you can choose to continue to post here. It is a safe place to vent your feelings and connect with people who understand and support you. You are very brave for sharing your story and feelings. There's no need to go it alone.

We're here for you.

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Dear Lil

Hello and welcome. You can go to the doctor on your own, but the doctor will need to be satisfied you understand any treatment prescribed. Here is a web site on this subject. It talks about Qld law but at the top of the page you can click to find your state see the information for that state. http://www.lawstuff.org.au/qld_law/topics/medical

Depression is a hard illness to live with. You need treatment and support. Ask your brother to make time to take you to the doctor as you are feeling really unwell. I also suggest you contact the Kids Helpline. www.kidshelpline.com.au You can talk to someone 24/7 on 1800 55 1800 Another help organisation is Headspace. the web address is www.headspace.org.au This is the National Youth Mental Health Foundation and you can phone them 24/7 on 1800 650 890

You can talk here as much as you want. It is a safe web site.


Community Member

Hi lil_lexi. For your counsellor to brush you aside like that must have been devastating. Is there a relative or close friend you trust could accompany you to a Dr? It sounds as though nobody's listening to you and that's sad. Mary's suggestion of headspace or kids helpline is good, they're there for kids. To be told you're a hypochondriac is almost laughing at your fears. If you could see a Dr, explain your counsellor wasn't able to help you, would be beneficial for your peace of mind. Your mum obviously doesn't know how to help you, as Paul said ignorance and possibly fear could be part of her problem. Ignorance is brought on by lack of knowledge. Perhaps once your mum understands a bit more about depression, she may be more willing to support you. There is some info available on the forums which explains more about depression. It's at the bottom of the page and it does explain some of the problems surrounding depression, what to look for, questions to ask the sufferer etc. Perhaps if you could download this info, it might help your mum understand.


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi lil_lexi

just thought I'd pop back in and see how you are feeling...I see that their is some excellent advice above from some very special people 🙂

You are more than welcome to post back as many times as you wish.......when you are up to it of course

Kind thoughts for you
